How the hell do I go vegan? It seems impossible...

How the hell do I go vegan? It seems impossible. How do I at least do vegan pizza that’s the only meat stuff I can’t live without

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Here's a quick tip if your blood type is O:
Eat meat, A lot of it. Eat a cow a day.
If type O bloods don't consume meat, all kinds of insane shit happens to you, including, but not limited to, autoimmune gastric deseases.

Why go vegan?

You can heavily reduce your meat intake and still reap most all the health benefits.

How is being vegan hard?
I am and I like it.
Spaghetti + Pesto
Literally throwing random veggies like bellpepper, eggplant, carrots, mushrooms or whatever togehter with Tofu and chilli or curry paste
Oatmeal w based milk or almond
theres a bunch
Theres some fake cheese you could use for pizza but I think those are a bit expensive

Eating no meat is good for the environment, less consumption of water and ressources to keep animals alive until we kill them

Source on this?? The only difference is maybe taking some Glycine and Vitamin B12. I take a vitamin mix cause I lack Vitamin D too esp during winter and so should everyone anyways

Meat is so fucking disgusting i want plant shit only

It’s pretty whack my dude but it CAN be done.
Also trying this Hashimoto’s Protocol book since my thyroid doesn’t seem to be improving (still need to cut caffeine and sugar so my addrenals aren’t all cracked-out, soon it will happen), basically no gluten or onions.
I’m back on the eggs though unfortunately, I’m grateful I have that opportunity, I feel like I need the protein to not collapse.
It kinda sucks but you can still make a pizza if you’re inclined to using some whackass Daiya substitute.

Is there a way to go vegan cheap? I want health bars fruits nuts healthy shit like that maybe other snacks

I live in a small town so one nature store and grocery stores

I don't have the source, but my nutricionist said she has a pacient that is recovering from said autoimmune gastric desease after his gf convinced him of going vegan. He felt like breathing again after one steak.
Also, I'm a skeletal O+ and if I don't eat meat I risk loosing what little muscle I have.

I'm not against vegans, but every body has different needs.

Yeah, eat from a tube already why don't ya? What's the fun?

It's me again

>every body has different needs.
Case in point, this guy:

He basically changed his diet to eat almost only meat, veggies and a lotta fat and, get this, LOST weight and virtually cured his diabetes.

>Eating no meat is good for the environment, less consumption of water and ressources to keep animals alive until we kill them

you do realize that there's a difference between vegan and vegetarian right? going vegetarian is easy, going vegan is fucking insane and I wouldn't recommend it if you want to stay healthy.

Vegetarianism is just reducing your intake of meat and increasing your intake of plant based proteins. That's generally good and healthy for everyone.

Veganism is taking it way too far and saying you won't eat cheese or dairy or eggs or animal fats. Eggs are a good and easy source of protein and removing that isn't making a huge dent in the environmental impact you have. Reducing meat consumption does though. Plus with vegetarianism you get all the animal based micronutrients you miss from cutting out meat through the other animal based products that you're able to consume.

I’m gonna try going full on avoiding dairy but for now I think I need to learn to just remove meat from my diet with maybe the occasional thing

Dairy is still grossing me out too

Eat fruits vegetable and nuts.


I don't know how it's like in your area, but here it's actually cheaper. All I buy is rice and other carb sources + a bunch of fresh veggies depending on whats in season from a discounter supermarket and I don't drink anything but water. Tofu costs a 400g pack (two blocks) like 2€ and sometimes I steal nuts or dried fruit because I'm poorfag. But those are really just extras. So far I noticed that you need much less than what you'd think because you save so much by not buying dumb stuff or preservative filled garbage and all

What kind of meat then, if you just need animal protein maybe consider just eating fish, and sometimes rarely chicken. Because the "dumber" the less feelings they have right?

Did you know that in the milk industry they forcefully impregnate a cow basically every year and then immediately after birth take away her baby and plug her into machines everyday. This whole process consumes insane amounts of water and CO2 on top of it too. I'd just rather not invest my money into an industry like that especially because alt milks taste literally no different.

What about stuff besides just vegetables like snacks and shit? I really like health bars or combinations of shit I don’t wanna cook a ton either

I just wanna replace meat with something

Have you ever tried going raw vegan? You gotta just hold your nose, grab your wallet and jump right into the water.

Schedule just ONE full day of eating raw vegan meals. Get creative. The traditional american diet has us thinking that a meal is carb, meat, veggie combo - right? Well, with this new method of eating, you can eat as much of whatever it is you love best whenever you want.

