Do we look the way we do in the mirror to other people?

Do we look the way we do in the mirror to other people?

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Short answer, no

No. You can't see yourself.
Mirror is wrong and photos are wrong too.
I guess the closest you can get is that if you are really sleepy after waking up and look into a reflection without realizing and see another person before you are aware it is you then that's like seeing yourself as someone else. But this is difficult, it happened to me once and I couldn't recognize myself but as soon as I did I started to morph into an uglier person which proves our own biases.

In conclusion you probably look better than you think.

then why can't I find a gf

Maybe like three different reasons I don't know

Looks aren't everything

Damn. That's fucking awesome.

>go to barber
>sit staring at self for 15 minutes
>gradually get uglier

Fuck that means I'm probably uggo

I feel like if there were more white girls where I lived then I wouldn't have this problem, but I am the one of the only white guys I can think of where I live surrounded by a bunch of drunk mexicans

Not Op. But im curious what you think it means when women stare at you alot. I get told im ugly from time to time but ive noticed its always insecure people who say it

Looking at yourself in the mirror on psychedelics works too

Literally "who the fuck is that?"

Mirrors and photographs are flat projections of yourself.

It's impossible to perceive yourself the way that other people do.

"and why do I have an erection?"

I get checked out. About 50% of the time when I go to a bar a girl will approach me or send a friend to approach me even if I haven't done anything. Recently caught a pair of girls about my age snapping their necks to get a second look at me as I walked by them.

I would say that I can push a 7 on a really good day but am more like a 6 every other day.

But see i seriously think im only average but its every where i go and even super hot women do it. Ive even noticed guys get hostile towards me when women are involved

I don't think it's possible to actually perceive yourself as others do.
Your voice doesnt even sound the same as you hear it, record yourself talking. I had no idea how gay my voice sounded.

Yeah and I could be hot af in a mirror but horrific in every picture it's weird lol

That's the thing though and I probably should have remembered to say it, is that I don't think I'm a 7. That number is something I've gleaned based on the information I get from people around me. I've got a slight bit of facial asymmetry. I doubt the people who've known me for a long time would even notice since they'd be used to it but I have no idea how I look to other people. All I can really do is admit that girls do, sometimes, pay attention to me. If I meet a new girl in a friendly capacity they're almost always cool and not creeped out by a bit of flirting. Every girl I've dated has been someone I would consider out of my league.

Since I'm not rich or especially outgoing, all I can really conclude is that I'm a decent looking dude, though I still doubt that I'm significantly above average. Thus, a 6-7/10,

Don't worry about people calling you ugly unless it happens consistently. You're right in that it's usually salty folks. Pay attention to the way women react to you and treat you.

Guys are a little harder. I don't know about you but I'm a really shit judge on whether or not dudes are good looking. The guys that I'm jealous of in social situations are just the really charming ones. So it's possible you have that going for you as well.

Photos are their own game. Depending on lighting and focal lengths you get very different final results. The images are frequently flipped horizontally compared to what you see in the mirror too, which is a bit of a mind fuck for everyone. Honestly a mirror is more accurate than a photo in most cases.

Oh no personality is on point. Lol ive turned aspergers into a strength.

Unless girls treat you like dirt then I'd say you've got enough stuff going on for you. There's tonnes of guys around here who claim that women have never looked at them twice, or that women screw their noses up whenever they have to share a room, or that the only time women speak to them is to make fun of them.

Coming to Jow Forums really boosted my self confidence actually.

Huh well okay i feel like i wasted time somehow

Realistically there is fairly literally someone for everyone. I know a few 2-3/10 dudes with wives and children. Pay attention to how women treat you, figure out roughly how attractive you are (statistically somewhere between a 4-6) and don't try to date dimes.

Also nice trips

Do you have the exact same eyes as other people?

All things considered i think i might be a 7. Might become even a 9 after i join the army. Getting in shape, and being able to afford going to hair stylists and tailors might actually make me hot.

Please tell me you are retarded


This is bullshit, right? Right?

No it's pretty correct. Photos are like says and it varies depending on the camera set up and lighting and angles and all that. A good photographer costs money for a reason.

The mirror is inaccurate due to your own perception. You know how you can read a word even with the letters scrambled? Or how your brain automatically ignores the fact that your nose is in your field of vision? Or how a girl you're already into seems to be more attractive than when you first met?

Your brain does all kinds of crazy shit just due to your feelings and the extra information is has stored away. The way you see yourself in a mirror is warped by these perceptions. It's why anorexic girls think they're fat. It's why fatties think they're just a little bit over weight.

You are probably similar to how attractive you see yourself depending on your state of mind. Remember though that we are each our own harshest critic. We've spent our whole lives in our own bodies. We can point out every flaw that new people don't even notice. Unless you are some kind of douche who thinks he's a 10/10 in earnest then you're likely underrating yourself.

No, you look the way you do to others in a photograph, though. So all those photos where you look absolutely awful? That's how others see you. Have fun with that.

>you look the way you do to others in a photograph
Not really.
Fat girls especially have learned to use angles quite well for example.

No, if that was the case I would be a model.

i look cute in the mirror if i havent seen another human for a couple of days