Top ten reasons why guys can't find a meaningful relationship?

Top ten reasons why guys can't find a meaningful relationship?

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They're not trying
They don't want to

That's all, no 10.

1-10 hes unattractive

In no specific order

>Live with their parents
>No car
>Shit body
>Not nearly as smart as they think they are
>Slightly autistic, but not the functional kind. The tard kind
>Watch a fucking shit load of porn
>Too shy to do anything and lives a boring life
>Broke af
>No hobbies or interests outside of watching netflix and playing video games

This, also they'll go for any girl who shows them interest or gets their dick hard instead of investing time and effort into finding someone they're compatible with behind "she's pretty and plays video games"

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1 they are ugly
2 they are short
3 they have a small dick
4 no social status
5 they have anxiety
6 they are shy
7 they are bald
8 they are poor
9 they are disgusted by the behaviour of women
10 they are too smart

Yeah, women can sniff out small dicks and financial status

There's many, especially when young. However if you look at men (or even women, for that matter) as a whole, not "finding" meaningful relationships 9/10 times means being unable to initiate or maintain a meaningful relationship. Sure there's men with great characters but so ugly no one would look at them twice, but that's a rare exception. Most women date/fuck/marry men who are just normal men with normal jobs and qualities.

You can't walk up to someone you find hot and wait for a connection to form itself. The forming of that connection is actively initiated by (hopefully) both partners. E.g. chemistry and attraction are fueled by showing off your good qualities, like making the girl laugh, expressing yourself articulately, showing yourself to be laid back and confident, there's many different options. And after the initial (emotional and physical) attraction, what really takes a fling into something meaningful is the ability to share something of your inner lives, your feelings, how you look at the world.

If you have no idea how to make friends, if other people mostly vaguely annoy you, if you are unable to express what interests and motivates you in a way that it can be shared with another person, if you are self-centered and don't like compromises, if you cramp up if someone expects emotional support/consoling from you and so on then a meaningful relationship is very unlikely to form.

And if you look at all the men who have difficulty "finding" a relationship like that the biggest common factor will be that they don't know how to pull their weight and make that relationship happen instead of expecting it to fall into their lap.

I've lived alone for seven years, am pretty decisive, have a decent car, a decent body, people tell me I'm smart, I'm not a complete social retard by any means. I never watch porn, I'm not broke but not really rich, my life isn't the most amazing but I wouldn't say it's boring, and I rarely play vidya or watch TV and spend most of my time out and about. Either there's more to it than this, or I am not being honest with myself. But I am really fucking hard on myself a lot of the time so I doubt that.

>No car
Found the American.

>too smart
Lel. Incel coping.

Close, I'm Canadian. But I use my car to go to the cottage in 'murica

What do you do in your spare time?

They are lonely and settle for someone they don't actually like, just find them bangable enough.

1. Neet

I'd say it all boils down to fear.

Fear of rejection
Fear of intimacy
Fear of vulnerability
Fear of dependency
Fear of commitment

The most common problem here at Jow Forums is fear of rejection. Decent guys stay alone forever because they fear that the girl will say no, or even laugh, when they try to approach. This is why guys stay in the "friendzone", because it's safer there.

Fear of intimacy is more of a "man" thing. Actually being tender and soft, generally "women" qualities, can be scary if you have invested so much time and mental training in being a hard and unyielding man-person. Not everyone is capable of being hard in public but tender in private.

Vulnerability is easy to understand. How many of you would say "therapy is for the weak" or something similar? Yeah, that's fear of vulnerability. Perhaps you're all tough on the outside, but you don't have the balls to actually show your vulnerability. Talking openly about yourself, your fears, and your hopes, is a strength not everyone is capable of. Men more so than women are terrified of sharing their feelings.

Dependency. Have you been alone for a long time? Then perhaps you are afraid of not being a lonewolf anymore. Actually depending on someone for part of your life can be scary, because it means that you rely on someone or something you have no direct control over. Imagine if someone else was in charge of breathing for you, and you had no control over that person. Pretty scary.

