How would you defend yourself if a complete stranger says to you "I would fuck your gf" in rl?

How would you defend yourself if a complete stranger says to you "I would fuck your gf" in rl?

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Is "I would fuck your gf" even an insult? Now if he said "I could fuck your gf" that's fighting words.

Slowly walk away.
If he said anything like that and touched my girl, I would break his arm.

Compliment him on his good taste in women obviously.

>that's an odd thing to say

This is so intimidating to me. Like, I would force myself to be defensive cus I wouldn’t want her to be turned on by him, but also I would be like “hmm this guy is stronger and more alpha than me, he might also have a bigger dick than me” and it would make me feel bad about myself, which usually turns to anger. I could hurt people, him to be precise, cus I would be mad because I wasn’t gifted with a body and mentality like him.

Do I believe that someone is able to fuck my gf better? Yes. But do I like like that? No, I don’t even like myself.

"Haha what gf"

This. The reason why I’m not interested in pursuing anyone, is because I just can’t be bothered to overcompensate and embarass myself. It’s like, being in a relationship would put me in a spotlight, and everyone is judging your masculinity. I want to feel liberated from all of this, I want to just be comfortable with being myself without being seen as inferior.

Op here, it really wasn't talking about that. Like, ik my gf wouldn't fuck anyone besides me, that's why we are in a relationship.

But besides that, what you need rn is a really strong dosis of dud.

Of course they wouldn’t, but you can’t deny that in an alternate reality, that alpha douche could fuck our gf better and they would respect him more than us. It’s just discouraging in general and it makes me feel bad about myself.

That’s why I don’t feel like having a gf. It’s uncomfortable and it will accentuate the embarassing side of me that I’m trying to bury.

In that scenario, until I change from my reality, I'll be happy about being me the one that fucks my girl. You don't need to overthink it like you do.

I would laugh because I have a big dick and fuck my girl good. She's told me any guy that would come after me would be a disappointment

What the fuck is there to defend?


I'd honestly be flattered. T. kv

I’m the opposite (I have a small dick) and I would be very insecure if a guy does that. It makes me want to hurt the guy because I’m pissed by my destiny.

>"Haha what gf"

Laugh in his face and say “thanks I would fuck her to”

This was my impulse, OP.

But let's go with the latter. Well even then I'd probably just ignore it. I'm not insecure. If you must say something, then just be like "no you can't." Just try to make your girlfriend sound amazing.
"A loser like you? Don't think do"
"If you start making 20 times as much, you might have a shot desu!" (only works if rich)

Like just make it sound like your gf has really high standards that he'll never meet. Don't resort to talking about him nor you.

I would wonder what he meant because I've never been in a relationship with anyone

I'd cry and say why?!? why?!? why?!? Then he would come to comfort me (let's assume) and say it was just a joke then - we'll be OK again, then fuck him

look who's winning nigga

If someone said that irl I would laugh at them for being autistic.

this, but I'd add
"I know mate, I often have."

A co-worker I didn't know said "man I'd hit that" when looking at a picture of my wife I was showing another co-worker.

All I said was "you mean my wife?" And he instantly was like "uhhhh.. No, no, I didn't.." And that was that.

Its not what you say but how you say it.

>fucking used goods

laugh at his face then walk away

I'd say something like "Thanks, I would, too."

Wow I can’t imagine what’s that like. Have you considered just becoming a cuck?

So would it be better to defend yourself and say something intimidating like "I would castrate you with your own teeth" or scoff and say something more humorous/pity him like "yeah and turn her into a lesbian" or "sorry, she's not planning on going gay anytime soon"?
I don't want to be a push over and let other guys talk like that, but I don't want to seem insecure and beat up every guy that looks at her.

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Better to not give a shit, honestly, or just play along. Not giving a shit means you're always in control when people want a response and can't get it

So should I take the bluepill and pretend that all sizes are equal? I’m pretty sure you can feel good about your big dick because you’re red pilled.

I don't have one so I wouldn't be offended.


This entire post reeks of beta and an utter lack of understanding of what violence is. Sorry dude. You wouldn't do shit.

"You would, if you could, but you can't so you came to me."

Work out then Fagboy

I'll kick your teeth in and make you cry like a bitch irl

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>Guy tells me he wants to fuck my gf
>thank him for telling me she's hot
>tell my gf what happened
>we laugh, go home and fuck

If it didn't turn out like this I'd ditch her and she could take his dick.

if someone tried that on me i'd probably suppress a laugh like they just fell over
nothing defuses an insult like being treated like you've just said something funny

This. At the end of the day, if you're with someone who's legitimately going to ditch you for some perceived idea of a guy who's "better" than you (which on Jow Forums is always some stereotype of chad), you're with someone who isn't worth being with.

Double murder suicide.

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Why would you defend yourself from that? I can say any lie I want, too