I hurt my girlfriend's feelings really badly, I think

I hurt my girlfriend's feelings really badly, I think.

Okay... so. Apparently my girlfriend has this kink where she and whoever they're dating pretend they're cats in the middle of a fight. Something about how wild and raw it is turns her on. All of her past boyfriends thought this sounded dumb and wouldn't even try it out.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I agreed to it... but after about five minutes of hissing at each other and swiping at each other's faces and making angry cat growls, I just lost it and started dying laughing.

To any girls here, is there any way to come back from this? I don't believe in kink shaming (I have plenty of weird ones myself), I know I humiliated her, and I feel absolutely horrible.

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She didn’t expect you to laugh? That’s odd. Dogs laugh when they play fight. It sounds like a sneeze. This was supposed to be an entirely solemn thing?

Fuck it I woulda tried it to because I have a cosplay/ roleplay fetish lmao.

Yeah, entirely solemn. She took it deathly seriously, and I tried very hard to as well. It wasn't supposed to be roleplaying a play fight, but a very serious and intense one.

Are you for real? My dogs been laughing at me?

Is animal roleplay common? My gf and I do similar stuff too.

My boyfriend likes roleplaying. I love taking it way too seriously and over the top. We always end up laughing our asses off. It’s about having fun together.

She probably doesn’t care
And just explain
>I just honestly don’t understand it but I wanted to try it out and hey, I did, but it’s not for me

That’s gotta be in the top 10 funniest things I’ve read on here m

It's not

Dunno OP, she's over reacting. Don't chase her, make her know you are sorry and willing to try again.

She sounds like she needs a hobby I have never heard of anyone wanting to imitate animal fights

She was really offended, though. After I got done laughing she said "Well, guess I was mistaken to try to trust someone" in this shaky, trying-not-to-cry voice. I tried apologizing and explaining myself afterwards, but she said she didn't want to talk about it and changed the subject.

That’s confusing. Play fighting and laughing go hand in hand, right? Maybe she would be okay if you laughed with her, but she felt you laughed at her?

That’s what they say. He’s probably laughing with you, not at you. Try making the sound back at him.

Well I guess if it’s really a desire of yours you’d probably be bothered if your lover belittled it. Just try to take it more seriously next time, BECOME the tomcat.

>”Well, guess I was mistaken to try to trust someone" in this shaky, trying-not-to-cry voice.
You’re fuckin lying, this is great. This is like one of those greentexts you read on /b/ but in real life.

Maybe the best thing to do would be convince her that laughing is okay and you weren’t judging her? But women are a million piece puzzle so perfection in dealing with them is not expected.

Self consciousness is a real killer in bed. It’s one of the main reasons women don’t get off enough. They’re actually worried what the other person thinks about their acne or the thing they just said, which of course takes the pleasure out of it.

It’s not actually your fault that she called it off as soon as you laughed.

Tell me the truth, is your girlfriend hot?

I need objective readings

Hip to waist ratio? (google it if you don't know)
Tits size?
What kind of ass? how much fat how much muscle? celulite?
overall skin quality? acne?
Hair quality and color
Eye color
Facial aesthetic? simmetry? nose size?

All of those are important. I just dont see a hot girl having that fetish but hey maybe she does.

Anyway, dont worry, youre probably the most understanding couple she ever had, show her youre sorry, be good to her, maybe sharing one of your silly kinks would gety you on even grounds.
Also, is she very young? cause she sounds inmature as fuck

I’m about to cry for her, just imagining it.

Btw I was serious when I said she needs a hobby she probably sits on YouTube watching cat fights all day, weird ass

you’re fucked up if you don’t like cellulite and facial asymmetry


Hip to waist ratio is average, I dunno
D cups that she's self-conscious about
Okay ass, she's thin but has almost no muscle, has very tiny girly noodle arms
Good skin
Dark brown hair that reaches her back
Small nose, great lips, symmetrical face

>BECOME the tomcat

Thanks for the laugh, friend. I need it to help wash away this guilt.

Girls are so fucking retarded man, like holy shit I can't believe this is a real thing

Forgot to answer the age part: she's 22 and I'm 24

>"Well, guess I was mistaken to try to trust someone"
If she really felt this then theres two scenarios:

scenario a) Shes way to broken to fix and dont worry whatever you do shell bitch

scenario b)Shes just a little girl who doesn't know real life yet, let her grow up, if she doesnt forgive you shell go get humillated by a 1000 more guys until she learns that you cant expect anyone to tip toe about your special bullshit. I bet you a thousnad bucks that if the situation were turned around shell laugh at you too.

smells like bullshit, but ok ll bite. If she's hot then probably youll just have to stand her bullshit or shell go for a real hot guy.

Now that i think of it, it makes sense, shes hot but shes got some defect (like a retarded cat fetish) so she dates a beta cuck to see if he would stand it. My advice, find a way to put up with it , cause if shes that a beta doesnt stand up for it either then shell return to dating an alpha

>hot women wouldn’t have that fetish
>beta cuck
As someone who has actually been with a woman, I think you should quit while you’re ahead. This is pure nonsense.

Congrats on making up stories about your sex life on an internet polynesian origami forum.

You should increase both your lying and your reading comprehension skills. Its not that hot women dont have weird fetishes.

Its that weird fetishes are a disadvantage.

Imagine weird fetishes like a disability or a disease.

Imagine a girl whos very hot and has herpes, she goes with a hot dude, and he says "eww herpes" and mistreats her. So she gets sad and goes with a beta cuck.

If the beta cuck goes all white knight and says "no baby gurlll youre special to me i actually like that you have herpes" and acts like its no big deal then shell consider staying. But if the beta cucks also mistreats her, why the fuck would she stay, she can have a mistreating alpha at any time.

Really weigh your options here op. You know this is true.

bla bla bla. weird fetishes are cool, so long as they’re not too fucked up. it seems like you got your supposed girl knowledge from r9k virgins.

>weird fetishes are cool, so long as they’re not too fucked up

oh dude, I'm laughing right there with you. Oh heck. Tough situation you're in bud. I'd recommend probably showering her in lots of sincere apologies and affection I guess and hope for the best?

That’s hilarious but props to you for giving it a shot

Dude you were taking it sincerely and having fun, you didn't think you'd ever do this and it was your first try so it made you laugh. Apologize and tell her that while it is odd, you still like her enough to get used to it.

>fighting like cats not too fucked up
you've been in the internet for too long

Thin with big tits is hard to find, humour her or you'll lose her

Oh man, I'm sorry about the situation but it is, in fact, hilarious.
She has to accept that her fetish is kind of silly and she can't expect it to be taken seriously, especially at first, hell, you're a real trooper for trying to give it a go.
The best you can do is apologize, even though you didn't actually do anything wrong, if I were in her place I couldn't imagine a different outcome, she just sort of has to accept that this is a silly fetish.
The best thing you could do is try to humor her, but I can't imagine her willing to open up to you after that.
Also, make sure to treat her well outside the bedroom as well as in it, I'm absolutely sure you don't think any less of her after the incident, but she doesn't know that for sure and you might still do something that might make her believe you think less of her, and if she does it would trigger (for lack of a better word) her insecurity even further, she's kind of sensitive right now, so make sure not to do anything that can translate as thinking less of her.

>After I got done laughing she said "Well, guess I was mistaken to try to trust someone" in this shaky, trying-not-to-cry voice.
Oh man, I totally feel for her, feels bad man.
She's probably insecure about her fetish (whoddathunk, right?) and also in general, so it really hurts her.
Some user said she sounds like she has some growing up to do mentally, I think I agree, it's a bit of a teenager-ish response.

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