What the fuck do I do? It's not my dog and I just want to play a fucking videogame without it pushing the controller out of my hand or sobbing at my door. It's nice that she likes me, but fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Attached: 02272-Small-brown-puppy-white-background.jpg (1225x1070, 239K)

At someone loves you

Lock them out of your room or play with them for a while, eventually they'll just be fine with laying by you once tired.

This dog seems to have boundless energy. She's been walked three times today, my door is shut... I had to move my consoles upstairs to my room because I couldn't be left alone. Now she's pressed against my door crying.

The only time I get peace is when my roommate is home - she is constantly pressed up against him, at all times, unless they're playing fetch. But he and I work opposite schedules, so that's barely ever.

You can train her out of it by rewarding her when she's calm around you. She gets attention and praise only when she's quiet and calm and not interfering. This will give her motivation to behave.

It'll work faster if her owner gets in on it too, but I get the feeling they might not care.

He just wants his cuddly little sweetheart, so no, he doesn't care. I've kind of tried to do this in the past, but she's started to see me as bringer of treats for doing nothing, which isn't something I want to instill in her.

My roommate has trained her awesomely in all other aspects of dogness and I don't want to accidentally instill shitty traits in her.

I am in absolute awe of how cute this puppy is.

Why would you even play video games when you have access to a puppy, you monster? I know it's not yours, but a dog is a dog.

Let the dog go where it wants, but dont play with it just ignore it. It will either learn to just hang out and be chill or get bored and leave. You'll need some patience since it is a puppy but getting mad is just bad for your heart and will ruin your game.

It's not a puppy. I saved this from the World Wide Web. She's 8.

Don't prioritize video games over a chance to share joy with another being, even if it is a dog rather than a human.

A doggo is just a big pupper.

I'm sorry, I'm just not that entertained by another being. This is ridiculous thinking.

So you're a sociopath. Everyone abandon thread.

I don't dislike the dog, but I'm not going to shut down everything else I enjoy for headpats. That's not that entertaining, and if you're that entertained by it, I'm assuming your hobby as a kid was bouncing a ball in the corner by himself.

Give her up for adoption, since owning a dog is a big responsibility and you obviously can't handle it, it's nice that you saved her, now it's time to find her a suitable home, some ads will suffice.

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It's not my dog, if you bothered to read the thread at all.

Call the owner then tell him/her to pick her up , it's that easy.

It's your room mates dog. It's their responsibility to take care of the dog. Talk to them and if they won't find a fix get rid of the dog. Simple as that.

Or, move.

My roommate is at work when this is an issue, I can't call for him to come snuggle her.

Yeah, he just can't be here 24/7. He's a great roommate, and I own the home, so I can't move or kick him out. I just need her to stop.

At least it's not a pit.
My mom had this pit that would crawl into your fucking lap when she was cold. Was funny as fuck, until you found out that she also had the most unholy farts. They were downright bovine.

Kek, this sort of sounds like my cat. Very cute, it likes to climb on my shoulders and curl around my neck, but Lord have mercy, it's farts are the most poisonous thing, especially this close.