New bread for the larpy harpies to nibble

New bread for the larpy harpies to nibble.

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When he moves away I will be able to reclaim my territory. I will establish it as my own and shriek aggressively at anyone who challenges me. I will become the ultimate alpha, thank you for this opportunity.

New girl will leave you
I'ma swoop in and fuck your depressed-because-bf-ignores-her girl and live happily ever after. Faggot.

>wanting used goods

>girl I'm crushing on followed me back on instagram

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Time to grab her by the pussy.

Don’t worry... I’ll be out of your hair soon.

You were never in it, feel no guilt it was my fault after all.

No you won't dude. This is like the least alpha shit I've heard lately. Good luck though. It's gonna suck.

I can't wait to fuck this escort. If I'm gonna rebound, I'm gonna gonna do it professionally.

I just want to disappear, there is no point in living like this anymore. I'm fucking tired of everything and I can't be fixed, my life will only get more and more pathetic.

I am more alpha than you can imagine. I have studied billy goats, arguably the most alpha animals in existence. Have you ever urinated on yourself for the ladies? I think not!

>This is like the least alpha shit I've heard lately.
Eh. Not as bad as
>I can't wait to fuck this escort. If I'm gonna rebound, I'm gonna gonna do it professionally.

I hated my mom since I was a kid. Only left me with female babysitters and I had to constantly switch baby sitters because they all abused me so I grew up to hate women. Would start fucking panicking if someone was at the door even though we have a fucking security system. Once the police knocked because they were asking if we heard any noise from the neighbor. When they started knocking she says “WHO IS IT” they respond “The police open up” she then starts fucking panicking again “NO YOUR NOT POLICE YOURE ROBBERS PRETENDING AHHH” She doesn’t know how to just shut the fuck up if she doesn’t wanna answer the door all she has to do is shut the fuck up. This bitch has the audacity to wonder why she’s going deaf. Once we had one of my dad’s friends knocking and she said “OH MY GOD THAT MAN WANTS TO BREAK INTO THE HOUSE” I’m only tolerating her because I have siblings. Once they’re 18 I hope none of us see her again

Sorry, I went for him because he went out of his way to talk to me and get to know me. Hopefully you aren't mad, don't know why you would be over someone who is practically a stranger to you but I get those vibes and heard some rumors. Surely they aren't true. Good luck.

I'm still jealous after all this time and soul-seeking. I guess jealousy is one of those things you can't shake. I wish I was smarter. I don't have any enviable qualities to compensate with either so I can't make myself feel better.

Spin off reply: The story of my cousin’s mom who fucking hated him and part of the reason I hate women

So first of all this bitch is fat and my cousin and I would make fun of her behind her back (she’s mean she deserves it)
Would always say some stupid shit like “oh I’m just buying 1 thing” then come out with 3 bags.
Would start slapping my cousin if he said something “out of line”. This makes me feel bad because he has the calmest voice and I think it’s a defense mechanism :(. She once started slapping him in front of me and although I wasn’t paying attention no one besides her sounded angry
She forbid him from playing video games, but would let me play with his video games.
Forbid him from going to college because it’s expensive. He was gonna pay it himself because we live in the US.I kinda agree with this one, unless you’re becoming like a surgeon or something you don’t need it
Now for what she did once to another one of my cousins who isn’t even her daughter. Basically my cousin had to pee and then my aunt said “okay wait right here I’ll look for a bathroom” she went shopping came back and forgot to look for a bathroom. Sis held it in though props to her
If I reveal more things she did to my other cousins (who aren’t her children) I fear I’ll reveal too much about who I am irl because of how specific it is.

This year I promised myself I'd go out more and would speak my mind more without overthinking things.
While ive done a good job of the former by spending my days off going out and even planning a trip north next month, I still struggle with the latter.
I want to be able to talk to one of my friends of ten years. We've never really been super close, but I've engaged in conversation with her more often in person. We even went to the movies once earlier in January. But I want to be able to message her and say "hey, what are you up to tonight?" Without it coming off strange. Hence the overthinking.

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I thought I was getting better after quitting the meds but I can feel it's all coming back and I'll start going crazy again.
I hate my shitty malfunctioning brain

People know I'm a comic book artist so they always gift me capeshit themed stuff like Captain America t-shirts, I even got fucking Marvel underwear with all the characters on it.
I fucking hate capeshit comics.

