Wanna get a gf? It's easy:

Wanna get a gf? It's easy:


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Other urls found in this thread:


Confidence=just be yourself=be the best version of yourself=be interesting=be attractive

ironically reddit is much more redpilled than Jow Forums on this topic
their response is always:

Rule 1: Be attractive.
Rule 2: Don't be unattractive.

Reddit is and was always more redpilled than Jow Forums

Jow Forums is the resident feminist board. Not surprising.

literally just quit porn and masturbation for several weeks if you have confidence problems, your testosterone will skyrocket and you'll have more motivation too since you'll be very horny

>Reeee why isn't there a cheat code for girls!?
Because it's about finding the right person for who you really are. Being confident means being confident in who you are and what you enjoy, if you don't feel confident in those things then you've got more to worry about than simply not having a gf.

>1. Figure out who you really are (btw taking Jow Forums memes into meat space doesn't count, look closer)
>2. Start living your life based on those findings, join a club or some shit
>3. Learn to relax and how to be amiable not just to girls but to anyone
>4. Just have some fucking patience, there's a million fish in the sea but you can't expect to get a catch the first few times


Ah okay, continue down the path of believing that nogf is the only reason why your life sucks.

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You also need to be into the right things. Certain interests are a no-go.

>1. Figure out who you really are (btw taking Jow Forums memes into meat space doesn't count, look closer)
>figure out the most fundamental question you can possibly ask a man

>2. Start living your life based on those findings, join a club or some shit
>start living your life based on those findings, surely you won't have found that you're actually fundamentally a hikkikomori shut-in with solitary interests

>3. Learn to relax and how to be amiable not just to girls but to anyone
>learn not to take anyone seriously, don't expect them to be serious about anything either, be amiable to that

>4. Just have some fucking patience, there's a million fish in the sea but you can't expect to get a catch the first few times
>just play the lottery until someone finally decides to settle for you instead of going for the one you really want

Gee user, great advice


Well it seems like bad advice because you're clearly a fucking quitter. You haven't even tried if you're actually saying you're a hikki by design rather than the result of some poor life choices or unlucky happenings previously.

Raping children and your mother isn't an interest that's socially acceptable.

>you're just wrong about yourself lol nobody can be asocial without there being something wrong with them
I bet you're very insightful and smart

Found the woman.
Literally does not understand how it works because she doesn't realized she gets everything for free.

>I can't help being fat, that's just who I am ;__;

No one here is fat. In fact women love the dadbod as long as you're handsome and extroverted.

Wrong you cunt, I'm a man and I also suffer from social anxiety but I don't want to feel sorry for myself and blame women/chads/society anymore for my own life when I'm the one in control of it.

You people don't want there to be a cure for being a hikkikomori and want to instead believe it's just who you are and the world is just so cruel to you so you don't even have to try to improve.

You're declaring yourselves losers because trying to overcome your anxieties and pride sounds like too much effort and risk to your egos to attempt.

>cure for being a hikkikomori
There is a cure, but she hasn't come to me yet.

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No I'm comparing you to those fat people who claim it's just who they are while continuing to indulge in what's making them fat.

Likewise if being a miserable sod is "just who you are" then you just don't want to try to be anything different. This is too comfortable, living in ignorance that your life couldn't be any better no matter how much effort you personally could put in because others don't have the "advice" (magic spell) you need..

If you're going to truly give up then also stop fucking moaning already.

Not him, but I really do like this advice. However that doesn't make it easier. If you don't find out who you are fairly quickly it's so hard to find out later. I'm really not that old (24) but I don't know basically anything about myself. I was talking about this with my therapist and I told her that I don't know what I like, but I do know what I don't like. But I don't think you can find who you are by what you don't like.

>being asocial is the same as being lazy
Is this what people actually believe?

>You people don't want there to be a cure for being a hikkikomori and want to instead believe it's just who you are and the world is just so cruel to you so you don't even have to try to improve
Ah, there it is, the rebuttal of
>it's about finding the right person for who you really are

It's not about "finding the right person for who you really are", because there is no right person for asocial people. It's about breaking your identity and forcing yourself to be someone you're not to conform to societal standards. That's what you're saying.
You debunked yourself, moron.

Well you can but it doesn't necessarily set you up for happiness or to be a good person. Look at Jow Forums they base their modus operandi based solely on things they don't like.

That being said, a good way to broaden your horizons is to just be open to things even if they previously seemed beneath us. For example I'm now 25 and still sadly studying but I'm now doing UX design and really enjoying it, but previously when I was trying to be a programmer and hating it I considered UX design to not be a real comp sci discipline and never considered it. But I was being a snobbish prat who was only denying himself the opportunity to try something based on it "not being good enough" for me and in the eyes of the kind of people you find on Jow Forums.

