What can I do about my big ass nose

What can I do about my big ass nose

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Also, how do you get rid of the minefield on it

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Nothing, hope you become really rich so you can get surgery or purchase trophy wife. Or work out all the time and get jacked so women dont care.

Don't worry user, I feel your pain. I too have a monstrosity of a nose except instead of have a nigger nose lol you I have a Jew nose.

Live with it you pussy.

It's ugly and I think that's the one thing that's really wrong with my face.
I think jew nose is better than this

No is your personality, just br yourself and you will get a gf

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What's the map of Libya have to do with it? I'm no jew or African.

Also I don't think I ever mentioned tfw no gf so I don't really understand the point you're trying to make.

Don't listem to him, he is the clown of this board, just disregard his replies or even better, filter him.

Saw him on /soc/ just now, looks like he's larping as that Brandon guy in a rate thread. Someone pointed out it was him.

Jow Forums looks like it's going to be mutt central. Future of America looking bright. This is L lawliet

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That's not Lawliet, that's the guy he's larping as,
Pic related is Lawliet
He used to post selfies instead of edgy anime pictures until people started mocking him and telling him he looks like Ted Cruz

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He looks like ted cruz. No fucking wonder.

Yesterday he faked the death of the guy in your picture and posted on every board about his death to get attention.
Truly a fucking dumb retard.

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Almost uncanny how similiar they look.

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I posted that pic for fun
You do want a gf, dont lie lol
Stop lol, please
The fuck are you talking?

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Why are you still trying to negate it?

You are obsessed with me lol, sorry i am not gay like i already told you

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Do you not realize that archives exist? We literally know everything you've ever said.

You got a trip code, we can literally search it. On every board.

You just ignored what i told you

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And you just ignored what I said

>I didn't murder that guy
>We have recordings that show you did it
>But I just told you I didn't murder him

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Go fuck yourself

Can we get back to the top of my nose please

Yeah sorry. About the size, only surgery can help.
About the blackheads, you should use strips for black spots at least twice a week. They sell them in any drugstore.

Well fuck, here's a picture not so close.

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It's not that terrible actually, it fits your face.
Do the strip thing and it could also help if you plucked your eyebrows a little bit, just to give them form, only the extra hair below them and in the middle.

I've never plucked my eyebrows. Guess I'll try that hoping not to fuck up.
Also how do I fix my eyes? I look like I haven't slept in 15 days

Sleep more. Stop smoking weed if you do.
Look up Mewing on google, that could help too.

DONT USE STRIPS. they will just make it worse in the long run. consider oil cleansing.

The cookie cutter look of a 4chaner. OP you are fucked

I don't smoke.
How will it make it worse?
Honestly I just wanted to highlight the nose, here's a more normal picture still don't know how to take selfies though.

kek holy shit if you do no with your head while having dinner you'll clear the table

Why would that be a good thing, it's practical. thank you!


Does it really look like that in the mirror? When I go so close and use the selfie cam on my phone, it really distorts my face

they will just enlarge the look of your pores.

It looks smaller, I really took a bad picture to be honest, check this one out it's a bit better. Not much but a bit

Also checked

You're honestly cute user. This isn't to just easen insecurity you seriously are. You're gonna make it. "Perfect" faces are actually boring and feel cold, the nose is an interesting feature.
To eyebrow plucking: Dont do too much obviously, just a bit left and right and inbetween keeping track of not getting over the lines in pic related. And some of the stray hairs below the brow that got a bit too far away, you don't want to change too much.
And more important: use peeling everyday when you wash your face. Maybe experiment around with sugar scrubs and stuff like that and trying to squeeze them out with your fingernails too.

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dont listen to this user. dont squeeze them or use scrubs. it will just cause micro tearing and fuck you up in the long run.

Thank you for the compliments.
That picture looks really helpful.

Not sure about the squeezing thing, I agree with the other user, I've also heard that it's not good.

Squeezing is never a good idea when we are talking about the skin face. Just look for a good exfoliating substance for you, you can escalate it and take a dermatologist appointment to know your appropiate kind. If you are a poorfag, you can always exfoliate with house products like sugar, honey and lemon juice.

I read somewhere to just scratch it off. So that's no good right?

No, it's not. There are new, specialized machines to scrap it, but this are made by professionals and require technique. If you try to do it on your own, it will only get worst.
Exfoliate or go to a dermatologist to get it done by a pro.

Alright user thank you for helping me and my ugly big nose.

I have very long nose I feel you bruh

Lmao, you're me 5 years ago!!! Get an exfoliator and skin toner. And no skin care is not for girls and fags.

I live in eastern Europe, our noses aren't that wide, they are usually just long.
It is not the worst one I've seen, but if you want to "fix" it, get rich and do an operation.
As for the minefield, there are creams that can rip en out when they dry on your face.