If you love avocados, then fucking eat avocados. Eat 12 of them in one sitting. If you love fruit or salads or even a variety of that stuff, then do that. You basically listen to your body and eat whatever it is you crave.

There's the classic, "Take your vitamins - eat balanced meals" and yeah that's true, but eating raw vegan is more about feasting on fresh uncooked veggies, nuts, etc.

Remember - you're only doing this for one day out of the week. Plan accordingly, see if it's something you can handle and then jump in. Record how you felt. Love it? Hate it? Want more of ____ and less of ____? Adjust and move onto two days a week. Then tree. Then the whole week. Before you know it, you're in the swing of it.

They've said that it takes about two weeks of solid commitment to sort of adjust your body, your cravings and your taste pallet to adjust. Do you think you can hang with it, OP?

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She says primarily red meat on most type O cases. In my case is even more so.
Chicken is good, fish also, but cow meat is way better for my purposes and body composition. Pig is the only one to maybe tone down (never ate that much anyway).
Also, don't care for the animal's inteligence. I'd eat people if my body said I should.

Also2, I want to make sure you see my other post

Tofu, Seitan, Falafels, some of those fake-meat things (those are a bit costly) work for me
And I like peanuts for snacks too. Or cut and squish dates together, cover in a bit of cocoa powder or coconut flakes to make tasty sweet balls.
Chiapudding with some banana and blueberries is good too

I want shit to just snack out that actually tastes good and shit I can throw in the toaster oven and a vegan pizza

>Did you know that in the milk industry they forcefully impregnate a cow basically every year and then immediately after birth take away her baby and plug her into machines everyday.


>This whole process consumes insane amounts of water and CO2 on top of it too.

I mean not really, the production of milk isn't that costly it literally comes right out of the cow. the problem is the transport.

either way the concept of "not buying to not support" is bullshit when you can easily use your money to support the change in the industry by actively researching companies and consuming from the most ethical one. if your line of logic is that money is supporting an industry practice then you should use it to support the right practice, not none.

That's fine, its definitely a good thing to reconsider your relationship with meat.

>Did you know that in the milk industry they forcefully impregnate a cow basically every year and then immediately after birth take away her baby and plug her into machines everyday.
I've seen hentai about this, it isn't pretty. But it is fappable.

Toast or baked potatoes with Hummus maybe

The cow has to eat for a long long time, the machines have to be build and maintained. If we just didn't do that it would save a lot. It comes out of the cow as long as she gets a huge amount of calories per day

Former vegan here, don't do it. Just be healthy, meat is absolutely fine and healthy for you is you eat good quality meat and eat it sparingly. You can be vegetarian too that's super easy. Being vegan is just over the top pointless. If any vegans out there are doing it for ethical reasons, more power to you but you know that being vegan sucks. You're doing it for ethical reason.

>How is being vegan hard?

You literally can't go out to normal restaurants with friends or family - hell you can't even have a holiday meal with your family without showing up with your own bag of quinoa or whatever. You can't go grocery shopping at a normal grocery store without reading all the fuckin ingredients and googling what like enzo-5-dyhidrodedax-beta is and where it comes from. Half the time bread isn't vegan. Fuck bread.

You like tea? Coffee? Oh whoops, you can't have honey in that and you can't have regular sugar either.

Being vegan isn't reall healthy either, almost all the vegans I knew were fat from all the carbs they were eating and then all the calories from nuts they were eating as well to try and catch up to their daily minimum amount of protein and B12

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Precisely my point with my other post The guy almost eliminated carbs and sugar and he's basically in top notch condition, eating fat and meat like a mother fucker.

How do I get vegan cheese and vegan pizza reeee

Is alt milk really expensive compared to milk? fuck meat and dairy seriously

But also yeah, factory farming and the eating habits that support them are absolutely terrible for the environment.

If that's your battle, then that's fine. I don't know that if you not eating meat when you weren't eating that much to being with is going to offset the people who weigh 600 lbs and eat the equivalent of Noah's Ark everyday - but I'm not here to do math and wag my finger.

Ethical vegan? I don't agree with you, but I think it's cool that you have your beliefs and you stick to your guns. Good luck.

Vegan for health reasons? man you're wearing pants on your head, what a re you doing

You got like a Whole Foods or whatever equivalent regional brand? or just like some faggy local alternative grocery store? Hell I remember finding vegan shit in just the regular grocery stores.

they make vegan everything nowadays. i am dairy-free because of a severe allergy, but i still eat like absolute garbage. there are vegan cheetos, pizzas, "meat"ball subs, chocolate, and so on. vegan doesn't mean tasteless. there are specific brands that make a lot of things for people with dairy and egg allergies, so many things are accidentally vegan. even oreos are vegan. vegan stuff can be just as unhealthy and delicious as nonvegan stuff

Yeah sugar is the absolute worst really. Carbs can be okay but sugar is just universally a terrible thing health-wise.

