How do I get an FOB asian gf

How do I get an FOB asian girlfriend?

Serious answers only please.

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Same way you get any gf, by leaving the house more often and hanging out with people.

I live in Seattle and there are a lot of them around. I would say I am 8 or 9/10 physical attractiveness and I exchange flirty glances all the time. But they mostly keep to their own kind so I don't know how to actually meet them.

>you getting a girlfriend
>serious answers
Choose one and yes, this is my serious answer. You're on fucking Jow Forums, if you had any hope of getting a girlfriend independent of a fucking handbook, you most certainly wouldn't need to ask a single question of the incel hideout of planet Earth.

Well, then you are failing the step where you hang out with people. Good luck with it, though!

And if you believe the snake oil salesmen that will come here to offer PUA tricks to cold approach them, well, you are the only one to blame. Buyer beware.

I hang out with people but most of my friend group is male. Also this is all basic advice pertaining to getting a girlfriend generally - not quite what I asked. I'm very much not incel.

They are difficult to take care of and generic looking.

But I like the way they look

Learn Mandarin

What ya gotta do is ya gotta make one.

>Move to asian country
>start relationship with local
>bring her back to your home country.



relevant to my interests

>you will never have an Asian gf who also doubles as a Forward Operating Base
>plans for an invasion of mainland China are over before they even began
Why even live, lads?

Eddie murphy said dont do that

Holiest of keks, my man

Sounds like a good way to get used for a green card.

Teach English in China.

Weeb-ism has entered the public consciousness in Japan and Korea to a sufficient degree that being white won't get you laid so much as mark you as yet another sad white boy with yellow fever. (I'm assuming you're white and American.) In China, everyone still covets white American men.

If I move to a foreign country just to get laid, it will be obvious (and off-putting) that I did so. Not to mention I've got enough other stuff going on that I'm not ready to totally uproot my life just so I have better odds of dating pretty chinese girls. Especially when there are so many here - I just don't know how to meet them.

I agree PUA cold approach stuff has a lot of snake oil in it. Particularly with the regional culture here, which isn't big on talking to strangers. broadly speaking. Although I suppose its not the same with a foreigner


i am sure some of the fobs are on okcupid or tinder. try to meet some online. that's probably your best bet. if you're college age, you can find campus programs that try to pair foreign language speakers with native english speakers. i did that in college and ended up pairing with a japanese girl.

Haven't we already told you? Or is it different people with the same post all the time?

I think this is just a popular subject. Men and women alike have always found foreign people attractive.

hmm.. I'm a senior in college but an older student and work+commute but still this might be a decent idea, because even if I'm not lucky enough to pair with a girl and hit it off with them, maybe I can make friends with a bunch of int'l students, massively increasing my odds.

You just want to be friends so you can steal their women and they'll immediately pick up on it, weeb

Ur pretty mean

What'd you tell the last guy?

I told the last guy how to win the favor of japanese dudes and, thusly, gain exposure to japanese chicks (who ain't that hard to bag once you're in the club.)

There aren't as many Japanese here, but lots of Chinese. Maybe I can get to know some.