What are some red-pilled YouTube channels/communities? I’m interested in learning more truths and Jow Forums is cancer

What are some red-pilled YouTube channels/communities? I’m interested in learning more truths and Jow Forums is cancer.

Also, if you still associate the red pill with alt-right/pol/misogyny then do not bother answering this thread. I’m looking for legit answers only

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It's time to go back.


check leftypol on the other chan

Wow. Jow Forums has been completely infiltrated by the intolerant left. Fuck off, retards.

You infiltrated first Jow Forumsfag. You can't use your anonymity to hide the fact you came here in 2016 from Reddit because your Trump friends told you it was where they got "le edgy memes about nigger :^)"

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Shove that bullshit back up your ass.

>three arrows

prob more

So you want harsh truths but don't want to get your feelings hurt? Good luck with that

Thanks user
No, I just didn’t feel like sifting through leftard posts to find my desired answer, which is what I had to do anyways.

You people are beyond lost. I’ve already had people itt imply that I’m a racist incel and that I should kill myself even though I’m of mixed race and have a relatively successful life for my age. Very tolerant. I simply desire the truth. You people are fucking deranged.

Following the US elections, reddit shills came to the chans in force and have been trying to corrode board culture, for example by posting fatties in Jow Forums and promoting them as what real men are attracted to (thicc, high test), and performing history revisionism by claiming that Jow Forums has always been a liberal haven that got taken over by le evil racis. You know, the Internet Hate Machine, where people have been using racist slurs and discussing the holocaust like a conspiracy theory for years.

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>Claims to be looking for the truth
>Blatantly acknowledges that you're not interested in sifting through dissenting opinions and only want the answers that you're specifically looking for

Sure, OP. We're the deranged ones. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

I challenge you find one opinion in this thread. It just conisists of leftys telling me to fuck off in various ways. Holy Christ you people are deluded

These are shitty liberals

I find it amusing when Jow Forumslacks and stormfront rejects try to portray their constant counter-culture sperging as anything more than just the ultimate form of edginess. No, this place has never been a liberal haven but it most certainly transformed from a place where bored teenagers came to say nigger and draw swastikas for shits and giggles to a place where genuinely mentally ill alt-right faggots share frog memes and build a community of like minded delusionals. Edgy teenage faggots grew up and became edgy polo-wearing MAGA nerds. Same assholes just with the edginess turned up to 11. I mean, what is more counter culture than being a Neo Nazi Lite™?

It isn't about your opinions its about your wilful ignorance and deluded obsession with obliterating any kind of viewpoint or opinions that don't fit with your seemingly proudly flaunted confirmation bias. You also childishly call anybody who even dares to question your ideology as a "leftard". Idiotic Fox News Facebook comment section vocabulary aside, the red pill is associated with the alt-right/pol/misogyny movements whether you like it or not. When someone proudly announces that they are only looking for one specific viewpoint and everyone who doesn't agree with that viewpoint is a deranged lefty they immediately out themselves as a fucking idiot. You continually bring this on yourself, OP, yet you've convinced yourself that we're somehow more at fault for calling out your idiocy than you are for waving it proudly like a flag. Fuck off, dude.

Nobody itt has mentioned anything about nazism or any of the sort expect for you lefties. Why are you pulling things out of your ass? All I asked for was redpilled material. If you have that much of an issue with it, then why couldn’t you just keep scrolling instead of coming to shit up the thread?

I’ve been spoon fed left media/opinions/propaganda all my life. I want to see the other side now. Why are you here if you cannot bring anything meaningful to the thread?

>l-l-lefty! p-propaganda!

I think the worst thing about you people is that you're fucking boring. You can't even manage to make your manufactured, pre-loaded outrage seem interesting. You're just a gaggle of ducks wandering around the internet squawking the same shit over and over again.

If you want a hugbox then go to reddit, faggot.

Liberal cultural hegemony =\= leftism brainlet.

Nice word salad buddy. You still have yet to offer anything of value to this thread besides being a spectacle.
Why? It seems like Reddit’s already here lmao

20 posts in, and I have yet to get any real advice. Just a bunch of people getting pissed off for no real reason. There was nothing offensive about my original post so I find this interesting.

As mentioned below, Steven bonnell. ( Destiny )

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Just remember, whether you like it or not, Donald Trump is still your president. And he’s probably going to win again in 2020. Lmao, peace

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Read Marx

>Also, if you still associate the red pill with alt-right/pol/misogyny then do not bother answering this thread.

That's all it is though

if you want to learn things and not associate that knowledge with the meme right, why even say "red pill" in the first place?

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I don’t see how looking to other people for opinions on the world is redpilled.

I’m leftist, and I think this suggestion is pretty cringey. I read The Communist Manifesto and it was basically evil.

Thing is though, is that Jow Forums would also troll Christian call-in shows and Fox News and the Westborough Baptist Church and everyone - left or right. Nothing was sacred and everything was fair game because people on the right are just as sensitive as people on the left.

These days? If you make fun of right-wing politics you're told to go back to redit and you're called a s oy boy or a roastie or something. Newfags politicized lulz and turned it into kek. They're even more sensitive than SJWs or liberals. This thread and countless others is proof enough.