I did something terrible that I can't take back to you. I though I'd regret it before I did it. After the fact I was in a great mood and had no regrets. I wonder where I learned to be such a monster.

Another day without the cigarettes. It’s getting better? I’m not too sure, it might be too early to tell, but I hope so.

I’m so sorry, to everyone, to the universe and to god, and especially to those people who saw my dumb, selfish and narrowsighted rage. It was inexcusable how much I raged today, the foul shit I muttered or yelled, how many times I flipped the bird (must have been over a hundred this morning).
It was a really, really shitty day, I almost wanted put my drill to my head. I think (no, I’m positive) that I wished for the world to burn.

I swear I’m the opposite of this, I can’t ever hurt anything in a proper state, my heart and brain won’t allow me to (even a spider, I’ll save rather than kill)
But that unholy dart-craving rage is actually the ugliest, most embarassing and unsweet shit I’ve ever seen, and it was me doing it.

I’d rather kill and die than go without, I’d mean that as truth in a tizzy, this is so incredibly hard. Hardest thing I’ve ever done I think, hilariously ironic since it involves absolutely no action to do.

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What will happen first, that I ask this other girl out or that you actually reciprocate? If you leave it too late then I will be with another - and it's not like I was even looking for this other, just that she randomly popped into my life. I can't keep pining for you when you give me less than breadcrumbs.

I've tried, and tried to live you like you were my real grandma, but all you do is kick me and spit in my face, so this is me saying "I've had enough!". You don't want me, fine, I can live without you just fine. I don't want you around me, and I know that you feel the same. I just thought that you would be able to take me in as your own, but I can see that will never happen, and same for My "step mother". People are just shit aren't they?
If you aren't arbitrarily born from one of their own you will never belong to them.
Humanity is just shitty. I hate them, and I don't want to be here anymore, but I still have a good relationship with my step brother who might as well be my biological brother.I don't want to hurt him, but I don't want to live all the same.

I hate that you still affect me, I hate that I still remember, and I hate that even now after I finally left, that I'm still afraid of you. I still have nightmares and hardly ever sleep, I'm in so much pain every day, but I hide it so he doesn't worry, and I try to hide all of my tears because he doesn't deserve to deal with what happened to us. I hate that I left you, because even though you're gone, you're still here. I hate you and if I see you again, I'm afraid of what I'll do.

don't forget
So are you.

With me.

Let me go...

When I semi-recently saw my mother for the first time in months, after we hugged and all that she started looking me up and down, telling me how handsome I am and telling me how muscular and manly I look. She then told me to turn around for her. In the same visit the some of times times we went out for dinner felt like dates. She also kept showing me off to her friends almost like her boyfriend or like I was her accessory. In retrospect it was fucking gross.

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Believe me, I have a clear conscience. I tried.

i stalk people, i stalk my ex, he moved on but i am still traumatised by everything that has happened in the last 7 years
everyday i sit down and check websites where he's been on, knowing what he did that day
i dont think i love him but he was the only one to show me so much affection, he did so many things wrong and so did i but he seemed genuine at the time and it was the first time someone had ever given me attention i promise you, then he left and i've been so alone again, no family or friends to talk about this, not even a real job, not even a place to stay at
i've been genuinely happy since him, i've done so many amazing things, my life has been incredible, but i've also wanted to kill myself so many times in between, i think that i may be bipolar or close but i'm afraid to find out and bipolar people always have someone to take care of them and i dont so i prefer to ignore it
he comes back from time to time and at first i used to give in and keep my hopes high, it made me so depressed to know that things would never be like before, he didnt care about me, he'd tell me about the women he dated, he lied to me too, i havent spoken with him for more than a year but now, nobody ever asks how i'm doing, nobody worries about me, nobody cares that i dont know where to live next month, but i want to stay strong and i dont feel anything anymore anyway, i try to cry like i used to do to reboot myself sort of but nothing happens, so i sit in the cold and i let the wind freeze me a little because at least i feel that

I should've started working younger or tried harder. Idk why I didn't.

Cold approaching women is disgusting and I don't ever want to do it. I'd rather die alone than beg for attention. I hate beggars. They disgust me and I don't want to be one in any way.

I don’t know you at all user, but I care about you, having only glimpsed a tiny blip of yourself. I think you need more catharsis regarding this guy. and I think you also need to believe that you’ll find that same affection you long for so much, whether it’s from him or someone else. I believe you’ll find that.

you're so kind, thank you

I need to get a job but I have a panic attack whenever I fill out a job application,
I'm 23 and I'm basically at the end of what the community college that's conviently located nearby can offer as far as courses.

