Plastic Surgery

Hey guys!

So I am a female who is considered about 3-5 out of 10 range to probably most guys who aren't desperate, lonely, or have bizarre taste.

Let's say there's someone from my past (whom I know is into my gender). I would like to realistically maximize my chances with him. I think my face may hold me back.

My question is, do you think changing my face to be more appealing would improve my chances or not? See, I wonder if he will like the increased beauty or if he'll be too put off by me "not looking like myself" anymore or some uncanny valley phenomenon.

Note: this is largely hypothetical, as right now I'm not exactly loaded enough for a facial transformation. However, I would like some opinions in case this becomes a possibility.

>inb4 "but plastic surgery makes people look weird and you can tell!!!"
Nah, man. Plastic surgery sometimes looks bad for one of two reasons: surgeon does a bad job, or the patient ASKS for some weird shit. I've just gotta pick the right surgeon.

Attached: IMG_20190131_205633.jpg (1024x570, 44K)

Is your body still ok , are you just fat and ur face isnt bad at all?

Post pic

If you are attracted to the person inside the packaging you come to find the packaging attractive

Body is okay, but definitely could use improvement. Last weigh in, I was not overweight. However, I am an unfortunate type that stores too much fat in the face and neck area so people seem to assume I'm bigger than I am when they mainly just see my face.
Also, my face has issues that can't be fixed with simple weight loss. I will list some:
>significantly asymmetrical eyebrows
>different eye locations on each side of face
>one eye more closed than other
>eyes too small
>not much wrong with nose, but awkward bottom part
>small lips
>asymmetrical smile
>asymmetrical jaw
>excess facial fat (may go away with weight loss)
>minor cleft chin
>excess fat under chin
>overall semi-unappealing structure
>skin problems (not really for plastic surgery, but contributes to lack of enough appeal)
>bottom teeth not straight (not exactly plastic surgery, but need enhancement via braces/invisalign/whatever)
(I don't need to fix them all, and idk if some even can be with current tech. But this should give you an idea.)
I should note that I have been complimented on my facial symmetry, but those people were probably not looking hard enough.

Eh maybe later. Just for now, take what I said at face (heh) value.

That's assuming he gives me a chance in the first place. I want to maximize my chances of getting him to even want to get to know me better. (We knew each other a long time and were involved in much of the same stuff, but were never close emotionally speaking.)

I should probably add that this guy is basically a Chad (minus the huge muscles, which I don't like anyway). Blonde, tall, colored eyes, beautiful, looks like someone the ancient Greeks might've made a statue of, etc.. And that's not to even mention that he has virtually everything else going for him in terms of attractiveness too.

Nevermind the face, what is your body like?

Little flabby, but no rolls. Somewhat big tits. Decently sized ass but needs work. Not overweight last time I checked, but too much body fat. Tight pussy.

jessus pic or gtfo we cannot Judge something without seeing It ... You think we can really Judge you by some " words" ? Everyone has their definition of fat or big ... you say your ass is ok but someone could find It ugly as shit and someone else beautiful ..

Just a full body pic with neck ( cuz u said that was a bit of a problem ) but no face and it's ok ... It's a anonymous board ya know ...

If you deliver, I promise I'll be honest witcho ass

Who gives a fuck about what you look to others. Get a face that you love.

1. I don't need your "honesty" about my body.
2. I stopped posting nudes publicly long ago.
3. I know my body needs work already, so it's pointless to ask you opinion on it.
4. That's not even what my post was about.
5. Pretty sure this is a dolled up "tits or gtfo".
You're not doin' so well at responding to the prompt, buddy.

This is largely for me and my own confidence too. Not only do I want to be attractive to him, I also want to feel t least mostly worthy of his affection. I am currently not beautiful enough to be confident in myself as is. The face I want to present to the world is not the face I was born with, and that's life sometimes.

so what the fuck u doin here ? simply gtfo we dont give a damn about your fat ass neck and yo bitch ass. If you ain't delivering shit, the just go bitching somewhere else and please kill your goddamn ass you fat funky bitch you need to get up of your fat ass and loose some goddamn weight stop posting on a board full of dick ready to roast your bitch ass motherfucking bogdanov looking ass

Wow, that was quite the speech, user. Totally relevant and on point to criticize someone seeking anonymous advice on an anonymous advice forum. Bravo.

>Wants to fap to random womens bodies on Jow Forums
>Doesn't know /b/ exists

So you think you're smart by using green tekst ? Is this some judgemental shit you use just to feel for ONE goddamn time superior to others ?

Guess what, you're just a piece of shit too ... But you will try convince me that you're not but well ... Take the first mirror near you and look at you , how of a loser you are.

>Hurr I learned how to green tekst
>Will use it so Jow Forums ppl will think I'm smart and know everything
>I am neet and superior to everyone lol x'D

Not even the user you're talking to, but holy shit this is sad

1. You have to be 18 to post here
2. This is basically the only board lub the entire site where females are given a pass for the "rules"

Just go to /soc/ or gtfo

Yes you're right I'm 18 lol xd

Motherfucker I stay where I want to . And If I want this thread to go down , try to stop me.

Recently woke up

Guys please. Can some people actually answer the question with explanation?

desu I think if you just learn to do your makeup better you'll be fine.

Here is a summary of my facial problems

Dude it's so easy for you to say. Doing full face makeup with contour and everything takes money and wastes time every single day. I want my actual face to look good, not just with paint.

And if you were to actually have read my problems, you'd know makeup wouldn't fix many of them.

Yeah I posted that before I saw the list. If you're making an accurate judgement about yourself then I think you should go for it, but if you're making an accurate judgment then I don't think you need advice.

So you don't think that he will find it weird or uncanny that I don't look exactly like I used to?