Commitment. That classic. Perhaps you aren't smashing left and right, but knowing that you could is pretty nice. Suddenly you have to forego that possibility, and a lot of other things too, maybe forever. That can be scary. What if you find someone better around the corner? What if your gf gets fat? Commitment can be frightening too.

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Photography or reading mainly. Or just getting out and walking in the city. Anything to mostly get me out of the house. I like to invite people too but I often get excuses or they just never respond.

Having no car is a retarded criteria for this. Plenty of people live just fine without one in areas with good public transport.

I'm afraid of my life being intermingled with someone else only for her or the situation to fuck me over. It happened once and could happen again. If I'm constantly in contact with someone and we both have expectations for each other it would freak me out a bit at first. Especially since I have no truly good and reliable friends besides people I know online, and even then not as much. So I am the lone wolf. I don't really want to be, but I feel like I must be. I make compromises and an considerate of others all the time. It's rare for people to make time and effort for me.

They think they're entitled to sex

How is she gonna jack you off on a bus?

Some people have their own place and don't live with their parents.

You sound like a person who hasn't had a handy on the freeway

>no idea how to make friends, if other people mostly vaguely annoy you, if you are unable to express what interests and motivates you in a way that it can be shared with another person
So how do you fix any of these?

If they aren't materially successful, inherently attractive, naturally charismatic, directionless, anti-social to any extent, and not interesting (i.e not up to date on the latest Netflix shows or having traveled to 30 different countries while in high-school). I am all of these things and I have no problem with women being interested in me. Some people are meant to be alone

I don't want to be distracted in such a way and get into an accident.

If they aren't materially successful, inherently attractive, naturally charismatic, are directionless, anti-social to any extent, and not interesting (i.e not up to date on the latest Netflix shows or having traveled to 30 different countries while in high-school). I am all of these things and I have no women interested in me. Some people are meant to be alone

You probably are spergy and boring.

Yes, hence why I listed anti-social and "not interesting."

All me
But still got a gf


this maybe

basically this:
Most people who want a loving caring relationship, particularly those who whine about it a lot, just basically don't understand what a relationship is. It's complicated its a two way street of love affection and support and that takes a certain amount of commitment and maturity, most people think a relationship is what they see in films or even worse porn.

Also, not being able to fuck and not being able to find a girlfriend are different problems, but they have many overlaps.

Also this.

The "youre not attractive enought hats why you dont get a gf" its a 100% totally confirmed meme. Specially if youre a man. Men can up their value with charms and personality really a lot.
But in the end, unless you have a really severe problem there is no excuse. If you really want to and are more or less chill, keep going to social places meet people and keep your cool, you will find a decent girl, and probably after spending a few years with her youll like her more than any big titted porn/anime fantasy.

The problem is the inmense amount of people who don't experience the real world and think they know it because they see tv, oh and also the very lucrative market of living of their dispair, its almost ingrained in our culture, so its really hard.

But hey, you know most people are retards and wrong regarding how to live life, why do you think what they say about love and sex is correct?

>keep going to social places
Like where?

Deeply seated interpersonal dysfunction. The current generation of people have been raised with a very profound and hyper-normalized disconnection from interpersonal connection. Our entire world has been, suddenly, in the past 30 years been completely built around escapism and virtual realities. Young men grow up on the internet, building fantasies and relationships through video games and movies but then suddenly they turn 18, are booted off to uni or the workforce and told that they must use the social skills they have been building over their short lifetime to not only find friends and romantic partners but to challenge their own egos and process pain/disappointment in healthy ways. The transition from child to adult is so sharp and so sudden that many trip out of the gate and never gain their footing. There is a small social window between the ages of 18 and 30 that you have to establish yourself as a well-adjusted and emotionally aware adult and many who have missed the boat are exiled for their failures. Modern men are baby birds that have been dumped from the nest without any of the skills necessary to fly. A meaningful relationship requires compromise, sacrifice and above all else self-awareness. If you've spent the first 18 years of your life pretending to be somebody else through social media, chatrooms and video games its no wonder why you have no idea who the fuck you are or how to be in relationships.

