What should I do become more feminine?

What should I do become more feminine?
I was born male.

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Kys and reroll the reincarnation dice.

No rerolls.

Holy digits.
Yeah you should definitely KYS, the gods sent a sign.

I'm pretty sure the sign says the opposite.

No he should just kill himself

>Jow Forums in a nutshell
But yeah I mean being a dude that dresses and acts like a girl is whatever just don't expect everyone to treat you like one. You do it because you want to and you understand the consequences that come with living your life like that.

get some boobs and stop with that thing in your eyes, and that's pretty much it.

You already look good enough.

It doesn't matter how good you look.

No SANE straight is gonna ever fuck you.
No SANE gay will ever fuck you because you look like a female
No SANE person will ever fuck you because you are mentally ill.

Have fun with lunatics.

Stfu. Dubs speak the truth.

Bro you’re browsing Jow Forums. Get a grip

Yeah but the average person in real life doesn't.

Yes, reincarnation game is the final blackpill. Only a Chad can do it.

tbqh, if you hadn't told me you were a dude, I'd have guessed you were a girl. not an attractive one but a girl nonetheless. Your chin gives it away. And the eyebrows.

Exactly. The average person doesn’t browse Jow Forums. Facts are, we are all surrounded by lunatics here

cancer thread. you're cute, idk I'd most likely take you out for some coffee or something. tidy your room a bit and you're good to go.

I don’t condone homosexuality but traps are my weakness.
Lose weight
Take the estrogen shit
Grow your hair or get a pixie cut
Have a tiny penis
Clean ass
Shave hair everywhere
Learn fem walking posture
Dress cute
And most importantly do SQUATS!

im straight and id fuck you if i were horny enough, your face and figure is very feminin i would not mind a blowjob. Also fucking you from behind must be nice, if you behave id maybe even reach out and masturbate your tiny penis, i would definite bite your neck nibble your ear and whisper that youre my little cumslut

>im straight

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Don't do this OP just be a twink. You will be much happier you can still dress like a girl and be feminine but also not ruin your body with drugs and need constant bloodwork done. I believe in you.

Kill yourself faggot I only give quality advice.

Realizing you'll never, ever be a real woman is the strongest thing you could do as the not-woman you are.
Sorry, man.

The back of your head is a dead giveaway. Grow out your hair in the back a little more (or wig it if that's your fancy) other than that, estrogen supplements and keep that face and chest baby ass smooth (hairless) and you are on the right track user. Go for gold, even if every dickfer on Jow Forums tells you to kys. You do you booboo.

fuck you she can do whatever the fuck she wants

You're cute

breast augmentation

You should kill yourself

Lunactics who are into 2D waifus, not 3DPD as OP.

Live long enough to take advantage of gene rewriting procedures

I'm not even kidding

go to a doctor and get hormones prescribed
although there's no doubt that you are male, you already look feminine
maybe that'll push you further towards eternal damnation

You look hot as is...

God confirmed that you should commit rope neck op