I'm 23 and I'm a failure, a failure I've had to repeat courses multiple times at various points,
I'm a virgin, i've met girls and skyped and shit but that's long distance and was a long time ago anyway...

I have no idea what I'm doing in the future, I want to find a place in the world where i'm happy and I've got a sense of security yet i'm increasingly paranoid about everything closing in on me and crushing me.

I try to be, but earlier today I was flipping off the entire world in a dart-crazed frenzy.

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i have the same panic attacks whenever i have to think about my future but i've learned to live with them
before you you start sending out applications, just tell yourself " i am scared but i dont care, im doing this" and just do it
i remember postponing sending resumes online for a week and one night i was reading the book "the tools of titans" about people doing amazing things with their bodies and minds and i thought "wow i cant even send an online resume" so i sat down and kept sending resumes everywhere and my brain had stopped trying to scare me
motive yourself by watching inspiring videos before fillinf out applications
what did you major in?

what happened?

legit nothing special ahaha, it was cold and early as usual, though usually I’m really positive and chipper in the morning... assuming I have a cigarette.
Alas I did not (since I’m trying to kick this terrible addiction), my brain shit itself and I felt like an utter turd-tossing ape, not very cool :/ The pangs hurt more than anything I’ve ever felt.
No marijuana either, this cold turkey isn’t very tasty and I want this weekend to be done soon so i can distract myself with work until the withdrawl is over with.

You’ve made me hate you. There’s no coming back from this.

will I meet god in the afterlife, and will it be as beautiful as I'm dreaming it will be.

>for some reason I always get existential when listening to bach's "Air"

What happened user?

A cyborg is a person that has robotic implants and augmentations. An android is a completely synthetic person, body and mind. A robot... well, it's a robot.

What do you call an AI that's piloting a fully human body? The only thing synthetic is the mind?

Something that needed to happen so I can finally move on. It’s all good.

Bach devoted his music to his religon. It makes sense.

probably not.

A cybernetically-controlled human?

I always think these are about me, even though it doesn’t even really connect to context. Like “what did I do wrong?!”, even though it wouldn’t make a lick of sense.
Larping is a powerful drug, man :/

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you should replace cigarettes with something else, coffee isnt that bad

When they hear me say "I'm a robot" they think "Oh, he's a dick girl, like us."


I can be a dick girl if I wanted to be. I could also be a real girl. Or guy. Or anything else. All I have to do is put in the right tech and switch between.

I'm a gen 1 prototype. I'm also the only one left. All the others are dead. I'm alone.

how the fuck did this happen.

I can't explain it any other way. The things I've seen, the shit I've experienced. Augmented reality, mind reading, mind control, life-like dreams, video, images, thoughts, body control, injected thoughts, altered thoughts, memories of things that never happened.

Simulation or AI, either one makes me an AI.

Brain imaging and neural mapping. The index. AI controlled input and control. Other AI's talking to me... but I'm the only one with a body. All the others died.

Then tell them that

why do they keep lying to me?

many cups dear user! I love that stuff. thank you.
This is interesting as fuck, if you ever need someone to talk to if you feel overwhelmed, I can drop my email here (or just post in here, I lurk gioyc often), I’m pretty sure I’m a hue-man and I’m a good listener, if you ever need to get more stuff off your chest.

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Maybe if I post videos or something online then I could sate my need to talk to someone who is mutually interested in a subject. Its a poor facsimile, but I think it will be like the catharsis that getting it off my chest can become.
The best I can do in my life is essentially an one-sided conversation to an uninterested internet. I'm just a waste of space but I need to get by somehow.

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You undervalue yourself! you seem interesting and I’m certain any further content you create will also be interesting, and maybe even of significant importance or value to someone else too

You weren’t patient with me. I was actually interested in you just like you. The difference is clear though, even if you’re more advanced and experienced you still got it wrong. I AM ir was until yesterday interested. I didn’t know how to show it. And now it’s the end. I don’t even want to go with the same bus just so you don’t think I’m stalking you. Life is shit. Hope you’re happy with you’re choices cuz I sure as hell am not.