whatever the fuck that has people. bar concerts, classes of any kind, meetings, college, public events, the theater, really whatever

you have to mingle without being annoying but above all dont lock inside yourself.

social media is not 30 years old

>Top ten reasons why guys can't find a meaningful relationship?
I'm not going to write a listicle but here's a few frequent ones I've heard about:
Unable to deal with social situations, conversation, rejection, arguments
No life experience, no woman wants to date a weeb who sat at his computer since he finished school instead of having an active hobby and left the house
Unwilling to put effort into a relationship, stop winning women over after the "honeymoon period" (9 - 12 months into the relationship)
Mummy issues or lacking a male role model, this results in having no idea how relationships work from a young age

For the most part though it's as simple as having no life experience, active hobbies or self awareness. make a throwaway account on pof and look at the guys on there, they will have an outdated profile picture, a close up of them smiling at their phone screen taking a selfie and a bio stating what they think women want to read.

>in the past 30 years been completely built around escapism and virtual realities. Young men grow up on the internet, building fantasies and relationships through video games and movies but then suddenly they turn 18, are booted off to...
I'm 28, Bebo and Myspace were the social media networks (along with MSN to message people) when I was 15ish, I probably got xbox live around then too (though the xbox 360 came out not long after I got an xbox and live), my earliest memories of online gaming were playing runescape around age 13 - 14, I had plenty of time to learn interpersonal skills even then because internet packages back then were usually priced up to a certain amount of data which was used by my entire household, I remember most people I knew having similar situations (even the well off families).
People struggle with interpersonal skills not because they were role playing in vidya or online, but simply because they don't HAVE interpersonal skills when it comes to it, you can learn to speak or read a language without learning the other, it's lacking in being socially equipped that causes the irl problems, not struggling to be who they pretended to be.

Basically, you're full of shit, your pseudo social science knowledge rings true for kids born after 2000 (I work with young offenders and see a lot of desire for instant gratification, a lack of understanding in how to talk with a normal tone or even body language)

Top one reason they do.

1. Me

Fuck you, you pansy.

Finding "meaning" in life and the relationships we develop during it is in and of itself is actually one of the hardest things for people to do. People try to find purpose in everything and eventually find that at some point the purpose will no longer be sustainable or reasonable anymore.

I lived with my parents until I was 23. No car. No job. Drug addict. Always borrowing money. No personal hygiene. Lived like a slob. Completely introverted.... And still had a girlfriend. I know it's anecdotal, but any of those reasons arent a reason that a girl won't date a guy. It almost always comes down to confidence and game.

>the hobbies meme
stop already

this to the max.


said no girl ever

I personally hate the idea of actually perusing a relationship and have been repeatedly mistreated by women from a young age through no fault of my own

how fucking incel can you get.

Let me guess, youre a GREAT dude and youre so GOOD, but somehow in your VAST experience ALL women were totally unfair to you even tough you behaved SO good.

I was really just a sweet, affectionate little boy for a lot of it, so yeah I guess.
>ALL women
Project harder. I'm well aware the vast majority of women aren't abusive, but that doesn't mean I don't have a hard time around them

>Project harder.
congratulations on learning new words. you should learn what they mean maybe. MAybe youre still a little boy?

>I'm well aware the vast majority of women aren't abusive, but that doesn't mean I don't have a hard time around them
So basically youre saying it was "no fault of your own" but the vast majority of them aren't abusive. So either you have very little experience, you are claiming to have had incredibly bad luck with women, or you are admiting that even tough you had a bad time it wasnt her fault OR your fault, which would amount to you basically finding out that relationships are hard at what i hope its not any further than age 20

What is your problem? I had a string of bad things happen to me, much of which were when I was too young to do anything about them. As a result I have serious struggles with women and relationships.

