Boyfriend lieing to me about porn

So, here's the thing. I saw my boyfriend's search history. He watches porn. A lot of it. When I confronted him he said "No, its not that satisfying I don't watch it."

I asked him again later that day, looked him dead in the eye - he told me he didn't. I asked him when the last time he watched porn was, he said before we started dating (over a year ago).

Why? What is the point of lying to me I don't understand. It's a silly lie but now it makes me distrust him if he can blatantly lie to my face..

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Because you are supposed to. If anyone asks a guy is supposed to say they do not watch porn and do not masturbate but we all do.

Tell him you saw his post history.
If he makes up a stupid excuse like he was hacked or something. You need to dump him. It would be clear that he thinks you're stupid

If he's watching porn, he's probably unsatisfied...

I can't even imagine having a successful relationship with no capacity to lie. Girls need to be lied to, men too but a bit less since you get that "suck it up" shit all your life. My GF would be mentally devastated if I told her that while most of her art is really good sometimes a piece just comes out terribly. Or imagine literally being honest about the fact that she's not the most attractive girl in the room and I like her for her personality and our shared values. Wew.

Now you might argue these are "good" reasons to lie but they still require being a convincing liar to make the relationship work.

Long term relationships succeed by turning a blind eye to little things. Having a wank to porn is definitely a little thing, unless he's paying money to access websites or spending a lot of time at adult bookstores. Just tell him you don't care as long as he's not into really weird shit, and remind him he's got the real thing in you when he wants it. Masturbation is nothing to a guy, it's like scratching an itch, or rubbing your eyes when you wake up. It's something he's been doing every day since he was around 10-12. It's not emotional, it's just something guys do, and no guy is actually going to stop. Porn is just an accessory to wanking to most men who look at it. He lies because he thinks you'll freak out and doesn't want to have to listen to it.

Walk in on him jacking off and then strip down and jump on him.

Some women freak out if their bf watches porn
He's just trying to prevent that.

guys watch porn and fap a ton. it's just what we do.

How old are you, OP? Not old, as you can't spell lying correctly.

Some men watch porn. Others don't. I personally don't because porn brain is a real bitch. It's a slippery slope that I've tumbled down before in my early 20's.

Also, in a relationship now so don't see the point. My woman is all the woman I care to see. Albeit, she's gorgeous.

As long as its not fucked up shit, who cares. Most people look at porn, including me. I'll bet, you too.

Sorry, forgot about the lying bit. Maybe because he knows it would upset you and he can't be fucked having a fight with you about it.

Also, stop spying on your partner.

Or keep doing it, whatever.

>search history
Why doesn't he use porn mode on the browser?
I think he is stupid and you should dump him.

>does this dress make me look fat?

>"porn mode"
The fuck for? It's my computer in my house.

Different question : how the fuck did you see his search history? If you share a computer and he didn't hide it, that's one thing. If you rummaged through his stuff on his personal computer then id say you shouldn't be the one to distrust your partner here.

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Because you were obviously going to do a very big deal about it, so he choose the deny at any cost route

Vast majority of man do masturbate. Almost all man who do it will deny it.

Man have much higher sex drive than woman do so when woman dont want sex they help themselves out. And unless you do anal it probably even feel better for hes dick anyway.

We all watch porn and we're all ashamed of it. No is a typical response

>We're all ashamed of it

But I'm not, user

Youre either female or a liar. Or even worse a conservative Drumpfer bible humper!

Every guy watch a lot porn. Any girl that doesn’t like it isn’t worth it.
Not sure why he is lying, sounds like an insecure beta

Fuck him more you cunt.

>Any girl that doesn’t like it isn’t worth it.
Thats just retarded.

Fuck him more and find out what hes fetishes are. That time hes jacking off you could spend together exploring your sexuality.

Could it be that he hasn't cleared the search history for a while?
I haven't looked at porn for 8 months now and I still have pornhub in my search history.

If you want to be sneaky, clear the history and see if it comes back.

Also, if it does come back, learn to satisfy your man.