I'm married.. I love my wife to death, and I trust her. We are happy together. She's always been great, and shes beautiful and thin and does everything I ask her too. -- I still have a constant day dream of taking a month break or so and banging every women I possibly can. I've always wanted to travel to Asia and bag Asians in the triple digits, but this can't ever happen anymore.
Anyone else know this feel? How do you cope with only having one Vagina the rest of your life?
In Asia it is customary for married couples to have six or seven different lovers and keep the marriage up for appearances and the sake of the children. In Africa it is customary for male lions to defeat a weaker male lion and have sex with every female in the pride and to drive those yet unable to reproduce out into starvation. It is only in Europe where this sissy construct of faithful monogamy arises.
Nicholas Edwards
>Have beautiful, loyal, and hardworking gf/wife >Ayy, but that other pussy tho These kinds of fucking threads always start the same.
Listen. You think the grass is greener on the other side, but what you have is what a lot of people wish they did. Pussy is all the same. Why the fuck go through the trouble of losing something good for thotty women? When you have a wife who is available to you? >does everything I ask her to
If you're that desperate, spice up you sex life or something. Don't be fucking retarded. Been there, done that. Became too greedy. And I regret it.
Luis Howard
The grass is always greener though. I dont think i'd act on it, I just wonder how people cope living in a monogamous lifestyle the rest of their life. I know some people on here that dont get any sex may think that I'm an idiot because I've got it made, but... Any people here been married a long time? 10+ years?
Colton Watson
>Pussy is all the same. True, but there are some forms of sex that many women are unwilling to do, but there are a few unmarriageable freaks who can satisfy those needs.
>anal >actually good oral >threesomes in whatever arrangement you like >other kinky shit Many married couples do vanilla vaginal a few times a year. Some people want to try something new, and it just might end up being that only one half of the couple is up for it.
Disclaimer: I do not support cheating. If a man wants to try weird shit, he should be single, or at least get better at negotiating with his wife/girlfriend.
Hudson Lewis
Cheat but don't get caught
Camden Young
Eh, that honestly seems like the best option, but I think I would actually feel pretty bad about it. I dont think i'll take that route, not yet at least.
Samuel Davis
>The grass is always greener though top kek. Okay, buddy. You say that now, but wait until give in, milk your dick in random thots, your wife finds out, she's devastated. You lose her. You only have yourself and you fucking mistakes.
Rather than the grass is greener, you want your cake and you want to eat it too. You may not think to act on it, but you HAVE thought about it. Don't fuck up what you have.
Oliver Lee
>True, but there are some forms of sex that many women are unwilling to do OP said his wife would do anything he asks. It's not that fucking hard to ask for more exploration in the bedroom
Landon Collins
i dated a girl just like you describe your wife for almost five years. i got a serious case of "grass is greener" syndrome. i still regret letting things end now, almost two years on. take from that what you will.
a good, loving woman is like a nutritious, healthy, homecooked meal: you don't realize how good it is until you don't have it anymore.
fucking a different thot all the time is like salty, greasy fast food: even though you have nutritious meals you're still probably gonna crave it at some point, but you'll be better off in the long run having gone with the healthy meal. it's also not fun when that's all you get to eat.
tl:dr if i could go back in time and remain with my ex I would
A lot of people claim that they or someone they know "does anything/everything." It's usually a form of hyperbole; it's seldom literal.
Camden Gutierrez
It should be noted, She is absolutly horrible at sucking dick and at one position I really got used to with the girl before her. Man... I dont even want to think about that.
Jordan Lewis
As someone who was in your place I agree with , after fucking other vag and cumming I inmediatly regretted it, its a horrible abyss sinking feeling in your heart. Just jack off or some shit
John Powell
kek. Alright then, let's do this How often do you have sex? Have you asked your wife about doing more things in the bedroom?
Luke Mitchell
Two things to say, one. I always found taking her on dates and trying to reignite the spark suppressed that feel. The other thing, just wait and see how fast that feeling to bang other women fades the day she loses interest in you. Brother I tell you what.
Grayson Jenkins
Trip dubs... Nice. Yeah, if she were to move on then that would be devastating. I really dont see that ever happening though. She would even work it out with me if she walked in on me. I dont want to abuse that kind of power though.
Uh.. now. God, once a week about.
Daniel Young
Polygyny used to be the way back in the olden times. Even not that long ago, a man was allowed by society to keep a mistress or two. For some reason monogamy became the order of the day. Now look what happened. Contrary to popular belief, I believe polgyny is suitable for society as most men wouldn't do it anyway. It would only be viable for men with wealth or genetically gifted. Granted, the disparity between classes is growing and the rich would take more than their fair share, I still kind of believe within everyone we realize that top tier men can and should be able to have many women.
Evan Robinson
I made sure to be satisfied with the number of sexual partners before settling down. Sorry you missed out.
Leo Rodriguez
You meant to say the US. In Europe its fairly common to be married and still fuck around. In the open, or together.
James Morgan
>I'm faithful but I'd like to cheat hmmmmmmmmmm?
Connor Campbell
This user is right. Open your marriage, and let both you and your wife find happiness with other people.
Asher Johnson
While i haven't slept with alot of women, i can quite confidently say that most pussy is more or less the same. The only difference between women is hotness and her skills in the bedroom. Having a hotter woman makes sex feel more exciting than having sex with a less attractive woman. Having sex with a woman who is wild and enthusiastic in the bedroom is more exciting than having sex with a dead fish. Those are the 2 main variables.
Your wife simply needs to be attractive enough, and good enough in the bedroom. If she scores well enough on those 2 variables, you're really not missing out on anything by only having sex with 1 woman for the rest of your life.
Gabriel Nelson
No I said polygyny not polygamy. That means multiple women. I don't know if it's possible for him to have that type of relationship at this point. I'm just saying that's how it used to be and for good reason.
Blake Hernandez
That would be horribly unfair though. And there's a good chance she's unfulfilled sexually too. Why should she miss out? Let her have some fun. Plenty of boys love the idea of being taught by a cougar.
Aiden Turner
this guy's right. the other hole will still feel the same for some other girls who are just putting on a sexy persona to milk horny guys of their money.
if you talk to your wife, try asking her to try a threesome or some non-penetration sex or something. do you have a fetish? ask her to stick one of her female friend's feet in your face or spank you or brap you or something.
Why did you marry her in the first place? If this is something you really want, why dont you tell her? See how shed feel about an open marriage. Or just cheat and get it over with, if your not worried about guilt.
Brody Russell
I don't know where in Europe you live, but I have never met anyone with this attitude here.
Dominic Perry
>wah poor me i have a rare good woman and i want to bang stupid bitches
Why do people have no self-control? I have a wonderful gf i've waited my entire life for, and i still want to fuck 75% of women i see. Guess what i do when i see a fuckable ass at Target or Whole Foods? I go fuck the shit out of my gf like a wild beast until she's sore and it's out of my system. Either that or i fap until i'm out of cum.
why can't men just fap? It's enough to satisfy me when my girl isn't around and i'm super horny.
Owen Brooks
Kayden Mitchell
>a slut gets married >disappointed that they can't slut around Just marry another slut. Easy peasy
Cameron Gonzalez
Are you even rich enough to pull in triple digit pussy?
Ethan Cox
Yeah. I am actually. Not through my brains, but through a lot of shitty work and tight budgeting.