>Top ten reasons why guys can't find a meaningful relationship?
Unrealistic expectations.
Unrealistic perceptions of their own qualities
Ego issues
One sided requirements (a girl should be 10 kinds of perfect, I shouldn't have to change)
Previous rejections
Some others.

no problem, anyone can have a bad time, but your first post sounded like the basic unexperienced incel manual: girls are bad to me even tough im good.
Implying the problem are "girls" when the problem really is human interaction which is obviously hard in general if anyone sees it with a bit of self criticism.

>Implying the problem are "girls" when the problem really is human interaction which is obviously hard in general if anyone sees it with a bit of self criticism.
No the problem is I got taken advantage of in a sexualized way. Women do that too sometimes

What are you talking about? Americans are always bragging about their cars and how they've used public transport once in their life and then bought a gallon of oil and flushed it down their toilets and swore never to ride un-american commie vehicles ever again.
I'm not that incel but women definitely judge men by their financial status. Dressing is usually the most obvious giveaway but through conversation things like work come up pretty quickly.

1.The voices of doubt in my head telling me not to read too deep into things

2.Low self-esteem

3.Lack of trying

4.Fear of getting hurt

There's definitely more but I'm not in the mood to go into it

These are pretty good though

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See, you like to attribute everything to freewill and nothing to chance. Is this because you're successful or do you have proof of freewill? Regardless, unless you've lived out several decades entirely alone (save family) I don't think your advice is applicable to me. Two fundamentally different people. You telling me to just fix myself would be like me telling a normie to just be lonely. It doesn't work like that

This is true, as a former nice guy who has his shit together now and does pretty well with women, the number 1 thing holding me back was myself. I was scared of commitment, affection and getting hurt so even when I had the opportunity to be with a girl, I would always self sabotage

They treat women like equals (women, including feminists, want traditionalist men)

Modern women are fat and have unrealistic standards.

Having hobbies doesn't make up for having a dull personality, they can make you seem slightly more interesting at first but won't save you

>There is a small social window between the ages of 18 and 30 that you have to establish yourself as a well-adjusted and emotionally aware adult and many who have missed the boat are exiled for their failures. Modern men are baby birds that have been dumped from the nest without any of the skills necessary to fly.
Fuck you, fuck you with cactus.

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There are some many accumuting variables it's impossible to list or explain clearly.
I'll do my best, though.
Early life
>either be naturally autistic and/or fail to establish social skills due to circumstances (i.e moving countless times)
>fail to learn how to socialize
>fail to learn how to make friends
High-school age
>social skills fall behind or never develop at all
>either bullied or ignored
>no friends, become isolated and self-conscious to the extreme
College/young adult
>self conciousness leads to crippling doubt
>doubt combined with social incompetence leads to more doubt
>terrible cycle that ultimately leads to resignation (most uncles and myself) or breakage (St. elliot).

Entitlement is usually at fault

Part of it is a lot of men having unrealistic standards, but also tangentially related is that an awful lot of then also just don't give enough of a shit in general. So far as appearance goes (which IS important; regardless of what uggos tell you), they don't care how out of shape they get, they don't care how shitty their clothes look, and just as importantly they don't care about grooming themselves properly. As far as behaviour is concerned, they don't really care about their attitude or demeanor and how those might impact other people; particularly women. They also don't really care enough about developing receptive conversational skills and crucial rapport building.
Many men care little-to-none about these things, then expect to get a woman who does give a shit; then wonder why life is so unfair for them.
So I guess I'd say give a shit. Don't just be yourself; be the best version of yourself that you can be.

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What is the point of this thread? How is it productive?

You either work on the things that make this your reality or you maintain the status quo. Go to therapy or figure it out on your own. Anyone here could get a gf in a year.

Whining on an imageboard isn't going to help, it's an excuse for not taking productive action. Now get out there and disappoint some thots user.

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You know, you're not wrong. I don't care about much of that superficial shit. It isn't worth it in any way. No one likes me and I'm not wasting my time to appeal to them. Yes, some of these I do for myself.
I can still want a woman. I don't expect one at all anymore. Your advice isn't wrong by any means, but you should make it clear that women arent interested in you "being yourself" but in you "being attractive"

You paint a bleak but elegant picture. To the people below who continue to dismiss the finality of this fate by just shouting "time and effort," I don't know what to say anymore.

