28+ Thread

28+ Thread

One of the few threads these days that isn't idiot teens or bait.

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Honestly I don't give a fuck about women or any of the other things people whine about on Jow Forums, I just need to begin pursuing a real career. I'm 30 and not very good at anything, I spent most of my 20's drunk.

How to let go of the past and look to the future? Is keeping myself busy the only way? Whenever I'm by myself doing nothing i sink into deep introspection and just wish to go back to when i was a promising young boy and make all the right choices

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Nice. It went up a year from last thread.

No one is very good at anything until they get some kind of training or education. You just gotta find something you like doing 5 days a week.

Yeah man you just gotta make new memories and be too busy to be nostalgic or whatever

30 yo boomer elon musk for good luck

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I'm sick of the world so I'm starting a political party.

What should I call it Jow Forums?

>t. 31yo unemployed afuckingain.

Why do we keep moving the minimum age up?

Because time moves forward, dummy

What is a fucking ain?

Because the younger generation never seems to grow up. In their 20s and still ask how to talk to a girl or how not to be a neet. It gets old.

You are going to have people asking that well into the 40s so long as you are on this site.

I know. It’s my guilty pleasure.

"a fucking ain" should be "a fucking gain"
again + fucking = a-fucking-gain


I'm 36. I still feel like an idiot teen.

Which, I suppose, means I've matured at least a little, since I certainly didn't feel like an idiot teen when I was a teen.

Also, am I overusing comma?

The world's in a bizarre place right now. It's probably best to ride it out while improving your life circumstances bit by bit.

>t. Almost 30 user, semi-seriously considering becoming a furry

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>moved to an amazing city I always wanted to be in, love my job, performing very well at work, enjoy spending time with coworkers
>still unhappy and depressed literally every single moment of my life
is this ever going to stop

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>still unhappy and depressed literally every single moment of my life
Why? Is your brain broken?

it would appear so

You tried getting professional help?

The Common Sense Party

A mix of Liberal and Conservative ideals under an egalitarian and conservationist umbrella.

I’ll start a UK arm of it and we’ll have a grand old time.

yes on Jow Forums

Yes on Jow Forums? You mean tried getting professional help on Jow Forums itself?

32 years old.
Not on the career path I want to be on. Turned down great opportunities on my desired career path because they involved a temporary (1-3 year) pay reduction and/or selling my house and relocating.

Took the safe job with the good pay. During interviews, it sounded like (being overqualified) there would be opportunities for advancedment soon.

Turns out, there is little merit-based promotion going on at all. It’s a crony system. The people who have sat there doing not much for the past 5 years will get jobs they will be very mediocre at. Overqualified and talented people will be passed over.

Colleague tells me in the break room I need to wait 5 years to even try to a promotion. Says, “but look at all this great free food we get every day. Why would you follow your dreams and take a pay cut when you could make decent money and have great food every day?”

Wtf—- my brain cares not for the free meals. My brain is so understimulated. I feel like I’m wasting away...

>Colleague tells me in the break room I need to wait 5 years to even try to a promotion. Says, “but look at all this great free food we get every day. Why would you follow your dreams and take a pay cut when you could make decent money and have great food every day?”

Time for some introspection user.

>Turns out, there is little merit-based promotion going on at all. It’s a crony system. The people who have sat there doing not much for the past 5 years will get jobs they will be very mediocre at. Overqualified and talented people will be passed over.

Networking counts for a lot.

It isn’t networking.
It’s just a system of waiting it out and doing as little as possible. These people haven’t networked with anyone outside of the office at all.

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Then wouldn't it be a good idea to search for a position elsewhere while you're working there?


This sounds like unpopular Tory-friendly centrism that parades as New Labour

What's the best way to hide your shitty life from someone you haven't seen or talked to in 15+ years?

Not really possible if it's that obvious. No point in lying but don't shit on yourself too much.

lol what is the age going higher?
32 here btw

>No point in lying
You're probably right, especially since I don't know how much fact checking can be done. Guess I'll try to say as little as possible and make this a one time thing.

I am.

Keep at it dude, and I know it's obvious, don't burn bridges while you leave.

What is the situation anyway?


The best way is to avoid seeing or talking to them for another 15+ years.

Because you guys are fucking paragons of growth, development and emotional stability.

l o l

You can't love your job and be unhappy and depressed while you enjoy spending time with your coworkers.