How is that a rebuttal? You just keep insisting that being anti-social is just who you are, I'm saying that's a convenient excuse for not trying.

if you’re waiting you’re doing it wrong

>even if they previously seemed beneath us.
Everything seems above me though. I clean (desks, toilets, etc etc) for my job and sometimes I feel like that's too much for me.

I'm trying to work on this. But I'm not getting anywhere.

Fuck you
I'll laugh at you when she knocks on my door. Any day now.

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But not everyone's career is who they are, it's the case for some people but honestly it's okay to say "I'm doing it for the money" and think nothing more of your career. Feeling like we haven't achieved what others have is one of the main causes of feeling worthless and other forms of suffering but that comes down to pride causing you to needlessly compare yourself to others when it's irrelevant to do so.

That's part of why the redpill crowd are such knobheads, it's because they needlessly compare themselves to others and then get angry when what appears easy to one feels difficult for themselves.

>Feeling like we haven't achieved what others have is one of the main causes of feeling worthless and other forms of suffering but that comes down to pride causing you to needlessly compare yourself to others when it's irrelevant to do so.

I don't know if you would call this thought intrusive or just persistent but I do feel this all the time. My sister born in 2000 is going to college soon and I've done nothing except this part time job. People my age are getting married and I've never had a relationship. People my age are working full time with benefits and have friends and I'm here alone at home on my computer. Every time I see my sister's paperwork for her college around the house I get sick.

I'm going to breakfast so I'll be one mobile if I have more to say. Thank you for answering me though, all these conversations are really helpful. Hopefully they can actually settle in my mind eventually.

>just find your true self
okay i'm asocial
>uhhh actually your personality is not real and you're just making excuses to be lazy lol
wow, cool argument dude
very nice

the whole point of NHK is that a manic pixie dream girl won't save you from yourself, remember the ending?

No problem. Basically just ask yourself when you were her age did you want to go to college? If you didn't at the time then you probably wouldn't have been happy with it now, even if you have the same upbringing as your sister you're still not your sister and your allowed to process the same life differently and come to different conclusions about what you want in life.

So as I said, there's no point comparing yourself to anyone because at the end of the day, you are no one else. You're only you and as soon as you stop looking to others as yardsticks about how life should be lived, how you want to live your life has a better chance of standing out to you.

>people who rage at the truth

yeah wtf ever mate
enjoy being single and blanketed in excuses

I didn't, because I had no idea how to pay for it, no idea what I wanted, and I did such a bad job at high school (big attention problems, even though I love learning I hate homework). Over time I explored some options but I went back to thinking about school over and over again. I feel that I want to, I know that it's objectively good. I've known for years I have to stop comparing myself but it's basically automatic for me where I instantly feel physically ill.
All this plus anxiety at even starting is constricting me.

Because being anti-social isn't a statement of who you are but rather a statement of what you don't have (a social life). I can't introduce myself and my identity as "Hi, my name is user and I don't own a Ferrari", If I did make that my identity then of course that's all I'd think about and I'd probably get pissy at people who do own Ferraris.

Not having a social life isn't the end of the world and it certainly doesn't have to define you, but if you define yourself as "user: anti-social" then you can't complain when you don't have a social life.

You think you're being clever with your sarcastic and smug responses but you're literally like a person pretending to have a nut allergy crying because no one offered them any peanuts despite loving peanuts.

She won't save you because she's fat and ugly but I'm actually not that bad looking and thin. She'll come to me just you wait.

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>because she's fat and ugly
Because YOU are fat and ugly*
She's not she's really cute and pretty and just for me.

Well then the only reasonable conclusion is that college wasn't for you and it wouldn't have made you happy, the money concerns and the coursework will have always outweighed the knowledge you were objectively doing the right thing by other people's standards.

Had you of forced yourself to go for the greater good you would have either succeeded in something you had no interest in and you'd be condemned to a career that will ask more and more from you and you'd grow to hate it. Or you would have dropped out and you would have worried about wasted time and money plus the shame of 'failing', again by other people's standards.

True I guess. Thank you for helping me user. Life is much harder than I thought it would be.

I know, but I think we as a society put too much effort on ourselves to be happy by anyone's standards but our own.

Just go easy on yourself and have a good one!

are these facts?