And we like them why? Because we secretly hope that they're coarse, cold and ugly? Or because they're soft, warm and pretty?
I'm saying that with the demands we put on them, it's a two-way street.
Also yeah in some ways it is superficial if you want to look at it that way; but in others maybe not as much as first considered:
Everything I listed was to underpin the thrust of my post; which was to do with whether or not a man generally gives a shit. Yes, some of those things are to do with appearance, but some aren't; although I'm digressing now. In the end, they all tell the other person that you're with or trying to be with that you give a shit. About yourself and subsequently about them. Looking good and grooming yourself when it's even easier not to shows your partner that you care about the person that they're with and whether or not they have to be with someone who smells bad and is a poor reflection on them. The rapport, conversation, and attitude on the other hand; not so superficial and equally important. Plus those things also show your partner that you give enough of a shit to at least try to be a good bf/husband/meaningful one night stand.
So again: Give a shit.

>shallow as fuck: the post

You live in a world where a woman who is taller laying on her back than standing up has slightly less than infinite romantic options and has every financial, social, and legal safety net that a soft, warm, and pretty girl does, and you somehow still conclude that WE put demands on THEM.

1. too picky
2. too picky
3. too picky
4. too picky
5. too picky
6. too picky
7. too picky
8. too picky
9. too picky
10. too picky

>Bullshit: the post
>blablabla you have to achieve thsi until then or you die blabalbla

All I see is a bunch of completely arbitrary age restrictions which you just pulled out of oyur ass and I've seen counterexamples of often enough. But sure, make excuses for why the ship has sailed anyways.
And besides, this Boomer "social media is os powerful and changed so much" meme is retarded. A bit of facebook doesn't change the very fabric of human cohabitation in ten years, get a grip.

Yeah not smelling of desperation and looking to bang the ugliest, bitchiest hambeast you can find is insanley unattractive my man

Yes and I said that only we do it, too.
Slow down buddy; your victim complex is showing.

This is the problem. Photography is a low grade social hobby that people appreciate online but never in person. Reading is niche and done in solitude. You need to fill the blanks and pick up more social hobbies. Camping and backpacking give you extra stuff to converse about, but watching and playing sports will win you a good amount of people over. I guess you also have to enjoy, or at least express that you enjoy, clubbing and partying.

This is coming from a guy in a huge existential crisis about his own life, so just carry on if you think this is meaningless advice. I could use some myself right now tbqh.

>lives with their parents / no car
at uni
>shity body
Not overweight, not disfigured, average looks and heights
>Not nearly as smart as they think they are
I'm doing a difficult major at uni, so I can roughly say I have above average int but nothing genius.
>slightly autistic
Yeah but the functional kind
>Too shy / boring life
I've made decent bank at internships so far.
>No hobbies outside vidya
No social hobbies.

Alright I laid it all out bare, how do I cure my crippling social anxiety? No, how do I change who I am without knowing how to socialize? I can come off as a normie for about 5-10 minutes of chit chat.

>photography isnt appreciated in person
You're wrong as fuck my guy.

I'm actually about to pick up photography and camping. I'm not saying they're bad hobbies I just never really felt it would dig me out of the social rut I feel I'm in. I already play intermediate level guitar and saxophone, but I never talk to anyone about it for over a few minutes.

You're right though, I bet, and I'm probably just socially retarded, I can't even tell anymore. I need a change in strategy but I haven't a fucking clue what it is.

I mean if you're photographing people, events or weddings it's very social. If you are actively engaging with other photographers or getting your work in galleries you also have to socialize. But if you just want to take photos in isolation and put them on Flickr or something then it isn't social. I'm one of those people who does it solo myself but I've met others who love talking about it as they've been into it too. I don't know if it's a good way to meet women. In my case it probably falls into a neutral zone of neither hurting nor helping my ability to meet them. But a friend of mine who does it will have women come and talk to him and they use his photography to "open" him often.