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>I read The Communist Manifesto and it was basically evil.

I must have skipped over the evil chapter, or maybe two pages got glued together

If you like anti-intellectualism and violence, you might miss the evil parts. Funny you even call those things chapters. Larp on, brother.

It wasn't any more evil than Manifest Destiny. Probably less evil.

Maybe you should search the actual definition of a red pill before falling for false definitions?

Kill yourself

My friend, the modern left is based entirely on identity politics and virtue signaling. Therefore to them, ad hominems and personal attacks are actually the highest form of debate (which they are capable of understanding). This is why modern leftists truly do not comprehend how absolutely batshit drooling retarded they look at pretty much all times.

They attempt to shit up the thread because exposure to truth will be the total destruction of their ideology and they know it. Thus the desperate attempts to shut down any real discussion of these issues.

>the actual definition of a red pill

It's a scene from the movie the matrix. Nothing else.

It was then later co-opted by Men's Rights Activists, and then other Jow Forums tier ideologies to include any sort of pol tier bullshit.

It's such a hilariously immature way of labelling yourself. The name itself is supposed to mean that only you know the truth and can liberate others from the world of lies - and anyone who disagrees with you is blue pill and they can't be right because being blue pilled is living a lie.

Yeah man, nothing like the right wing.

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Thank you fellow anons. Nice to see that this place hasn’t completely gone to shit. I feel you understand what I mean by “red-pilled” material. Do you recommend any books/readings/media of any sort?

>to a place where genuinely mentally ill alt-right faggots share frog memes
Frog memes have always been here, there isn't anything inherently alt-right about memes.
I know the left can't meme these days, but I am sure it comes back.

>supporting violence and anti-intellectualism to try and suppress everyone who disagrees with you
>”buh buh, America bad!”
Are you a paid troll, or actually this much of a Chinaman?

>people posting frogs on Jow Forums and calling people cucks and roasties is going to destroy left wing ideology

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There isn’t anything wrong with liberals
There isn’t anything wrong with conservatives
There isn’t anything wrong with libertarians
The left, however I has become deranged beyond all reason

I'm not any of those things man, but you can't point to a single ideology that isn't drenched in blood.

You can and should still read about all of them, if only to fully know why you don't agree with them.

>violence = bad
ending feudalism and slavery were violent,defeating fascism was violent, hell getting the 8 hour work day was violent. Do you think all these things are bad because they required violence

Psuedo-intellectual Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson 0 cent crap. The “modern left,” as you call it runs a decent portion of the world, while you post on Jow Forums about how too many of them are trannies. That’s niggardly, bro.

>neither of these posts add anything valuable to the conversation, nor do they even attempt to dismantle the other persons argument

You people can’t be serious. You’re just shitposting at this point. Are you bots?

>Frog memes have always been here, there isn't anything inherently alt-right about memes.

The guy who created Pepe the frog isn't alt-right by any means, but memes change over time and 99% of pepe is just redit pol shit.

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What does this post have to do with OP's question?

>The “modern left,” as you call it runs a decent portion of the world
And? Deluding the population through media brainwash makes it less batshit insane?

Did you quote the wrong post man? That other dude asked me what "red pill" means and I gave him a 100% accurate definition of it. What are you being upset about

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I never said violence is never justified. See
and maybe try again.

>you can never point to a single ideology that isn’t drenched in blood
This is the pseudo-intellectualism again. Of course not all ideologies are drenched in blood. You know what an ideology is, right?

>t. Alex Jones supporter and Breitbart reader

OP here, I see what’s happening itt. Argument will continue to go more and more off topic until the thread is deleted. I can see right through your bullshit. This is exactly why I crave the truth. Those who do not agree could have easily skipped this thread, but instead disclosed to shot post and ruin it. I want you to pay close attention to it

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>This is the pseudo-intellectualism again. Of course not all ideologies are drenched in blood. You know what an ideology is, right?

political and economic ideologies, genius

the media isn't at all leftist, liberals, yes but not at all leftist

No you didn’t. And if you actually believe that, you’re just being intellectually dishonest at this point. Yes, it started from the matrix, but it now has real meaning. Why did you neglect this fact? Why are you pushing an agenda?

red pill
used to refer to a process by which a person's perspective is dramatically transformed, introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation.


and even that's a big stretch. Especially american media. American politics as a whole is shifted to the right, take the Democrats and whatever liberal media you want and in the rest of the world they're center-right.

>red pill
>used to refer to a process by which a person's perspective is dramatically transformed, introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation.

what dictionary are you quoting here

Doesn’t matter. There are even right wingers in the media. The media is controlled by leftist ideology and you can’t refute this.

>The media is controlled by leftist ideology

hey remember when all the media was pushing for Bernie Sanders cause I don't.

If you’re super rich and can convince the masses to support your ideas by producing propaganda, there’s nothing insane about that. Maybe it’s evil. The left, right, and center have always produced propaganda, and aren’t stopping anytime soon. To call propaganda evil would be a criticism of society in general, not just one political leaning.