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As long as you remain this ignorant you will continue to suffer deservedly, and good riddance

Lel why has it been raised to 28?
Too many 27yo driven crazy by the 27old club or what? Weird age 27

Anyways, anyone actually do something decent to celebrate having lived a quarter of a century?
Me, I went to work
But I met a young guy who recently turned 25 and climbed Everest and went on a road trip before it
He got married last year and went to China for his honeymoon, got a promotion and moved to NY with his wife
I havent done anything near as decent, but I was glad for him

I’ve traveled half the world by 25, and now that I’m close to 30 I own a house and some land. By 35 I’ll debt free and ready to quit my job and chase my passion as a mountaineer with my awesome gf. Or whatever else we want to do. Life is good.

29, living with the folks, life sucks. I went on a year long alcoholic binge and ended up on the streets, again. Got saved by my parents, again. Currently working a crap job living in my brother's old bedroom at my parent's house. Haven't gotten laid since 2017, havenn't had a gf since 2012. college dropout.

Things are just not coming together for me in life, bros.

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On the contrary, stating what I stated saves me unnecessary and absurd "free" pain.

In the blink of the eye I turned 29. It was me who was 20, just yesterday. Nothing changes. I should have formed my habits much earlier.

I guess it's to keep generation zoomer out.

>Things are just not coming together for me in life, bros.
You're still 20-something for the moment, try your last shot at it.

Guise. I posted before that I was getting a new job and would get normal hours instead of working over night.

Instead of making my own thread, I guess I can ask here, but how do I meet women?

BTW I fucking love my job. Best decision in my life was to take the offer.

28 here, just spent 5 years in a warehouse and got an entry level job as a mechanic claiming to not know anything. I caught on very quick. Helped I had liked cars a bit already though. But there are other trades like plumbing that will take just about anyone who is willing to work. There is a huge shortage in trades, though there are a lot of young people who are still into cars so maybe not that field. I feel like I got lucky.

>but how do I meet women?
Hobbies and meetups I guess.

My hobbies are jerking off and video games though. I'm gonna make my own thread maybe...

But man in the spirit of this thread. I really wanted to move out of my moms by 30. I took a downgrade in pay and I doubt itll happen unless I find a girlfriend thatll pay half rent, but holy shit I have seriously NEVER been happier. Especially in the context of going to work. I'm am so enthusiastic and no one can touch me while im on this high.

I say im lucky, its true, I found a great place to work with out much trial and error and a very good career path. I had a plumbing apprentice offer and they seemed desperate, but it was 5 years of training as opposed to 1 week now I'm on my own working and capable of moving up by studying in my free time which could be months all the while working with little to no supervision.

>I'm gonna make my own thread maybe...
Threads by older anons these days don't usually last long.

>My hobbies are jerking off and video games though
Videogame meetup? Or maybe find some new hobbies? Hell, maybe even do a social gaming hobby like tabletop gaming?

I really followed my gut. I turned down about 3 job offers out of maybe 30 applications out of 4 interviews 1 phone screening that got me rejected and 2 rejections with no interview and the rest were no response.

>Threads by older anons these days don't usually last long.
Agreed I'm not gonna bother. People gonna have shit advice. They dont know what its like when you work with only men and only work, instead of go to school.

>Videogame meetup? Or maybe find some new hobbies? Hell, maybe even do a social gaming hobby like tabletop gaming?

I kind of hate tabletop gaming. I have to see. Definitely just going to go out with the very few friends I have now that I'm not working the complete opposite hours of most people. Which is 1 good friend.

which reminds me, I have 1 more friend I can tell the good news to that now I am available again to hang out. Havnt seen some friends for half a decade.

Yeah night shift jobs take a toll on your mind and body. I didn't know just how I missed sunlight until I left the nightshift.

>I kind of hate tabletop gaming. I have to see.
It'll be something to try at least.

I actually liked it. Like driving at night is awesome, the radio plays good music and I met amazing people, but outside work there was nothing to do but drink and family gatherings were very bothersome.

I really l,ove that I deprived myself of so much and now I can reap the benefits. I am still depriving myself of things, like living with my mom. I still look out the window sometimes and dream about my own place and moving somewhere closer to lakes and mountains.

>I actually liked it.
Ah. I guess lifting heavy boxes in a warehouse all night is a little different than driving in the night. All I met were old ass immigrants who were killing themselves to send money back home. They weren't the greatest conversationalists.

What did you change to?

auto technician. I was lifting heavy boxes, but the commute was fun as fuck before. Now its still ok. I drive like an asshole in broad daylight now lol.
I'm afraid I'll get fat, but I guess I can do body exercises for 30 minutes at least. I can stand to gain a bit of weight anyway, but I do eat like a fat man, just would burn it off. I guess I probably burnt around 4-5k calories before and not sure now, but I have more time for a big breakfast and lunch. Used to eat like a glutton for dinner so Idk. It might balance out.

Probably a good idea to stay Jow Forums and have motivation for it.

