The world is going in a direction that I don't agree with and it hurts my soul. How do I stop being depressed over this?
The world is going in a direction that I don't agree with and it hurts my soul. How do I stop being depressed over this?
Do something to change it. Otherwise shut the fuck up. Complaining and doing nothing is still doing nothing.
Bullshit will always be bullshit.
Dont get wrapped up in it.
Do what you enjoy.
>progressives: innovate
>traditionalists: how dare you make music with more than one instrument you're destroyng music
>progressives: innovate
Traditionalists: how dare you use oil paints over egg paints you're destroying art
>progressives: innovate
Trditionalists: how dare you take our jobs with machines you're destroying the economy
>progressives: innovate
Traditionalists: how dare you leave the commonwealth you're destroying our empire
>progressives: innovate
Traditionalists: how dare you make electronic games you're brainwashing the kids
>progressives: innovate
Traditionalists: you're ruining our society! We're right this time!
The world is all kinds of fucked up but it's still the only world you have so might as well try to live in it. I do think there are enough beautiful things out there that can cheer you up, just focus on the good more than the bad. I don't feel like I'm wise enough to really know how the fuck the world should work anyways.
Realize that if history taught us anything is that through highs and lows we are always destined to better ends.
We did all the crazy shit you already know from history class. Despite that we are at an all time high on humanity's history. Wars, poverty, starvation and sickness are all dropping and health, education and peace are all going up.
See for yourself.
>we are at an all time high on humanity's history
I'm doing my best to get away. I can't stand this shit world, and I'm implicitly unwelcome in society. I'm not sure how I'll survive if I don't kill myself. I'm in college and this doesn't help my bleak outlook on life. Not sure which degree, if any, will afford me the ability to make a decent wage without interacting with people much.
>4. Freedom
>5. Population
>6. Education
Imagine thinking any of these have gotten better in the last century.
change your beliefs or views that are causing you pain. it's that simple. if you constantly believe the world is steeped in degeneracy then you're going to always be upset.
Accept that the world constantly changes for better for worse, and will keep doing it whether you approve or not.
If you live in the West you know that it's going to shit. If you live in some other 3rd world hellhole fuck man I'm really sorry. The best advise in this thread is . I guess my advise is to just take solace in the fact that things are going to start getting bad but we always have the ability to make things better. History isn't completely set in stone and usually even when shit dose hit the fan it's never quite as apocalyptic as people would have you believe. We've all made it this far, we won't just be snuffed out anytime soon. Other advise would be to use this time to better yourself and prepare for whatever future you see. Just know others are going through the same thing and feel the same way.
>thinking citizens have power in most countries
I'll cast my vote in a couple years :)
This is either cheap bait or you're retarded.
The word progressive in the political sense doesn't literally mean to progress.
The Nazis did a shit ton of technological progression, but that doesn't make them progressive.
Not him but it's cherry picking words and not seeing the bigger picture
The world has literally never been better or safer. The only thing that sucks right now is how people are poisoning their minds with sensationalist headlines and clickbait 24 hours a day, which only makes it seem like the world is ending but the opposite is true. And really it's your choice to sit there and pump shit into your brain about how the world is ending. it's not.
People aren't dying from rickets or typhoid fever or syphillis in first world countries, kids aren't being shipped off by the thousands just to be meatshields in a war, there aren't any really straightforward genocides happening anymore, people aren't smoking cigarettes in the maternal wards of hospitals. Life is better than it's ever been and only getting better.
This x 1000
Propaganda is always present in all societies and it's not a bad thing by nature. The rest of that doesn't apply to modern society unless you live in North korea.
The reality is if it sucked, it's always sucked, and there's no likelihood of it getting better because humans are why it sucks
Which is why it's better to remain disaffected from all of that junk
>there's no likelihood of it getting better
but it has been getting better.
Yeah actually, I don't know if you're stuck on a specific country or what but in the 1910s women couldn't vote and if you wanted to protest something or organize for better working conditions you would just be shot dead and the police wouldn't care, proper education was a privilege for like the wealthy sons of coal barons and most kids couldn't really get a basic education, look at literacy rates, they would just work in a shit factory or coal mine and then die at the ripe old age of 15. Population is also good too, we went through some major plagues and famines and everything.
just learn to stop caring. your world will open up when you work it out for yourself.
A lot of non-Western countries are dragging the world down via overpopulation, pollution, terrorism, scam products, espionage, and totalitarian governments. If they continue to develop themselves socially, technologically, and morally, the world might start getting better again.
The only problem I see is that many of the powers that be want to turn everyone on the planet into award-show-watching, Coca-Cola-drinking niggas who end up surrendering most of their rights as citizens, which basically leaves the world up to whoever is rich enough to put people in office.
But I'm just an idiot, so don't take my word for it.
>A lot of non-Western countries are dragging the world down via overpopulation, pollution, terrorism, scam products, espionage, and totalitarian governments.
You know that the average American family uses up to like 30 times more than the average need for basic water consumption? Gotta keep that lawn in the middle of the desert nice and green in August.
Not saying that the third world doesn't have its issues, but other than like China which isn't really third world anymore anyways, all of the environmental issues are because of the first world
I’m a subjective brainlet here but I feel like the powers that be plan to falsely reveal themselves to the public, while in actuality remaining hidden.
“The man behind the man behind the man behind the throne, is gay threefold”
Yes, and there are reasons for that. For one, the median American can't afford to make lifestyle changes because of the wealth gap. They also have a pretty fantastical idea of what saving the environment would look like. I've heard that most recyclable trash just gets traded to people who don't have a solid plan for its reuse or disposal. Then there's the alternative right who support alternative facts and say that global warming is a fake Chinese creation to slow our industry, maybe because China acknowledged global warming and is taking steps towards renewable energy.
China has a long way to go, though. They still have a one-party totalitarian state and shitty healthcare, and probably a ton of other problems I don't know of.
Definitely. And a lot of it is actually not veiled, but people just don't have the time or the care to figure it out.
Ahhh... progress.
Learn to adapt to changes, the world does not revolve around you.
>Caring about the world
What are you, a faggot?
What you think that ancient Greece was any better?
They're also like genociding Tibetans and Muslims a little bit but those are like growing pains of any country I guess
lathe biōsas
Do the best you can. Hold the door open for old grannies. Help someone out. Everything else you gotta let go of. Been there. Done that. Stressing out about it helps no one.
I live in a country where our traditions, sovereignty and wealth is constantly challenged and half the country agrees. It feels like living with idiots who only selectively know about history.
He already does that without trying, and it does nothing for his despair.
based progressive user