Okay so a while back, I got contacted by a company wanting to hire me. They said they would send me 3000 bucks, and then i would use that money to setup a work-from-home position.
Long story short, I get the check, figure hey I'll deposit half in another account just for emergencies and take out some cash. So after spending some of the cash on things(800 or so bucks). I figure okay, I'll get my income tax check in a week and that should cover what I spent. So yesterday my bank bounces the check and im in the hole for 3k. I figure okay I'll work something out with the bank and put back the 1.5k I set aside and then pay the rest back.
Today I find out they closed the account so I can't even give the 1.5k back. Given that I didn't write the check am I liable?Can I go to jail?Or be sued by the company who sent the fake check or the bank?It turns out the company who sent the check might be a scam.
I can't open an account with that bank anymore, but would I be blacklisted for it?Could I just go to another bank and open an account? This is my first issue with fraud ever.
They cant hurt you. Go on the attack. If there is any of your original money, get it back. They want you to fold like a puss and the law is on your side. Its their fucking job to make sure you're not getting scammed.not the other way around.
Liam Perez
Why not report this scam to the police.
Julian Hernandez
Go to the personalfinance sub on reddit. They deal with this kind of thing all the time. And they have people who actually know what they're talking about
Noah Allen
You're so cute, thinking that cops do stuff.
Nicholas Sullivan
Well one, OP probably lives in a western country and two this involves a decent sum of money. So yes, they will do something. >"The cops wont do anything." >-quote from detainee
Elijah Baker
That's weird. Usually how the scam works is they send you a phoney check, but have you send them money to them to balance it out. If they didn't have you sending them any money, I don't see what they could get out of sending you a bad check and then fucking off.
Hudson Roberts
If he's in American they won't do anything. Not necessarily because they don't want to. But because they know they will never catch the scammers.
Jack Murphy
They wanted me to buy a printer(350) and said I would get a 100 dollar signup bonus, but i jumped ship today when i saw the check bounce.
Lucas Nelson
That only applies to pajeets doing online or phone scams. Companies/individuals who fuck up like in OPs situation, meaning they tried to pull it while in the continental US with a paper trail behind them, get hit HARD.
Sebastian Clark
Yeah. In that case it was definitely a scam.
Tyler Carter
OP here, it was an indian guy.
Hudson Gonzalez
Forging checks is a federal offense.
Brandon Gutierrez
Scams done in the US are done with stolen identities They're not forged checks, they're legit from banks. That's why they bounce
Ayden Fisher
Now you're just completely stupid.
Eli Garcia
Seriously people are this dumb? The scam is obvious by the original email. I usually scam them back into sending a check or information and then report them. They can trace these things as scammers are surprisingly dumber than the people they try to scam.
Except for you OP..You supa dumb.
David Taylor
Are you a child? 800 bucks is not a lot of money and it is not a robbery. Its legal crap started by some untouchable fucker in a hack house in another country. Im sure the CIA will get right on it. A federal offense. In other words cops ain't gonna do shit. Maybe if the FBI gets enough phone calls about the same stuff.
You guys need to brace yourselves. The cops aren't going to help you when you need it. You have to relentlessly call lawyers and spend money. And small fish ain't worth the fry. That is the how this scam is a lucrative idea.
Your dumbest part is your financial irresponsibility. You shouldn't take "business money" and go fuck around with it. If you were a responsible customer, your bank would probably actively give a fuck about keeping your loyalty.
Jose James
This is a common scam. You should NEVER accept a check from someone you don't know.