Vagina tightness

Say I pick up a girl who has been banged out by big dick dudes in the past. Can she still feel tight or will she feel loose to me? I'm of average size myself and it gets me down thinking that all of these girls have been loosened out by other guys

>have you been with sluts or girls who have bigger exs? Were they tight or loose

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They're used goods. Even if they're lucky to feel anything at all, you're committing yourself to being rightfully shamed to for putting your dick in something like that. Also STDs are a thing.
No women is worth your time.

Age and frame size in relation to your dick matter more

What difference does being with a big dick make?

If you can only think of other men's dicks when you see a girl, I have bad news for you about your sexual orientation.

None of it matter when anal.

You must be underaged

Only thing that makes vaginas "looser" is childbirth

He drank too much of the incel koolaid
He probably unironically thinks that labia is callus from being fucked so much

Bro anal is like the equivalent of if she took 1 big dick a day
That turd stretches you.

Incels have the mental level of a child.

>Can she still feel tight or will she feel loose to me?

The amount of sex you have doesn't change vaginal tightness. Source: vaginas being made to have enough elasticity to shove entire children out of them

Unless you're getting fisted daily your vagina won't be any looser if you slept with 7 or 2 dudes.

You do know that there are some pretty damn strong muscles there right?
In the vagina also for that matter.
In fact, if she doesn't squeeze you when you are inside her, I'm sorry but she's not liking it all that much.
So you saying that women are stretched just shows you either have a small dick or just sucks at sex in general.

It's elastic. The vagina will re-tighten to virgin-tightness if a woman doesn't stick anything in there for a couple of years. It's actually advised that women not use sex toys that require insertion when not sexually active because they're basically wrecking themselves when they could be using the opportunity to tighten up.

You're a dumbass, OP.

Being banged up by many dudes and tightness of vagina is not correlated. Be more worried that your average dick and little experience and knowledge is going to disappoint her.

This guy get the situation.

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>t. stacey

Yes and no. Vaginas DO stretch butjust like anything else, they also lose that mobility if you don't maintain it. So it depends on how long it's been and how long she was stretched in the first place.
My gf couldn't fit me (8 x 6) at all when we started dating, but after a lot of very intentional stretching she was finally able to comfortably take most of my dick. Then she got a pretty bad uti so we laid off for about a month, then I switched to working nights for another month, and finally we each got the flu for a combined two weeks, and at the end of it all she was right back to not being able to take my dick.
If it is an issue for you, kegels can solve just about anything.

That's not how it works kid. Pussy is a muscle. I'm pretty big and I know my ex's rebound couldn't get off the fact that he could never plow her like I could. That's where he fucked up. She probably preferred the lack of pain.

Honestly my ex's friend was a better lay. Her pussy loved it.

You aren't that same faggot are you? Grow up if you are dude. You can't change some shit.

Have you guys been with girls who felt tight despite having a bigger ex? Like first hand experience rather than just theory

is probably the best you'll get.

tightness and clit size varies just like male genitals vary. having sex doesn’t make a girl looser, but giving birth can be very physically traumatic and totally wreck their vag.

Jesus youre a fucking child.

>you care about my sexual past with direct correlation to health, childbearing, future bonding and a healthy relationship ?


The roastie defense force is out in full force today lmao

In all seriousness OP, you should be fine, stretching does require a fuck ton more than a dick i e a fist etc

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Enjoy being a virgin for the rest of your life

This is why I'm sick of fucking faggots on every mother fucking board.


So if a girl dated a bigger dude she wouldn't feel any looser thereafter?

Imo probably not, unless there was multiple penetration / fisting etc

vaginas are very elastic a girl has really have to slut it up to ruin it, almost impossible with dicks, most of the time with objects like a baby's head

Also this, freud would sort you out in 2 seconds

OP... I was fucking a girl who only fucked with Asians, and Latinos. After a month or so, she didn't "feel" them as much, saying that I made her "fuller" and it was more "exciting" so, here's the thing, if she's only fucking you and you are average, she'll keep that average pussy for you... But if she's fucking someone bigger than you as well, then, well... She'll probably cut you off... Unironically, I'm black.

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you know the the vagina is a muscle right?
kegel exersizes tightens that shit.

She’s gonna miss the big cock. I’m quite well hung and it drives chicks crazy when I tease them by not going in full depth. I love the look on their faces when I finally plunge all the way in. Don’t pay any attention when they say that size doesn’t matter - it does.

>People respond to a stupid question by calling him stupid and this guy spergs out
>Proceeds to respond to the stupid question with an answer that makes it very clear OP is stupid.

Everyone bragging in this thread obviously isn't that big since they didn't mention hurting them besides Only big dick dudes know that having a big dick is a curse and a blessing. Every girl I fucked had issues with pain from the dick