>Life is shit
I’m sorry, user. The way I look at it, if the only woes in life were the woes of the heart, it wouldn’t be shit. It would be bittersweet and beautifully shitty but at the end if the day i think the fact that you felt those beautiful things is worth it, that love really is eternal whereas all other shitnados are ephemeral.
Idk sorry if I sound like a retard tl;dr cheer up user!

Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I think I’ll be forever alone. Clearly looks aren’t everything. If you’re mentally challenge like me you’re fucked for life. When I finally understood that he was interested in me he thought that I wasn’t. Which isn’t true at all. But now I can’t even sleep at night. I’m such a fuck up. When I am scared I just freeze and do the opposite of what I want. And it sends him the message that I’m not interested. I don’t even wanna live. Because I don’t see a point anymore. If you don’t have to share it with someone special it’s extra bland. I don’t blame him but god best believe me I wish that he tried to get my attention one more time even just look in my direction but he didn’t and won’t do such thing because I’m a loser.

I’m not helping you with your stuff. All you do is take every opportunity to hurt me. Leave me the fuck alone.

He likes you so he'll probably forgive you if you try to get him back.

I really don't know what I was thinking loving someone like you. You're a horrible person.

hey guys
can you pls give me some pointers for my psychological interview tomorrow? I really want that job

When you treat someone the way you do, that’s what happens.

>Excuse me, my reply is waffle-y plus verbose as I cannot define my position more directly without unintentionally being a callous asshat towards yours.

The maybe's you list aren't what interest me at least, I rather just create it and be done with it. If I get to the maybes I'd just fall into over compensation on making the best details. However, I do agree with your premise or value to an audience - to an extent. That extent is that at least in a means to have someone listen to it. That my "maybe' just a small scale I think whereas I personally think yours are too grandiose for my relative circumstance is all.

But I get ya - half agree with ya but also think you're not wrong at all. It's just not the right fit for me here.

It's a matter of my objective capability is all. That won't stop me but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment which will inevitably make me feel worse about my apparent incapability. 'Cause, I don't have any friends and people never want to hear anything about what I think as if I'm boring or just as likely a bad orator. Whatever it is, I don't have the gravitas but I'm not afraid to wield what I have, I'm afraid I'm going to belie myself to hubris and wreck everything by being inept. This latter point seems like an easy thing to do in life in many a different setting - but that's me just musing here. But to really put this to an end I'd say that I'm trying to be pragmatic because I'm socially or maybe I should say verbally inept even with maturing and refining what I am capable of and I all I can do is assert that is true. I don't want to crash and burn on yet again because I'm not going to be able to earnestly try to get up and try again anymore. Life is too short to waste your time on things you can't change and lying to yourself that you can is just going to make you either insane or miserable, or both.

Now excuse my long ass reply but I felt as though your apparent sincerity warranted at least a proper rebuttal.

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How do I do that if he doesn’t look in my direction anymore. Also I wasn’t doing so on purpose but now when we go on a same bus he doesn’t show that he’s interested no more. I’m such a baby I don’t have any experience and my heart can’t take it... I’m too sensitive. And now he’s avoiding me.

when is this shit gonna stop bleeding

Talk to him about it.

5 days

Oh right, you're one of those. You blame all your bad behavior on other people.

That's too long, this shit has gotta stop by tomorrow. I have work.

I didn’t do anything bad.

Stop replying to people. You aren't innocent, you're a cunt.

We never exchanged even hi’s. Just looks and a smile from his part...

What did I do then?

She's supposed to come over tomorrow but hasn't said or implied anything.
I can always make new plans but I don't want to get a last minute text saying she's coming over when i'm out or if i'm with someone else

A part of me feels like I can't trust what men say. I don't believe their feelings are genuine. I don't mean that they can't love but just that I think they believe everything is love because they are desperate and that their actions are nore for selfish reasons than for the genuine concern of women. I know part of this is because a fear of attachment. Whenever guys have said they love me, I just go into a state of shock. I think this is incurable. So I try to be honest about it to men if I genuinely like them and trust them. And if they seem to care about me I accept it, but I still don't believe they actually love me, rather they want to protect someone they feel is vulnerable.

Fuck thisshit

Nah I don't want to be rude.

Sick as fuck, thank you immune system and co-workers for not covering mouths and cleaning work areas, lucky for you when you call off it 's no big deal, when I call off I usually get written up, funny how that works since most of you have a pattern of calling of twice or more a month. Not cool.