I honestly am not sure if girls find my body attractive. I am so skinny, but toned and quite strong. Haven't been laid in 5 years to this day. Which is alright. I got experiences under my belt. Else I'd be on Jow Forums daily. But in reality, i really do want to meet women. I am the only hope compared to my brother in terms of marriage, and family etc.

>I honestly am not sure if girls find my body attractive.
You must have been at some point to have experiences under your belt. I'm this close to being a wizard, so I'm probably not the best person to ask.

idk girls liked my broad chest, but I dont really have it anymore since manual labor really didnt build up my pecs, mostly my forearms are toned like a motherfucker.

I did used to work out at home with push ups and sit ups and squats. Easy to get into the habit again, but meh. I really dont have a drive to work out for the sake of attracting women.

>I really dont have a drive to work out for the sake of attracting women.
Do it for yourself at least.

I am not Jow Forums mentality. Fuck that. Seriously. I like practical muscle. I can lift over my own body weight, that is what matters no?

I did just ask my step bro who is successful with women (surprisingly actually) how he meets women. I'll share what he says, but I believe he just never stops being sociable and his work tends to be around women. He also works out and drinks muscle milk like a mother fucker.

He said bumble and hinge apps are better for him than tinder, but that he goes to bars. Fuck that I am cheap, but I am the type that does perform better in person than social media.

>never stops being sociable
There's a reason why most of these threads suggest meetups and sociable hobbies.

What exactly is stopping you? I mean, you don't seem severely asocial like some of us.

I get tired being around people. I get confrontational too sometimes, cause working in a warehouse wore down my patience and ignorance. And I am just ok looking. Maybe a 6/10? 5? I like to be alone... but I can't have my cake and eat it too. I do get anxiety and migraines and get depressed too. I think im on a high at the moment. Hopefully it does last and I actually think it will. I've been trying for years to better myself 1 step at a time, but sometimes you hit a dead end. I am just very motivated.
I also have drug problems. Now its just drinking that is an issue.

and I may not seem asocial, but I'm articulate and technical. Its offsetting for most people and I try to be humble.

>cause working in a warehouse wore down my patience and ignorance.
Yeah, working in those sorts of environments you usually don't come across the greatest cross-section of people.

>I think im on a high at the moment.
Maybe things are finally going to go your way, as long as you actively work for them. I mean, you're not starting from completely zero on the social front.

I have take to a slightly more greater leap to find something.

>but I'm articulate and technical. Its offsetting for most people and I try to be humble.
Don't take this the wrong way but this comes off as slightly arrogant. But I *think* I understand you, since working not-so-academic jobs, the people you tend to meet don't usually have a wide vocabulary.

Bumping to keep the thread alive til morning comes.

>Don't take this the wrong way but this comes off as slightly arrogant]

I know this and cant help it. I am probably arrogant.

Ay yo is there still any way to get a bachelor's degree in a university after wasting my teens and early 20s? By wasting i mean partied too hard, played too much videogames, watched too many kinographies - shit grades

>but how do I meet women?
Shortest, fastest, highest yield, least beaten path is to enroll yourself in tango lessons.
> Women that go there are not fat and take care of themselves.
> They need a man in order to dance
> Huge shortage of men tango dancers, unlike salsa or other shit, where it's full of latino men
> Super easy to learn for men, it's the girl who does the fancy stuff
Once you've learned the few basics you'll literally have girls fighting for you and begging you to take them out to dance.
You'll have so much pussy you won't know what to do with it.

Probably not. That’s a motivation and willpower that comes from childhood, with engaging parents and teachers in a good environment.
But you could always beat the odds.
Just unlikely at this point.

There's mature students in uni, I don't see why you couldn't if you took it seriously.

>Turned down great opportunities on my desired career path because they involved a temporary (1-3 year) pay reduction and/or selling my house and relocating.
Serve you fucking right.
You deserve everything you're experiencing, reap what you sew.

One year, one measly year of a pay cut
>durr it could have been thre-
Shut the fuck up you weakling. You're exactly where you should be, with cowards.

It was served to you on a silver platter and you took the safe path.

You will never, listen to me, you will NEVER succeed if you keep doing that shit.

The time for 'safe paths' is dead. Kill or be killed, it's 2019 and we're on a precipice.

One day you're not going to have a choice or chance, much like what you're experiencing right now.

I hope, I pray you get another shot at your desired career path, but if you were to turn it down a second time I suggest you weigh up the option of kys because you're clearly too much of a pussy to follow your own goal when they're actually promising you success.

You fucking pussy ass bitch.

Yep, because we are.
Remember M00t? That was five years ago...

Not him but everything's clearer in hindsight. I mean, you're right but still...

