Should I be an organ donor? I am currently an organ donor but am thinking of changing it. I am going to die soon and as it stands a bunch of strangers are going to get all my organs. If I am going to die why should someone else steal my body parts? What if it goes to some asshole that I would never want to have my organs?
Should I be an organ donor? I am currently an organ donor but am thinking of changing it...
The doctor has to save the asshole
You have to save the asshole
In a first world country the taxpayers pay to save the asshole
Its too tricky to vet people so its all or nothing unfortunately. Its up to you if the chance of saving a good person is worth the risk of saving a cunt.
is this a serious post
>why should someone else steal my body parts?
You are telling doctors that it is okay to take it when you don't need it.
It is not theft if you want them to take it.
As for it being good or bad people on the list, you can't control that and it is not your duty to control that. This is either a gift or it isn't. You can't leave a will saying that you want X or Y from the recipicant in exchange for saving their life.
I'm not. This society doesn't want me, never has. Fuck me if I'm going to help it in any way beyond what's necessary to keep me alive.
>donate heart
>goes to fat fuck who ruined his own from multiple heart attacks
>donate lungs
>goes to lifelong smoker who filled his own with tar
>donate liver
>goes to alcohol who will keep being an alcohol
No fuck that I'm not giving my organs away for free for people who willingly fucked up their own
>inb4 but muh 0.1% children with rare genetic disorder
God wills for them to die or he wouldn't have given them those disorders. God is perfectly just.
No dont do it
Policies and the way it's done is fucked
Tbh if you dont want the expenses of a burial and dont mind the thought of your body going to nature, Id recommend you donate it to science
Idk where you are but there's several places you can do it, look at universities with anthropological focus
Texas state has the largest body farm in the US, look it up if youre interested in it
Im very interested in what they do and truly believe in it, will be signing up myself once I get my affairs in order
There should be a clause somewhere that states that your organs should go to people under 30 (or 40 or whatever the threshold is for people having to face the consequences of the shit they put their bodies through)
I would vote for a policy where no one who is unwilling to be an organ donor should receive any themselves. If you are superreligious and believe it's up to God and you will also have peace with it when your time comes, whatever, do your thing.
They are not "stealing" bodyparts anymore than worms eating you in your grave or whatever are stealing your body. You're dead, they are of no use to you. If they end up going to some asshole that doesn't change the choice you made to give something worthwhile to others even when it all ends for you personally. Besides if you are a donor and they can use most if not all of the issues you applied for your organs won't go to one person but a handful at least.
It's not that simple, a good match between donor and receiver is very complicated and if the match is off (less genetic similarity) the chance that the organ will last some time before being rejected gets a lot smaller. In theory of course everyone would be in favor for being extra years for the people who have more left. In practice this can mean throwing an organ away because you know the thirty five year old is going to last a year with it at most, whereas the fifty year old might have it for ten years.