So I, female, recently got into a new relationship with this guy. It's all great, but I'm really confused about sex and seeking advice. I am deadly afraid of fulfilling the "dead starfish" stereotype, but I just don't know what to do while he's on top of me. Also, how am I supposed to position my body while on the receiving end of doggy? I realize this is an absurd question, and also that you should talk to your partner about issues, but this feels very awkward to ask him and I suppose getting you guys' opinion does the same trick (about). TIA
Sex I guess
Gonna guess you're a virgin?
You being a woman, you actually have it easier when it comes to telling your SO that "hey, i'm not sure what to do sexually". Almost all guys will understand and will help you out. Communication is just as important during sex.
If you're on the bottom, you can do many things. Run your hands along his back, grab his ass, kiss his neck/ lips, wrap your legs around his waist, etc.
Just position yourself so it feel comfortable and nice. If he’s on top , try to do some hip motion to increase the range his dick reaches when he gets it out, just test it out real time.
Also suggest to be on top and use your hips and gauge at his reactions.
Sex is probably the number one thing in the world young people put way too much thought into for it all to end up like something they don't expect at all.
Just go in, let your presumed thoughts of how it's supposed to be or what people like out of the way; and focus on having fun with your boyfriend.
Well, you’re talking about sex positions where you’re not expected to do much. If you want to be more involved, you could try a different position.
Uh, in missionary, you can tighten your pelvic muscles and pull your legs out by your ankles with your hands. If he goes soft you can pleasure him orally or with your hands, and maybe insert him with your hands. If you can do all that, he’ll probably be a happy camper.
>I am deadly afraid of fulfilling the "dead starfish" stereotype, but I just don't know what to do while he's on top of me.
Touch him, make some noise, play with your boobs, wrap your legs around him if you're using protection (which you totally should be)
Also consider taking some turns being on top yourself. He won't think of you as a starfish if you're only a starfish some of the time.
>Also, how am I supposed to position my body while on the receiving end of doggy?
Arch your back, or whatever is comfortable/feels best.
For me, the difference between 'dead starfish' sex and good sex isn't about the position, it's about how engaged you are and how much you seem to be enjoying it. Starfish sex for me is when a woman is lying in missionary position, opens her legs and 'allows' me to fuck her while she waits for me to finish. She's allowing me to use her pussy to masturbate in. She isn't really excited to have sex with me and doesn't enjoy it. It's basically a pity fuck.
Make noise, moan while you're being fucked, kiss him passionately, make him feel desired when you're having sex. That's what makes the difference between good sex and shitty starfish sex.
Thanks for the input! Is that enough though, just touching him? I want it to be nice for him. I actually am not a Virgin and have slept with him before, and it was nice for me, but I want it to be as nice as possible for him also. A friend (male) once told me that no matter how bad the sex is, a man will still orgasm eventually, which just furthers my anxiety. Shouldn't I also do something with my hips? I feel like I once read something about "syncing up your rhythm"? I might as well be a virgin, Im very confused.
If she’s actually feeling him, this stuff should come naturally, right?
Thank you! We are, don't worry dad. This was very helpful.
Yeah ofcourse that makes a difference. But it's good to be aware of it as well. No guy enjoys getting pity fucked. Either fuck him good or don't fuck him at all.
I'm gonna say no. She might be too self conscious or ashamed, She might have fucked up hormones, she could have been sexually abused or a million other things.
OP again. So I understand the general consensus is that i don't have to do specific things except for touching and kissing him (which I do, it kind of comes naturally), but I figured there was more? As in, is it okay if I just let him do the hip movement and don't move my lower body? Or do I need to?
you missed out on his key point, you should be communicating with him instead of just doing guess work, be honest and say you don't really know what to do what would he like n try new things together
Engage your hips, not moving your hips really takes away from the act.
The idea that you need to do this or need to do that is a self-conscious performative American male mistake. Sex is for enjoyment. If you really like your partner as a person and aren’t too anxious or whatever, it should be pretty hot.
Dead fish is when the girl does nothing so if you give him a handjob or suck his weiner them you’re not a dead fish.
So, moreover, you might be too anxious the first few times, but when you *really* connect with him it will feel great.
The question is how do I move my hips? I'm assuming I try to press against him? As in, be as close to his pelvis as I can while he's moving? Or is it some other way?
ya gotta rotate your pussy 90 degrees on his peepee then say the incantation three times
Circular motions, up and down.. really depends on what feels right for you both, just ask him.
Thank you so much for the suggestions. I guess I'll ask him next time we before or after we have sex and use those as examples.