Should i say anything to my oneitis

should i say anything to my oneitis

we broke up almost two years ago but were on and off until like two months ago when she told me she was seeing someone after i wanted to get back together

Attached: oneitis.png (786x1534, 318K)

i was thinking about responding with "come on with that. I just wanted to get a coffee with you. i've already lost you. it's fine if you don't want to be friends, I just had to try for my own sake"

is that too faggy

does it even matter

bump for sadness

jesus christ man let her go. she’s moved on, and you wanting to be friends is just your excuse to stay close to her.

Get cucked idiot. How does it feel she's getting nailed by some chad right now?

u right

still tho why the fuck do chicks even respond to fuckstains like myself texting them

if she doesn't wanna talk why the fuck is she responding

Why do you expect her to not respond after sending her paragraphs of text like that?

Just get her out of your brain, user, talk to other people, get a hobby or something, soon enough, you'll find that you have better shit to do in life than chase someone who isn't into you anymore. If she want to be friends she'll probably do it herself at some point and by then you'll be in a better state of mind to deal with her.

Women collect beta orbiters with the hopes that at least one of them will get rich, then once she's done fucking chads and is ready to settle down she'll pick the richest out of the beta orbiters to marry.

God this thread has stupid people.

She replies because she does care about you and your feelings and she is being honest and considerate in her communication. I wonder how clear you were about getting back together though.

Shut up dumbass knowitall. You don't know shit about this girl yet ur making all these assumptions about her intentions.

girl responds: “why doesn’t she just ignore me if she isn’t interested”?

girls doesn’t respond: “why would she just ghost me out of nowhere?”

i swear you people make my head hurt

I am a woman and I know how this goes.
Meanwhile you are mad because your incel based theories were called out as ridiculous. But sure continue to insult others, that'll show em ;)

>immediately fly off the handle
If she didn't give a fuck, it would be very evident

>I am a woman and I know how all women think because we women are a hive mind of interconnected drones and none of us are individuals
Good to know

Move on, you retard.

You're pathetic man. This is pathetic. Stop this right now.

Grow up

>I can't keep telling you all about my life anymore because it's not fair

And then you respond by saying it's perfectly fair, you're asking because you want to know.

Get your head out of your ass idiot, she is not saying it's unfair on you. She is saying that it's unfair for YOU to keep asking her questions about her life when the two of your are separated. She is saying that you don't have the right to ask those questions anymore. Because she does not love you.

Your being clingy and needy. It’s really unattractive.

Never stay in touch with your ex. Wish her well then delete and block her number. Its the only way.

i do talk to other people. my only hobby rn is lifting :( i just have a very hard time getting close to new people

damn you're perceptive lmaoo shit

i'm fucking trying but i literally do not know what else i can do to get over her. i've been laid, i'm focusing on lifting, i started a job i actually enjoy. yet it's still every FUCKING day with this girl and i don't know what to do anymore

shit really? i genuinely misunderstood and now i feel like more of a retard :/ i suppose it's not a good idea to apologize to her this AM