How do you learn to love yourself?

How do you learn to love yourself?

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By understanding that the world is against you in every way imaginable. Or, less servely, that the world doesn't care about you, and you must look out for your own preservation and interests.

I try to be better, working out, doing stuff that i like, clothes that fit me well, eat good, talking and going out witch ppl that i like be with, etc.

Like this. We are weak We do not posses communication skills that win friends. We don't have charming charisma that draws women. We don't have any particular talents that would make us interesting nor problems that stand out. Those people will live in places we will just see from distance. They are gods to us and we are dogs to them. Do you love dogs? Well there you are.

Learning to talk back to the negative talk you have about yourself, doing things you enjoy, looking good and putting effort into your appearance in ways that you like. self-esteem is basically just setting good boundaries and dating yourself. i'm on this path right now because I had no idea how low my self-esteem and self confidence were.

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>Drag queen telling me to love myself
Yeah I think self hate is based now

By becoming someone worth loving.

based in poverty, maybe. rupaul is a multimillionaire and even as a drag queen she understands the importance of self esteem.

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I never fucking understood the logic that cliché the gif is spouting.

If you don't know math how are you supposed to show someone else how to do it?

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I don't know what your barriers are, but for me it was forgiveness.

I had a TON of old memories that would always pop up in my head. Just tiny things. Little bits from my past here and there where I did something embarrassing or awkward and felt stupid about in hindsight. For some reason I could never let those down.

Until one day I was thinking about forgiveness. And how it actually works --- it's not like you impulsively think. It's not the "gullible fool" that your ego makes it out to be... THAT is why forgiveness is so hard for us, and THAT is why it's a virtue.
Eventually I learned to simply apologize to myself, and then truly forgive myself, and incrementally I was able to stop hating myself, and eventually start loving myself. I hope that resonates. It helped me a lot.

To a lesser degree, a sense of "deserving" can help too. For me, this would be stuff like appearance or experiences. I "deserve" the VIP ticket at that convention, I 'deserve' that bar of chocolate because it'll make me happy, or I 'deserve' a gym membership because I 'deserve' to have a good looking, beautiful body. Like that... give yourself a healthy sense of deserving.Really it's ok.

By working toward your goals/what you want.

If you don't know complex analysis how can you understand basic algebra?

>Book shit to do tomorrow
>Do that shit, even if you fucking bleed
>Hey, I did shit for once
>Repeat adding more shit with time
>Suddenly you feel some worth because now you get shit done
>Make it a spiral of booking shit, doing the shit and feeling proud about the shit
>The spiral keeps going
>Power your mecha with said spiral
>Pierce the heavens
>Buy kick ass shades
>Be Kamina

How are you supposed to know math if someone doesn't show you how to do it?

not sure what this is saying

I mean yeah but you're still just saying you need to learn to love yourself before you love someone else. money is probably a better analogy. you're raised in a home with someones money so that you can learn make your own money as an adult. how are you supposed to share finances or support someone financially when you don't have enough money for yourself? you don't, you go bankrupt.

Learn to appreciate what you don't like about yourself. Carl Jung calls it Shadow Work.

learn to stop giving a fuck first. its how i did it

The less of a fuck you give the more valuable your fuck becomes

no one fucking told me that you LITERALLY have to gain your own respect. Do things that challenge yourself and scare you. Do things that have doubt about. and when you accomplish them, your body and mind cant argue against what has taken place.


I feel like its a slightly altered (to make it more self positive) version of
>If you don't love yourself how will anyone else love you?
Which does make sense

By learning to stop hating others and only love others, even your enemy.

>Book shit to do tomorrow
>Do that shit, even if you fucking bleed
>shit goes wrong, get nothing out of it

Math is pretty much a priori. Most people can figure shit out by themselves

Self-hatred is not productive. You're just emotionally abusing yourself and getting nothing out of it. Try to become the best version of yourself you can be.

Self-hatred is not a conscious effort or mutually exclusive with striving to be better.

>By understanding that the world is against you in every way imaginable
Not true. Apart from a few, most people out there aren't purposely trying to bring you down.

>Or, less severely, that the world doesn't care about you, and you must look out for your own preservation and interests.
This is the truth.

Like i said, most people aren't purposely trying to hurt you or kick you in the nuts. That being said, people often pretend to be alot nicer and more caring than they really are. In the end of the day, people care primarily about themselves and their own interests. People (even your friends) care way less about you then you might think. They are way too busy worrying about their own shit in their own lives.

>looking good and putting effort into your appearance in ways that you like
How do I get over not liking to shave?


I started lifting weights. If you look like shit you'll feel like shit. There's no confidence boost like looking at your ripped body in the mirror.

To accept my internal flaws, I realized that everyone is fucked up in some way. Embrace it

Stop fapping

We uncovered it from the universe. Through "eureka" moments, basically. And these clever guys then WROTE IT DOWN and taught other people.

Like the pi, or the Pythagorean theorem. Such incredibly simple concepts, yet it took thousands of year for a human to finally figure it out. Again there are more very simply concepts all around us, we just yet to discover.

A recent one, like 10 years ago, Blizzard (yes the video game company) proved that 0.9999 repeating forever equals exactly 1.

Until then, it was only speculation or doubt. So simple, something so simple, we STILL DIDN'T KNOW. And there's so much more around us.

So to answer your question, it's "eureka" moments and capturing these ideas from the universe.

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Stop calling yourself a faggot everytime you see a mirror.

>A recent one, like 10 years ago, Blizzard (yes the video game company) proved that 0.9999 repeating forever equals exactly 1.
it's posts like this that make me question if Jow Forums really is full of people pretending to be retarded or if it's genuinely just filled with retards

I'm not even going to reply, because it was indeed mathematically proven.

So here's the proof.

I was right that it was a very recent proof (less than 300 years ago generously, or less than 10 years ago, depending on who you ask). But Blizzard only played a social role in it, because it was all over their forums at the time. I remember it.

This proof is literally in a book by Euler from early 19th century and you claimed that fucking Blizzard proved it, then acted like you actually have an idea of what you're talking about, which you clearly do not.

I just filtered you because you're not just an idiot like any other tripfag, you're a genuine fucking basket case.

>I'm not even going to reply

>early 19th century
Is it really not older than that? That's only 200 years ago.

That's a bit of an over-reaction I think, for a nuance detail. You could replace this proof with any other, like e=mc2, and still my original post holds water.

I was mistaken saying blizzard proved it. However, they DID prove it. It started as a joke, until it wasn't a joke anymore. I was posting on their forums around the time and it was blowing up with this question.

And THAT was the point I was trying to make.

I was answering the guy's question about math, and how people learn it without being taught. Whether or not I was right about Blizzard/Euler is inconsequential to that effect.

It's pretty easy to love someone when you don't love yourself. I have shit self esteem and self worth but I love my family.

>Feel like shit because of body
>Lift weights
>Feel like a double shit because of body AND fatigue

As long as you maintain your beard it's totally fine to have one

This. Mercy upon yourself is one of the hardest things to learn, but if you do learn it you stop criticizing yourself so much and start feeling love and admiration for yourself.