>Also, don't care for the animal's inteligence. I'd eat people if my body said I should.

I'm the ex-vegan and I eat horse once in a while. They're cycled off antibiotics and whatever else for months before turned into meat so it's totally fine to eat. It's not like a weird secret local thing either I buy it prepackaged from the supermarket.

I'm not like proud of it like "fuck you horse I'm the apex predator" or anything, I've got like a Tibetan approach to eating meat I'm aware and grateful that an animal died for me.

>good for the environment
Man, you know what the environment loves? When we fucking tear plants out of the earth to eat them. C'mon mate, the cycle of life involves killing things. Life begets life. We can't eat corpses and we're already regretting eating processed and synthesized goods.

Admit the cruel truth to yourself: killing animals, killing plants... if humans want to exist and propagate, something's going to have to give in exchange.

As for animal farming, I don't think it'd be any better if we replaced all the meat farms with vegan-food farms because we'd still need all the land, we'd have to farm up all the dietary equivalent in meat, as well as accounting for allergies, and we'd be turning out all the extra work and all the extra facilities and it'd be just the same amount of pollution. Then animals would just go back to being out 'there' in nature, where predators that have spent years having to be wiser than humans to hunt and live, and those fucking cows and chickens are going to get god damn lynched to Hell and back.

There's no winning. Humans kill shit. The shit we kill dies a second death in our digestive systems.
Make peace with or get fucked. Those are literally your two options, man. Anyone telling you otherwise wants your money.

Humans eating is not generally conducive for the environment. Something's getting killed. I guess you guys just choose the one that doesn't look you in the eye, huh?

Both posts are mine so I'll answer in one.

>Yeah sugar is the absolute worst really.
Thing is, most people don't realise carbohydrates ARE sugar. Slow, bigger sugar, which is slower to digest, but sugar nonetheless.
Guess what helped the guy on the video virtually cure his diabetes? Cutting carbs and sugar, which is precisely what the blood overflows with when you have that.

>Tibetan approach
That's really nice of you and you have my respect for it.
I just don't like vegans in general thinking one diet is nice enough for everybody despite body compositions.
I know full well how cruel the meat industry can be, we all know. Is free range, well cared cows better for your health and generally better tasting? Oh fuck yes it is.

>As for animal farming, I don't think it'd be any better if we replaced all the meat farms with vegan-food farms because we'd still need all the land,

Not true at all, cause already something 90% of all so y and corn and whatever else is used to feed livestock - as well as a shit ton of water. Those animals shit it all out in process creating more methane and greenhouse effect as well occasionally ruining entire rivers and lakes when a shit container breaks loose. They just eat and eat and eat and eat for months and months and months and years and years and THEN it ends up resulting in a chicken wing that you inhale in about 30 seconds. This is like basic science that we learned in grade 9 or something. it's biomass. it takes energy and resources just to grow some grains, but it takes even more energy and resources to grow a cow or a chicken or whatever else

The way people eat meat and the amount of food that is used to feed animals just so that people can eat bacon like 9 times each day is absolutely ridiculous.

I say this as an ex-vegan who absolutely eats meat everyday. What you're saying is a logical fallacy that has nothing to do with the obesity epidemics around the world and the absolute mess of the planet's environment.

Yeah, the guy is full of shit.
He's basically saying planting more won't help global warming.

Actually vegans should buy honey because it financially supports the beekeepers

Shouldn't they buy meat then to help the farmers?

Vegans consider honey to be as bad as silk or even leather. Even if like the beekeepers aren't like using a tiny bee-sized whip to torture the bees or anything, they see it as a needless exploitation of intelligent life.

We dont need intelligent mammals to live a life of misery to pollinate the plants

If no one makes sure of wellbeing of the bees, everything else would be even worse fucked

But isn't honey an animal product?
Why let the bees slide and not milk?
What about silk?
Heck what about feather pillows?

I don't even know who is pro or anti vegan anymore or where they stand specifically on the issue of bees, but without bees there would not be any more crops or most plants or trees.

There are some bullshit birds or whatever that also pollinate but it's mostly bees that do all the heavy lifting for the planet's flora. Without bees there likely wouldn't be much life on earth.