Well personally I'm ugly as fuck so even if I was the most interesting guy around girls would still be disgusted by me

Supply has been rising and demand has been vanishing.

Males no loger die in huge amounts in wars
Females become less dependent on males

Since females are either dating up or across and men are dating across or down socio-economic ladder, this creates a harder dating scene for men.

This is nothing new by the way. Just in the past most of the males would die before they are able to reproduce, but right now they just hang around, because females are extremelly picky.

In the past, about 30 percent of men would die off before they could reproduce, 60 would reproduce in small numbers while 10 percent of males would reproduce a lot with multiple women.
Same shit today, only difference, females are actually allowed to choose partners they consider worthy, unlike in the past where it was just choosing out of those who are left alive.
So get used to it, genetically speaking, you might as well be dead.

>Anyone here could get a gf in a year.
Maybe, but I personally want to know how. Finding out what I need to improve is helpful to me.
Let's say my goal is to get a girlfriend in a year. I know I won't get that if I don't change something. I know how to get friends, but all my current friends are nerds. So I can easily ignore the people who say "get friends or get hobbies" as long as they don't offer specific hobbies that someone like me could engage in, that isn't helpful.
But some of it is helpful and productive.

1. Ugly
2. Poor.
4. No personality
5. Childish
6. Think he’s owed something
7. But I’m a nice guy.
8. Beta cuck
9. Lack of intelligence
10. Weak.

>Think he's owed something
Most cases

Source: incel blogs.

I think it's more of a question you should direct towards women. The answer for them would be because nobody wants used goods.
As for men, because they either don't really want it, or they don't have much to offer in a relationship or don't even know how to meet people.

Again, I said I want a girl, not that I expect one. If I expected one, then yes, it is a two way street. Bur I don't. You have to understand just how much effort it would take to make myself attractive. First of all, I'd have to figure out what I sarong with me. Second, quite literally every aspect of my life would have to change. At some point, the reward is not worth the effort, and that's where I am and have been since I realized it.
And just for clarification, I am not overly fat, I am not physically deformed, I am not remarkably unhealthy. I just am not attractive. I can maybe guess I'm burning, unable to socialize, self concious, and plenty of other things.
But the advice generally gets to, "love yourself and the women will come." As it stands right now, all I've ever had is myself. If I don't love myself already, then I simply dont know what love is. And I don't think you can teach that to someone. The but let's say I did figure it out and start actually loving myself: what is the point in "loving" someone else?
My main point is this: for me to become attractive, the effort would outweigh the reward. I'm not interested in this, regardless of how much I want to stick my dick in a hole

Not "burning"

There is no top ten, you guys just fall for thots.

Some people just are attractive doing the things they love, so they assume everyone is the same. In other words, if you don't get attention from women, you must hate yourself.
I'm content with my life in general, but in 28 years no one has been even slightly interested in me.

Exactly this. I'm ten-fold more interested and engaged reading some book than talking about said book with other people. Could I make a "hobby" out of it? Maybe. But if I like the hobby less than just reading, wouldn't that outwardly signal that I'm just trying to be something I'm not?
And people go on and on about how traveling and mountaineering and all this shit is interesting. And they're right; it is. But how many NEETS or even just college age guys can afford that? I mean, I guess a lot (which I can't understand) but I'm not one of them.
So basically, the things that interest me and I engage with are not "interesting" to anyone else

In my case:
Too scared, too smart, too proud.

>interject angry normie noises
"You're not too smart! You can get a gf! You must be dumb!"

Well the term "meaningful relationship" actually changes the nature of the question significantly.

The thread already dissolved into guys telling themselves and others why no woman wants them, but that's not it. Even if women want you, that =/= getting a significant relationship easily. Because that would entail being in one with significant emotional weight and powerful connection. You don't just check off a bunch of boxes and the love of your life shows up. That person could show up whenever, when you least expect it, when you're actually broke and feel like shit. It's not guaranteed for everyone. But my point is that having someone to parade around with on dates to show off to others and to have sex with is not really a meaningful relationship. Having "a" girlfriend doesn't mean you have a meaningful relationship.

