I know Jow Forums is full of incels, but does anyone here have any tips of how/where to start asking girls out...

I know Jow Forums is full of incels, but does anyone here have any tips of how/where to start asking girls out? Can fellow anons help each other out? If you have/had a girlfriend did you do something outside the box to get her? Tell us your story and or make suggestions for other anons.

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It isn't that hard. Find yourself an achievable girl (not some gold digger whore) in a place that you feel comfortable. Be polite to her, but most importantly, be interesting. Ask her about what she likes so you can find a common taste in something, like music, sports, movies, etc. After that, you should be confident enough to talk naturally, unless you are retarded. If you are, then you tell me.

How do I meet women? Tinder?

go outside.

>Find yourself an achievable girl
where? how? There are no places I normally travel where I meet women. I want to change that.

actually, to add to my previous post. Think about this. there's a fuckton of incels sitting here. there's about as many females as males. there must be somewhere where a fuckton on single women hang out. My milf aunt goes to a choir, 20 women, 1 guy. I've overheard plenty of times when she's gossiping how that one guy is now dating another woman in the choir. Point is, guy prob goes there to fuck.

When I really wanted to have sex a year ago. I wrote a script in python that swiped right - left every 2 seconds. Get a gold account and use a boost once a day. I got at least 3 matches a day with this and 15 when I boosted. Get your pictures made by a professional and ask them to use photoshop. Don't do this yourself.

Leave your pc with the python script on all day. When you get matches, don't waste a lot of time and ask them if they wanna hangout (chill n netflix). Don't text with them, it costs time, and maybe they only want attention and nothing else.

Once you go on a date, don't pretend to be anyone else, and don't use any "tecniques". Just be yourself. If you get laid, that's great! If you don't get laid, you had a date and had some fun, who cares!

This is the most easiest / automatic way to get dates as quickly as possible.

>Get your pictures made by a professional
Interresting. Do you hire a photographer and take a bunch of images in an hour or two to make it seem like you are doing different things?
I have a hard time finding time to take pictures of myself. When I am out with friends, nobody takes pictures, so I forget to ask them to take a picture of me too.
I could get a tripod or something and get pictures of myself but it is still weird.

Meet people. Lots of people, of all genders.

Hang out as a group. Do things as a group.

Find yourself gravitating toward one girl. Hang close to her in the group activities.

Find something the two of you are interested in more than the others. Suggest you do/go/see/try it together.

Nah, don't do this yourself. Just listen to the photographer, he / she knows what you want. Tell them specifically what you want to use it for and search for a photographer that's an expert in this area.

>I wrote a script in python that swiped right
I don't that is a good strategy for me. I don't have that many women in my area and I need to get my profile right before I start my cycle of rejection again.

Not that other guy but there are professional photographers that will do photos explicitly for tinder/dating apps/whatever. It's their job to make you look good.

That's why u use a script, so you don't have to feel that rejection. If you're gonna ask women out, you're gonna get rejected, because you probably don't look like brad pitt.

The entire point of a script is so that you can just go on with your life and only talk to women that are interested in you.

>professional photographs for dating apps
Is this the final form of "being yourself"? I fucking hate this world.

It depends on your style, if you rather meet them in a park, in a bar, in college, even in a fucking library. The "achieavable girl" is the one you feel you can talk to her without hesitating. Look at how she dresses, how she acts, if she may answer you with excitement or with disgust. If in your mind you feel like "This is my kind of girl", then that's your achievable girl.

Last time I did it, I did it manually.
I swiped right for about 90% of all women on there, only swiping left for single mothers and guys in the wrong section.
I didn't feel rejected when I didn't get an immediate response, but I did start to take less and less interest in the person.
In the end, I was basically swiping right for everyone until I started to realize something.
None of these people were anywhere near where I live. Even if they did say yes, I couldn't date them.
I had run out of people.
Then it hit me.
I wasn't rejected by some girl I had a crush on, I was rejected by "all" women.
That part stung and I decided to improve myself and polish everything about my life that could possibly put into a profile so the next time I would get some responses.
Running a script would get me there faster, but I am not sure I want to go that fast again.

>in a bar
I have tried that for a long time. Usually, I go with 2-3 male friends and then we find groups of 2-4 women who are willing to share a table with us.
I talk to them, and make sure to never hit on more than one of the same girl in a group. But those conversations never go anywhere. I don't know if you want me to use the same approach the other places.

The way I reconcile that is there are guys out there with "invisible harems."
Like, some dude is fucking a dozen girls and he doesn't consider any of them to be his girlfriend but they either believe they are or wish they were so they're holding out for him to go steady with them.
Otherwise the observable amount of single guys vs taken women just doesn't seem to make sense.

>be interesting
Ah classic advice, I'll just become interesting, it's so simple!

That kind of approach only work if you want to fuck. I forgot to mention that if you only want some sex, then the bar is your option. In those other places, my way to go is completely solo. Remember that everything goes well only if you have self-confident, no women like pussyboys. If you want to upgrade that confidence, start by doing some exercise, clean your face if you have to, shave that ugly neckbeard and wear some nice clothes.

You know when you do that their algorithm punishes you, right?
When you say yes to everything you're telling the algorithm to bury you because you're an unfuckable loser.
You should aim to reject more women than you approve.
Three more tricks from user I have heard:
Only browse a few hours each day, in the evening. Not too late or too early. So the algorithm doesn't think you're jobless or something.
Say you're bi and then reject every man and you have got a massive surplus bank of rejects to tell the algorithm you're a stud.
Don't do too many swipes in one day.

Yea you moron, it's simple. Just work on you talking game,

>work on you talking game
How? It's really not that simple. I can talk to women easily, doesn't mean you learn how to be "interesting"

Not OP, but i want to get laid more often. How do you approach women in clubs? What do you talk about?

When i go to a club and i see a girl i fancy, i always struggle with ''i don't know what to say''. Often times i end up not even approaching at all.

Maybe I should use a script, holy shit you make it seem complicated.

This. Just be attractive, fucking virigns

Attached: Flirtology (Jean Smith).png (814x1692, 161K)

Saying "hello" and "how are you" is simple, but learning the things you should say to a girl so she pays more attention to you is another story.

The easy way: make yourself look like a complete chad. Either by yourself or with a friend.


epic advice m8 xD

lift hard for six years get a bodyfat of 6 percent get a long on top short on side haircut with stubble beard and wear jeans with a chad shirt and have a job that pays well and is somewhat prestigious

chads arent made overnight, chads are top of the food chain

I've only had 2 gfs
First was in high school. She had a bit of a crush on me and had her friend ask if I wanted to go to homecoming with her. I said yes. Our relationship only lasted for like 4-5 months.
Second was when I was a junior in high school.
Girl I was barely acquainted with(Saying barely acquainted would be generous desu) would always say something friendly every time she saw me.
One day I asked her to some random formal and she instantly said yes. We've been together ever since.

talkin the talk wont make you walk the walk