How do I stop seeing people as mindless animals and women as worthless dog whores?

How do I stop seeing people as mindless animals and women as worthless dog whores?

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Why do you people treat or hate women so bad exactly? I've never understood it.

Most people are mindless animals though.

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With a lot of delusion

Are they really or are you guys just projecting here? Everyone has lived with colour and depth just like you. What makes you a mindful animal?

> Something negative was said about another person
> must be projection

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Well what is it? I'm willing to learn of course.

It's almost impossible to do today but try stepping away from the Internet for a bit. Real women are not like what you see in porn or those "post nudes of girls you know" threads. Sure, some of them are.

The sites that make you portray women as worthless dogs are filled with other men getting off on the women for posting increasingly crazy shit. The women basically compete to create crazier shit with the incentive being money. It's an endless loop that we're caught in the middle of. Because most of us see way more women online without their clothes on than we do in person with their clothes on. It then becomes normal to imagine the women we see everyday doing some nasty shit.

All you really have to do is listen to people and avoid labeling or judging them. It’s really not hard. Talk to people how you would like to be talked to.

>see the world as it is
You just normie, OP

But whenever I talk to people I generally consider them idiots without any significant motivation.

Realise dogs are cool.

Go out and actually meet people without any preconceived bias you already have.

Are you so intelligent that all people are like animals and whores compared to you?

A psychiatrist or a bullet. Either one works for us.


Yeah OP you should at least have the virtue of the guy telling people to commit suicide.

I don't make the rules, kiddo.

Ok well same thing like I said focus on actively listening to them rather than having an internal monologue about labeling them. Listen hard enough that you’re visualizing what they’re saying and can think of the feelings and thoughts you would have in that situation.

>everyone else is mindless but I'm not!11
>everyone is mindless and I'd better contribute to the problem!!1

Look OP, it (You)

Well to an extent, you aren’t wrong

How 'bout talking to them and not judge before sharing a beer?

Start seeing people as individuals. Sure, there are some patterns and some people are indeed idiots and some women are indeed horrible whores. Maybe you are putting to much focus on this subset and ignore the better people overall.

I have been wondering the same thing, and I came to the conclusion that most people deserve to be hated and women are all useless dog whores.

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Grow up.

Why would you stop? Why delude yourself into denying reality? Vast majority of people are shit. Women are only worth it for the holes they have, and even that's overrated. Life ain't what it cracked up to be, huh bucko? Your parents and teachers lied to ya. Embrace the bitterness.

Luke 6:37 KJV
37] Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Romans 14:10-13 KJV
10] But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
11] For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
12] So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
13] Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

Cuz they fucking gay, that’s why

Bullet is faster and better

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By killing yourself

Oof, you’re cranky today, daddy!

Everyone is you, you are everyone, OP. You only judge yourself by judging others. What a waste of energy that is, devoting mental power to these perception prisons, you could be wasting your mind on things much more beautiful.

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this so much
they like dick
that is gay af