New gf. Thoughts?

New gf. Thoughts?
Instagram taylorm688
Twitter taylorm688

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Well she is pretty

Bad advice topic though

Why does her face and cheekbones look like that?

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Got any nudes?

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Ugly face, but an excellent pair of tits. Chubby girls are the best to fuck.

I wouldn't date her but she'd be a great fuckbuddy. Considering you're here on Jow Forums you've done pretty good.

Post response

No response, but I know she read the message cause she sent a friend request. Pretty sure OP is the girl lol. Hi OP, lemme suck your titties. :)

-100/10 taylor is a hoe
thank u, next

Boy, that profile has a lot of selfies..

saw ur twitter and alcoholism isnt a personality trait whale

A 6/10 at max. Typical chubby girl that hides it with billowy shirts, lots of makeup, and myspace angles.

she looks like she smell like pennies

hello, she looks slightly decent gal but you can tell she doesn’t really think for herself and she follows what ever is the hottest trend. Bangs isn’t your strongest suit but compared how you used to look it’s an improvement. Also, as another user said she attempts at covering herself up with billowy shirt, poor pictures, a face full of makeup, to get wasted and secretly cheat on you. This person show signs of immaturity and doesn’t seem like she’s ready to be in a relationship just based off of her postings and I used to date a girl just like her for 2 years and those were the worst 2 years of my 26 years of living so, long story short I would advise you to get out of this relationship while you still can! It doesn’t look like it will have a good out come, friend! Good Luck!

Fat and ugly, 3/10


she probably does this when its time for doggy style

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This is the best new meme
Tinder Chad better be on the pitch next week

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I thought she was at least in her late twenties but she is turning twenty one this year. She is not going to age well.

almost all of girl pictures are pictures of herself taking a selfie in bathrooms and/or bedroom


She look like she's a substitute teacher who thinks she's like chill and cool because she follows big trends but she wouldn't be able to control the class and she's just end up flirting with all the guys as they stare at her saggy ass, looks like you've had 5 kids and are going on like 40 tiddies

She looks 30 but she's like 20???

Someone needs to put a bag over her face

She looks like the type of female who’ll have sex with anyone who gives her the slightest bit of attention and gets her drunk


Mentally ill

I see why she primarily takes selfies she almost as big as snorlax

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Do people actually post profiles of people they know IRL especially people close to them?

If this is really your gf OP, you're retarded. You aren't gonna last a week.