I'd prefer long over this user
I'm in the process of defusing the minefield. The team has been dispatched

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maybe do something about that horrible haircut instead, you look like the ultimate beta male

I've actually just exfoliated and it feels smoother, a bit. Maybe just placebo.

Hasn't been washed in 2 days and I just woke up when the picture was taken.

That will fix itself by 25

are you brazilian?

surgery or stop worrying about it. I’d probably try to stop worrying about it.

I think that’s just how it is. It’s not because of acne. Someone told me people with German ancestry have that, but I don’t know if that’s true.

I'm neither Brazilian nor German I don't know why people both here and on soc keep asking where I'm from.

It's not how much I worry it's how ugly it is to other people.
But I don't want a surgery.

The size and the cratery things are not ideal, but you’re not ugly.

I seriously messed up with the picture, google a bit about lenses and figured out the whole fish lens thing.
I think this picture represents it a bit better.

It’s still kinda big, but I wouldn’t worry about it. For me, it doesn’t throw off the balance of your face or anything.


Yeah I understand it's still gigantic that's why I made the thread.
Good to know, another guy somewhere said that it doesn't look to unnatural so that's cool.

I posted 12 hours ago not my fault it's still up

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Fuck off animefag. Don't post this shit, period. There's an entire board literally made for this, called /soc/. You are a newfag so I'll tell you that /soc/ was specifically made because people were flooding Jow Forums with stupid threads like this that aren't about advice no matter how much you deny it. Go to /soc/. Sage.

>on an forum that started of as an anime forum
I mean if you don't like it don't reply? It's called advice and I'm looking for advice. Soc is for socializing, I'm looking for advice.

Forget your nose, your lack of soul and hope is apparent all over your face.

The two things are a product of one another user.

You’re an above average guy desu. Just don’t worry about it.

Thank you user!

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Seconding this, I fell for this meme and now my skin is just irritated and even worse.
It's a temporary solution, it will make it look better right then but inn the long run it's not good and makes it way worse.
I fell for it so you don't have to.

it's not acne. it's literally skin pigment. if you try to remove it, it will ruin your skin even more and you'll get real breakouts. shit like biore pore strips are horrible for your skin, it's just marketing to create a problem where there is none. t. girl who knows a lot about skin care

DO NOT USE THE STRIPS, THEY ARE TERRIBLE FOR YOUR SKIN. the people in this thread have no idea what they are talking about

SUGAR AND HONEY ARE TERRIBLE FOR YOUR SKIN, IT MAKES YOUR SKIN WORSE. please do not give skincare advice. DO NOT squeeze pores or pimples, and do NOT use exfoliating scrubs on the face.

Nah man its fine by my standards. I got a long schnauzer akin to yours but a little bent because of multiple dozens of breaks and stuff makes me not notice it broken until usual its too late to align. I'm just too used to that feeling to explicitly notice I suppose. But when it gets bent and is already big, that's when a big nose looks real bad. It doesn't seem to be much of a deal but people do notice everything negative if its bent enough. Incidentally if you ever break your nose get a brace for so it never becomes a big bad nose - plus it really fucking annoying when its like that. I'm getting a brace next time I break my nose if I hopefully fucking notice this between 40-50th time rofl

The pits are hard to get rid of sometimes even with regular washing. Make sure it's clean and people will forgive ya for the pits if they even notice them at all. I notice some people never get rid of them on the nose - even some the exceedingly cleanly people that always have been such.

Get a surgery or go watch YouTube videos about (nose contour)

Seconding this, this first guy is giving terrible advice, never strips.
They ruin you in the long run.

Don't worry dude. I was always insecure about my nose (it looks like the Jew cartoons on Jow Forums), until I found a cute girl who told me she finds it really masculine and attractive. I've always felt bad about my nose but except my friends making Jew jokes nobody seems to give a fuck.
Having a big nose isn't that bad.

Yeah seems like everyone is saying that, I'll take the your guys' word for it.

Look dude, you can GO FUCK YOURSELF.
It was already stated that strips are bad. Sugar with honey is a decent solution for poorfags and I don't know what are you talking about. Post prof. Stop refraining people from doing a good thing for them.

Use a different lens

He posted another picture The one in the op is completely fucked up.

NO, even sugar and honey are extremely bad. Why would you ever put something like than on your face if you have problems like OP. I stand behind that firmly.

Hi OP. Im a girl and I think your nose is perfect. I always seem to get crushes on guys who have that nose shape. I have a similar nose except a little smaller. You also have nice full lips.
As for skin, use gel. purifying gel clensers and hydrating gel masks. clay masks too if your skin is sensitive.

I bought some stuff and some creams and will go to a dermatologist soon. Also bought some Micellar cleansing water the girl working at the shop recommended.

Thank you for the compliments, means a lot from a girl

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