My ability to articulate myself with a large vocabulary tends to help elevate my status at most places I've worked, but I've found that humor will get you further. If you can demonstrate that you are smarter without being arrogant or condescending it'll be your "thing."
>yeah hes a bit out there but hes smart.
Hell, I got away with being the resident racist until I kept one upping my manager and she got me fired.

Outdoors stuff is great too. Rock climbing hotties are abundant and exceptionally nice.

I've been in a bad mental state at both of my past two jobs and it's made me wonder if maybe I'M the problem.

At some point into the job I always start to feel very angry and afraid, even desperate to escape. I feel like the co-workers and managers are closing in on me and using their position to cause me problems.

This has never happened in any other environment. I never felt that way in college, or when volunteering or doing projects at a distance. But something about going into an office and being around the other people who work there fucks with my head and makes me feel like I'm in a nightmare.

This. Been mountaineering for a while and damn, so many hotties with absolutely tight bodies. I thought I was gonna be doing this hobby alone. But it’s mostly hanging with other hot wanderers and fucking around.


Found my hobby


oh wait

>28 here, just spent 5 years in a warehouse and got an entry level job as a mechanic claiming to not know anything. I caught on very quick. Helped I had liked cars a bit already though

Did you have any experience working with tools and general handyman stuff? I am interested in that stuff but I am getting older and the men in my family have bad joints. I could do it now but I don't know about 20 years from now.

I'd like to work in IT but I would have a hell of a lot to learn first. I feel like I'm too old to start out in that as well.

stop watching porn

How does that correlate?

From what you wrote I take it that you are only really depressed/unhappy when you are not with your coworkers.

This makes me think that you feel down for being on your own. My suggestion is to find an IRL activity you can do in a group, sports or dance lessons are good for this.

I can't think of a single person online that fell for the most degenerate corners of sexuality that didn't watch too much porn or masturbated too much.

So stop watching porn and find healthier ways to masturbate and or have intercourse (e.g. try not to reward frustration with stimulation).

I'm 33 and going to uni next year, so yeah. It's going to be cool as hell to be a 37 year old boomer graduating with a bunch of 22 year olds.

>I can't think of a single person online that fell for the most degenerate corners of sexuality that didn't watch too much porn or masturbated too much.
>So stop watching porn and find healthier ways to masturbate and or have intercourse (e.g. try not to reward frustration with stimulation).

I see where you're coming from and you're not completely wrong BUT the reason I'm thinking about becoming a furry is because of the fandom element of being a part of something.

I mentioned it in the previous thread
A couple of anons said to go for it and I'm thinking to myself: What have I got to lose?

As far as fandoms go, furries seems like the one with the biggest barrier to entry.

Like you gotta come up with your fursona species and name and backstory and then if you REALLY want to get in there you gotta make or buy your own fursuit which can cost in the thousands of US$.

I would just like go play MtG at a game store and go to anime convetions instead where you can just be yourself in jeans and a t-shirt.

>As far as fandoms go, furries seems like the one with the biggest barrier to entry.
>Like you gotta come up with your fursona species and name and backstory and then if you REALLY want to get in there you gotta make or buy your own fursuit which can cost in the thousands of US$.

That might actually be a good thing, the barrier and the fact that it's slightly lower down the socially acceptable peg (even though that doesn't mean much these days when fandoms all seem to be doing rather well).

I've been thinking quite deeply about it weighing the pros and cons of joining such a fandom.

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but I mean, are you actually a furry though

I don't know, I mean it's not a orientation but I like the aspect of hiding oneself even it's only just your head.

>the aspect of hiding oneself

Don't you mean finding yourself?

Yes and no, I mean there's idea of putting on a suit and becoming someone else, and then there's idea of finally getting to be a complete geek/dork cos I had to hide my powerlevel a lot growing up since there weren't really any other people to geek out with.

oh that, it's ironic cause furries feel like when they put the suit on they're actually showing their true selves.

You could also try general cosplay for anime or comic cons. I do that and it's fun to DIY your own costumes, it's like Halloween but as an adult. It's also generally cheaper to make a whatever cosplay than a full-blown fursuit.

>taking pride in being a racist
There's no pride in being a moral degenerate.

>You could also try general cosplay for anime or comic cons.
I don't know, maybe but

>It's also generally cheaper to make a whatever cosplay than a full-blown fursuit.

this is where I feel like the barrier is useful to my goals; the dedication and money required for something like this fandom means it's like a cohesive thing. I'm not sure if I'm getting my meaning across to you.

cheaper doesn't mean cheap. You gotta put loads of time and effort into a cosplay for it to be looking like more than just a halloween costume or something your threw on the day before the con.