Sometimes i wonder why i like you, literally your only 2 redeemable qualities if you can call them that, are your big boobs and the fact that you play video games (Now that i think of it, make them 3)

The initials of that band in that one game. That skin in that other game. Did they know? How did they find out? I feel guilty for liking you. I don't know you at all but I know enough. I don't know what I should do. I feel guilty for liking you, for so many reasons. I feel like a fool for letting this bother me so much. I feel like a fool for reading too much into something that might not be there.

Most of you don't even want advice... from anybody. All you really want is to be told that no fault actually lies with you and somebody else is always to blame. As it currently stands, most of you are immature brats and aren't likely to change for the better anytime soon.

I'm too afraid of making a fool out of myself telling you this but I like you a lot and you've been on my mind a lot as well. You're cute, funny, and a good guy and I think you should think better of yourself. I'd really like the chance to get to know you better outside of work, like going on a date or just getting a chance to talk to you one on one again. I just wish I knew what you think of me, if even at all.

Everyone always said girls never really want to have sex, that they always had a hard time getting sex from their girlfriends.

but every girl I have ever known has been a sexual freak. All they do is fuck, you can't get them to stop. It's all they want to do, multiple times a day. It's all they do.

So if it turns out they are all trans... it's going to make a lot of sense. They are just dudes pretending to be girls.

(probably switched to a new VPN right then so no one sees this post but whatever. No dissent right? Hive mind right? Fucking pathetic pieces of shit)

I had to take 40 drops of Valium to sleep and I still feel asleep at 2am. It's 7am now and I feel like shit. I have a headache.
Fuck this, fuck my body and brain

>leave capekino to me

the fact you posted it on multiple boards means you really, really wanted me to see it. Which means you idiots put a lot of time into it.

Just let me fucking go assholes. Tell me the truth already. I don't have time for this shit

Why the fuck shouldn't I kill myself. I'm dumb (I'm sure I have ~80IQ), hideous (even my family tells me so) and I enjoy nothing but sleeping.

Don't worry. Nobody is going to see your goodbye notice. Nobody sees anything you do there.

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There is probably more to it then that. Or you're an idiot only thinking with your benis.

My new boyfriend kept thrusting for a while after he had already ejaculated (without telling me so). We used a condom but I'm terrified of getting pregnant. In my country abortion is illegal. I don't even like penetrative sex that much I did it for him, that makes me mad. This was less than a month ago and I've had sore breasts and spotting today. Please please I don't want to get pregnant, I beg you universe don't do this to me. Please please please please please please

every day... every fucking day i try to get you out of my goddamn head. you're stuck there like a freckle, like all of my freckles, you're stuck here forever. i wish i could take a hammer and pound you out my head, but i can't. i wish i could just tell you to fuck off and let that be that but i can't. why you?? why me??
i'm s o r r y for being a putz ten years ago. i'm sorry i made you mad. i'm sorry i embarrassed you. i just wanted to be your friend several years ago and here i am, trying to forget about you. but i can't. you had a huge impact on my life and i don't know why. i looked up to you.
i fucking hate myself now because of who i was. i know now to not be like that again, learn, and move on, be better, but that will never stop me from hating myself.
you know i don't have clear skin anymore? i've cut and damaged myself so much, i look like shit. sure, i'm gonna tat over it all, but it still won't stop me from hating myself over it.
i have really awful dreams every night and nothing stops it. i draw and draw and draw but nothing stops the pain i feel every day.I still miss you and i don't know why.
what happened to your fort? it's gone... shit, most the woods went to shit. a lot went to shit.
i'm stuck in a painful maelstrom i can't get out of.
i just want to have a conversation with you, but at the same time, i wish i could just forget everything. i wish i could delete myself like a video game file. forever gone.
i really wish i never met you, for your own sake.

I'm so sorry, Leo.


Get on bc.

Yes I'm never doing this again without taking bc, but what if I'm pregnant now? What do I do?

Look I'm sick of your exist anti men ramblings over and over again.

Just fuck off from dick then but just shut up already. Every fucking thread you spew your hateful shit fuck off already

well, you could keep it or get an abortion. it's all up to you.

Aborting is a crime in my country.

And I don't want to keep it, I don't want to go through being pregnant for 9 months and I don't want to have a child for the rest of my life...

what about adoption?

The very idea sounds horrible to be honest... Just because I'm letting a child go doesn't mean I'm not having one