Age 22

>age 22
>just work on yourself and the girls will come :^)

>now 25
>get a decent paying job, no debt
>split rent/utilities with parents instead of just leeching
>don't want to move out because parents need my help
>got some new hobbies and further invested into my old ones
>made a decent amount of acquaintances/friends
>got Jow Forums

>still tfwnogf kissless permavirgin

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just be yourself

>working for material success
Yes, goyim, the Gf Is in the mail... oh, you forgot to pay processing and handling. That'll be another 7 years of your life

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The world doesn't guarantee you shit.
It's being entitled like this that gives feminists actual arguments to fuck us with.

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You should better yourself for yourself, not women. Then the girls come.

did you actually work on yourself for yourself or work on yourself for the purposes of getting a girlfriend because those are two different things.

do you like your hobbies? do you like yourself? can do do things on your own like the hobbies you now have?

You weren't promised anything, you misinterpreted what people told you. In any case, improving yourself is ONLY for the purpose of developing the confidence within yourself to chase after girls like a regular man. If you'd had that to begin with, there would've been no need for the self improvement meme.

>just work on yourself and the girls will come :^)

Well you fucked that one up. You're on an anime image board full of pimply virgin dudes at 25.

I thought like you at first and in the end I gave up

>gives feminists actual arguments to fuck us with.


>you misinterpreted what people told you

As if "people" are honest and not completely delisional.

How common is this for males in their mid twenties?

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>its not my fault I heard it wrong

I think it's very common because I'm in the same boat

Like you are the only one who got your shit together. Still a sea of other really awesome guys who does that... without complaining.
You still got a long way to go.

You're the one that implied the only forces that influenced user where pure and honest and truthful. That's a primitive notion.

I didn't literally mean I thought I was promised a congratulatory gf lel, I figured or hoped would have at least gotten some sort of interest from someone at the very least though.
For the most part I just didn't want to feel like a useless fat NEET who didn't do anything or have hobbies outside of watching anime/play vidya (still do both desu).
Objectively I'm in a much better place now than where I was 3 years ago mentally or physically, but I still feel lonely every now and then and still have 0 self confidence though I keep trying with the "fake it until you make it" shit.

>do you like your hobbies
>Do you like yourself
I don't think I'm going to reach a point where I'm satisfied with myself.
>Can you do things on your own like the hobbies you now have?
What do you mean by this?
I do them because I like them, not because I use them as an excuse to meet other people or be around people if that's what your asking.

>Improving yourself is only for the purpose of developing the confidence within yourself

But I love this place, I can't leave m8.

But user I never even complain or act like a mopey little shit in real life.

are you even trying, you psyop freak?

Sorry OP, you fell for ''the just work on yourself and girls will come to you'' meme. Happens to the best of us.

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Post his new picture
If he lifted he'd actually look pretty decent

I'm you at 22 right now OP. I pray I'm luckier than you but you do still have plenty of time. Maybe you should try explicitly dating women like using dating web sites/apps?

women will never ask you out, quit waiting

ive known guys that when from ultra kissles incel to gets a girl every weekend at ages 24 27 and even 31.

Its hard but totally doable

My question is where are your friends with equal success and stability in life who can give you a fair assessment? Something's wrong if all of that shit is true about your life and you're coming to us for help. Not only could we not possibly guess at the root causes, but there ought to be far more useful people in your life to help you.

Improving yourself includes working on your social skills with women. Being good looking and financially stable means jack shit if you can’t actually go out and talk to women.

Bro theres more to life than women.

>working on your social skills with women
Prove there's any non-chemical means to alter your social skills past puberty.

>Prove there's any non-chemical means to alter your social skills past puberty
Why would there not be? Just google “improving social skills” and check out the thousands of techniques available.


You weren't promised anything. The world doesn't work like that. Just working on yourself is fine but work and hobbies isn't the complete picture. Are you in decent physical condition? Bad acne? Do you have a temper? Do you have off-putting behaviors and quirks? These things can potentially damage your chances of getting a girlfriend.

More importantly, have you tried a dating site or app? If not, you should try it. If you've tried and aren't getting any hits or are being rejected, it could be a sign you still need to work on you.

Personally, in my early 20s I had a job that made way better money than nearly everyone in my social circle, my job was also pretty physical and I developed a good physique. I had a good reputation and was considered honest and reliable. Yet, I still faced rejection from every girl I met.

It took meeting a girl from another state in order to start a romantic relationship. Perhaps you need to meet someone from far outside your normal social circle.

Bro, living with your parents at 25 is a pretty bad thing when it comes to girls. I get that your parents "need help" (fuck them for that, but good on you I guess, I'd tell my parents to kick rocks), but you need to spread your wings. No girl is going to come back to your old high school bedroom and make sure not to bother mommy and daddy with sex.