I mean, God forbid men have standards. I actually redownloaded Tinder for the 17th time and I find myself swiping left far more often than right. The profiles I pass on are the ones that
-have no bio
-the only thing in their bio is a link to their instagram or snapchat
-they're a single mother. sorry, but being a single mom at 25 and below is a massive red flag, and gets brighter and redder the younger you are.
-they're super overweight
-they misspell words/have bad grammar at all

This kinda shit already rules out a massive chunk of women on Tinder. IDK if "IRL" is much better, it probably is, but there's still all sorts of shit you have to screen for, like her emotional availability, or whether or not she is a massive bitch.

a lot of these are redundant. 4-8 have a lot of overlap

Here is a post that might make you feel better if only a little bit, OP.
People hide themselves behind their social persona so their real selves don't get drained, sucked dry and berated completely for what and who they really are.
The herd mentality 'kills' the individual, and because of social media and internet we are now always under pressure from the herd.
This causes people to do away with themselves and sell their soul (their real individual selves) to the devil/ego/social persona.
Now, everyone is walking around with a mask 24/7, but they cannot take it off anymore.
Enter dysfunctional relationships.
2 people with unremovable social masks fall 'in love' with each others preceived qualities, which are actually negatively mirrored from their repressed real selves.
A lot of people are good at keeping up this facade because the sad truth is, a lot of people think the mask is themselves and do not know it's a facade after years of knowingly and unknowingly lying to the whole world, their families and friends, spouses, and worst of all, themselves.
So when their real selves bubble up to the surface and the ice of their social persona begins to crack and give way after being repressed for god knows how long, some people (especially intelligent people) can keep it up for years, madness ensues and humans are driven to the limits of what is considered to be 'sane behavior'.
This kind of thing is so unbelievably prevalent these days and the symptoms are literally everywere, Personally I think it's the greatest struggle humans as a species will have to overcome if we want to be something greater.
The harsh, cold beauty in it is, is that it is a 'spiritual' battle which is ongoing in humans, and you can participate in it.
We are all soldiers in a holy war, and fighting in it is a blessing if there ever was one.

Why would too smart make it not possible?
>Oh shit, I am going to get btfo by people who are not as dumb as I am
>I know! I will use the inb4 defense!
>hurr inb4 ur not smart
>There, now I am immune. I'll call them normies too to establish my superiority

A little triggered, eh bud? Be entirely honest. You would call him stupid or at least "not that smart" but certainly "not smart enough." It's like you people read from a script.
It really is a crime to be either a virgin or incel with standards. Say anything and it's like you've shat on Jesus's corpse inside a church.

Predictably you got triggered. Why are you so desperately trying to convince an anonymous bunch of posters on a Cambodian flower arrangement forum? Nobody gives a shit if you're smart, but anyway it's pretty obvious you're not.

Incels are malicious violent psychopaths so they deserve the contempt they get.

Here's my top ten reasons why I can't find any (not just meaningful) relationship:
1. I don't think a girl good enough for me exists
2. Even if she did, I wouldn't be good enough for her
3. Nobody proved the points 1 and 2 incorrect yet

That's all. Not even 10.

I like to convince myself that I'm making myself seem open and available, but the truth is every time I go out there's dozens of women staring at me in awe, jaws dropped, some even approach me and I'm friendly, but never anything more.
Because of reasons 1-2 I'll never give them a chance.

I know, I know - this sucks - and I do feel bad about it.
No need to make me feel any worse.

Yes, and then you wonder why they end up killing people. Or maybe you don't. Who knows anymore
First of all, I never inb4'd. I just said
>interject angry normie noises
Which you then proceed to do, and say exactly what I knew you'd say, which is that that guy isn't (as) smart (as he thinks he is).

Pretty much this. My standards are high not because I want them to, but because I'd be interested in a stable relationship for my kids' sake.
But yes, the conundrum is that I shouldn't have kids, so my standards are high enough that I won't ever find anyone within my grasp, thereby making me a genetic dead-end, which is the way it's supposed to be according to both society and the laws of nature.