That’s because Bernie Sanders is a crazy socialist, just like AOC. This means nothing. Remember when everybody was pushing for Hillary? And Obama was treated as our greatest president even though he sold US secrets to Iran?

the guy is just beyond disingenuous

He's probably the one who posted this

Why are you putting words in my mouth? I said that leftist ideaology itself is insane and has no real foundation. Propaganda is and will always be apart of politics. Now that I’ve cleared that up, how will you twist my words now?

Hillary is mega leftist, because she wants to let thousands of bloodthirsty immigrants into our country, basically like open borders. She’s practically Stalin, and wants all nations to be dissolved eventually. After all nations are weakened to the point of being practically dissolved, the Zionist Globalist Elite will have taken world from humanity. But we’re not going to let that happen. If you buy this snake-oil medicine I’m shilling, you’ll become healthy enough to double your shitposting and get Trump reelected instead.

Nope, just look at the coverage of Venezuela (or Iraq or a dozen other cases of US regime change bull shit). Seriously where is the leftist control of the media?
Obama and Hillary are fucking liberals not leftist.

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You accuse the left of being bad for using propaganda, so I assumed you believed the center or the right is less guilty of it. I assumed your post had a logical patern and a specific intention. There’s no need to be paranoid.

Cool. Everything I said about Communism being for larpers or evil people still stands, and pretty much reflects in the current state of the world.

>crazy socialist

I know right it's absolutely insane to have things like universal healthcare and affordable education. Absolute crack pot. It's not like the best countries in the world all have a balance of free markets with socialist government services.

>Hillary is mega leftist, because she wants to let thousands of bloodthirsty immigrants into our country, basically like open borders.
That's got nothing to do with leftism. Libertarians support open borders and there's leftist countries that don't care for immigration at all.

>Zionist Global Elite
Trumps support the Zionist Global Elite like anyone ellse. Still lets the Saudis and Israelis walk all over him..

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>Obama and Hillary are fucking liberals

Not even. They're Democrats.

Republicans and Democrats have played Hot Potato with the USA for decades and nothing has changed.

>attempting to reason with white niggers
>thinks that sarcastic, crazy post was genuine
You and I should be doing something better than this.

Hillary is far closer to Trump than Stalin. Also the Soviet Union was closer to the Arab States, and never supported Israeli, so why would Stalin help want to help Zionism. Also the Soviet Union had pretty strict immigration.
Do you fucking think that leftist = anti white and the more anti white the more leftist you are?

how are they not liberals?

>It's not like the best countries in the world all have a balance of free markets with socialist government services.

Both Obama and Hillary openly embrace trans rights and abortion but they’re only Democrats? Lmao fuck off

conservitard response. try the even the USA has socialist policies.
>but charity could take care of all the—
never did and never will.

OP here one last time. To anyone spectating this thread: if anybody fights THIS hard to conceal the truth or lead people astray by stirring arguments and being hostile for no reason, then maybe this “truth” is something worth searching for, something that they don’t want uncovered. This goes for any situation, not just this thread.

I’ve already got every source I need for red-pulled information, this was merely a litmus test. Thanks Jow Forums


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There's more to being a leftist than just trans toilets, that shit only showed up in the last like 10 years.

If they ran in another first world country/acted how they did as president, they'd be thrown out of the country's left wing party. Shit like spending trillions of dollars to drone-bomb Pakistan isn't leftist, nor is turning a blind eye to things like universal health care and affordable education or gun violence.

>I already knew the answer to my question.
Oh, so it’s another troll. Great.

>OP proves a point
>call entire thread a troll in a last-ditch effort to discredit said point

what was the point

the board is for advice. if you lied about needing advice to illicit a response that’s trolling.

Dude, Buddhism. They've spent millenias trying to answer "what are we really what is this place and why do we do what we do". With such great answers as "because you're kind of a dick."

It’s ironic you say that because throughout the thread, not one drop of actual advice was given.

I've seen a tonne of "change your path and stop being a bitter bitch." Which is exactly what you need Soo..

I am very, very sorry. I thought you were an op from a different thread in another tab. You should get a load of him, though. Psychiatrist told him to he should give up on going to university because he's struggling through highschool at 25 and he's really mad everyone agrees.

It’s okay. I thought I was addressing the OP of this thread, who basically said, “I trolled you guys, bye.”

Ignoring the opinions you don't like is not how you find a truth. Its fucking difficult to do since it requires a completely open mind to listen to everyone and walk away with a clearer picture. Just search for a topic you're interested in and start watching shit. If you see someone using personal attacks or complaining about bad grammar etc. you are wasting your time. You want well reasoned arguments that have multiple, good studies backing their framework. What are you looking for the truth on?

Yeah I get it now.

real red pill: thinking for yourself no matter where it leads you
maybe it's hating women
maybe loving the zionist nwo
maybe the opposite
there are shills everywhere. use logic to verify things for yourself.

Dog you're doing the same thing why can't you see

The only people I've ever heard or seen espousing 'red-pill' thinking are hypocrites and developmentally-backwards people.