Also, here's the issue, when people said "work on yourself," it included working on your confidence, working on your social skills, and chipping away at your fear of girls slowly but surely.

It didn't mean "check off these road maps of life and some girl will walk up to you and save you like in your animes."

I knew a guy that looked like the guy on the right and he has a hot girlfriend and had numerous hot girlfriends.
There are also ugly women

Why does everyone fall for this meme? Hook up with a chick in high school or uni and then stay together. For life. Everything will feel better if you build it with someone. When my wife and I got together we had absolutely nothing. Everything we have we got together. Feeels good man.

So the advice about this stuff, as always, is a load of shit
>You can't attract women? Work on yourself!
>Wait you got a job? Oh no no, I meant you needed to attract women in order to be able to attract women idiot!

>you're still not good enough!!!
No, fuck off. Sometimes, the stars just don't align and people are fucked regardless of what they do.

In the case of OP, he might very well get a gf as soon as tomorrow or he might die alone. It has NOTHING to do with being good enough.

learn to drink
and go out to the club every weekend

talk to girls and youll get laid


This is about girlfriends, not getting laid.

You still sound unfun OP. Listen up go spend your cash on things that you enjoy, if you don't know what you enjoy spend time blowing cash learning what you enjoy, go find places you enjoy eating at or movies you enjoy watching. You're just boring OP, learn to be fun.

> lives with parents
Dude, women esp. at that age want a MAN to take her back to his MAN PLACE and FUCK HER. Not, like, mom's house.
> but they need me waaaaaaaa
Bullshit excuse to stay with mommy.

Also you obviously detest yourself and as a narcissistic connection everyone else as well. No proper woman will ever be attracted to that shit no matter how you invest in your dumbass hobbies.


C'mon dude if you're actually as comfortable and squared away as you say you are, getting a gf would be easy.
Just get a dating app and see where who you match with. Girls under 25 would see stability as a huge plus

At what age does it become unacceptable to still live with your parents?

Not super common,
It only seems high around here because the type of people that Jow Forums attracts

Its actaully really comon for people to still live with theyre parents these days. The economy is pretty shit right now. Especially if you have student loans. I know plenty of people still at home but are in long term relationships.

tooootally uncommon, women love guys in their prime and their prime doesn't begin until their late 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's... :v)

Girls never just come. If you're the man you still have to do everything.

Concentrate on what you can give to a potential girl, rather than what profits YOU will get from a relationship. Girls feel if you are trying to date them just to fill in the holes of your incecurities by getting a gf.

Pretty hard to get your own place place when the waiting queue is literally 300 people long and they only make a few dozen new places every (other) year.

gotta get practice with women before u get a gf
get laid first then u get the women once u reak of alpha

just go to the club, lots of girls looking for dudes there, just a game of chance

How many girls have you asked on date since age 22?

Attached: how many girls have you asked on date this year.png (1100x950, 177K)

All the ones interested in me

She had just taken a position at a hospital where I knew there were many young doctors who would be working alongside her. I expected that she was going to be pursued by a number of them. But it did not happen. It took me a while to figure out why,

Sally had become invisible. Usually, when people work in the same setting, they begin after a time to smile at each other when they pass in a hallway. Or they comment vaguely on some aspect of the weather while they are waiting together for an elevator to arrive. Sally did not. She wore a lock of hair over her eyes, and she looked away when someone looked at her in passing. She thought she was being neither welcoming nor rejecting, but rather sort of neutral. I tried to explain to her that being “neutral” would be perceived as being cold, but she seemed unable to change.

Finally, she told me that there was an internthat she was attracted to. He had examined her when she had a strep throat. I told her that was great—the next time she ran into him in the corridors of the hospital she should thank him and offer—as thanks—to buy him a cup of coffee.

“I can’t do that,” Sally told me hurriedly. “I can’t be forward that way.”

The only time Sally relaxed a little was when she was drinking. Consequently, the only men she met were in bars. Finally, she married analcoholic.

It's a sunk cost fallacy. You get to believing you're 'down here' in value, and that there's no sense 'going up' because you'll never 'make it there in time.'

Unfortunately, it's a zero-sum game of 'I don't wanna.'

So, what are you saying? I'm fine being alone. It just hurts sometimes knowing I'm a failure in terms of being a son. I won't reproduce, I won't have a good job, I won't be anything to tell her friends about. But that's it. And she already knows it. I have accepted it as it is. I'm unattractive and uninteresting.
I only replied to you because I wanted to see what you'd say, and I wasn't surprised

I was referring to my mom here. Sorry I didn't specify. It applies less to my dad, since he himself is depressed or whatever goes on with him