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>Because being anti-social isn't a statement of who you are but rather a statement of what you don't have
again with the "anti-social people don't actually exist" meme
how the fuck can you deny social disorders and general introversion when you yourself have social anxiety
i don't fucking have anxiety myself and can function normally around people for a while, but i'll pick being alone over being around other people any fucking day if there's no purpose keeping me there, as i get exhausted quickly and would rather do my own stuff than spend the time and effort making pointless smalltalk

do i not exist and it's just laziness holding me back, or is that character trait not called "asocial"? there's no other alternative here

I fucking despise the "just fix your life bro, a gf won't fix it" people so much. I am happy with every single aspect of my life except for the fact that I have no gf. I have a good job and friends, I just want someone who cares about me deeply and who I can care about. Following shitty self-improvement tips doesn't make a gf materialize in your life.

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Stop masturbating.

Thanks me later.

But you don't have a social disorder, if you did then you wouldn't be complaining about being "anti-social" because you wouldn't want to have a social life anyway. We are social creatures so it's healthy that you feel deprived of a 'real' social life, it would be unhealthy if no one could convince you that a social life was desirable.

Also gtfo with 'muh introversion' I'm introverted as well but that just means that I while I enjoy the company of others I find it draining and to relax I prefer my me time, my brother who is an extrovert is the opposite and finds it draining to be alone for extended periods. Introversion or extroversion has no bearing over whether you have a social life or not, moaning about having no friends and making that your whole 'deal' by internally and externally will though.

But why do you want "an gf"? Have you ever been with someone just because they were interested in you? You realise how imperfect and really what a waste of time a relationship really is if you don't love wasting that time with them.

i will repeat the question since you did literally everything except answer it
>i'll pick being alone over being around other people any fucking day if there's no purpose keeping me there, as i get exhausted quickly and would rather do my own stuff than spend the time and effort making pointless smalltalk
>do i not exist and it's just laziness holding me back, or is that character trait not called "asocial"?

Right but why are you fucking moaning then?
>I'll have curly fries because I don't like any other type of fries
>Ugh fucking curly fries..why?

If you find being alone preferable then what's the BFD if you don't have a social life or a girlfriend? You know they eventually move in and provide you with little people who live in your space right?

Just shut the fuck up mate, you're clearly whining for no reason other than to have something to bitch about on Jow Forums.

you still haven't answered the question

Can you reword the question because all I see is complaining about nothing?

sure, let me do it a third time, losing all semblance of nuance since you're a damn nonce
>do asocial people exist?

You don't have a gf because you're a shitty person. That's why nobody cares about you. Be a less shitty person.

Yes, but it seems to refer to people who struggle to gauge the appropriateness of different interactions in a social setting and people who totally dislike any interaction all together.

But considering you mentioned earlier you are able to function during social interaction competently I'm guessing you're referring to the latter. In which case you're still not really asocial if being without social contact is a complaint you have.

>Is being asocial a real disorder where people either don't understand or don't desire social interaction
>Do I get to moan about having no friends because I have an asocial 'personality'
No because that's a conscious choice you made to avoid people due to misunderstanding your real trait of being introverted.

Also good questions aren't supposed to have nuance, they're supposed to be concise you mong.

Every time I thought a girl liked me I was wrong.

That really sucks so now I just subconsciously assume girls don't like me. That also sucks but it's more of a slow burn.

This is what I do. Except I never thought girls liked me, because they never have

And you've asked them all have you?

Why would I ask someone who's not interested in me if they're interested in me

That's the bluepill NPC thing to do, don't question the retard he won't know what to answer you.

Ah sorry, you're a mind reader. My mistake.

Is this the user who thought "having a semblance of nuance" sounded clever when describing a question?

Yeah, I know. I'm still waiting for
>just be yourself
Is this ironic or ...?

You're correct of course, but the human mind is incredibly good at deluding itself.
Read up on learned helplessness.

They are so deep in their own bubble that they don't understand it user.
Literally don't bother, you'd have more luck asking on /b/ than here.

This isn't even reddit, it's tumblr.

>I'm waiting to be told 'just be yourself'
There isn't much point when you don't even have the balls to present yourself to women.

You're not wrong. But I'm bored right now, and prodding cattle can make me laugh sometimes

So being myself isn't enough?

NPC.exe has stopped working

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You mug, "don't bother listing to Jow Forums because you won't get told what you want to hear" and too fucking right and all.

Piss off to /b/, you're wasting your own time if you just want PUA tricks or to have it reaffirmed that nothing is in your control so you're right to make nogf a crux you base your entire being on.

Well to be honest if they aren't also mind readers you would probably need to resort to the power of speech to communicate who you are to them. Either that or interpretive dance.

Normies this is your reading assignment for today.

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>we've got a blown fuse in sector 12

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Yeah you're really out of the pen. All alone. Hilarious.

So basically, in order to determine if someone's interested in me, and to have the right to say no one is interested in me, I have to ask literally every woman I've ever come across if they've ever been interested in me? Seems feasible and totally like being myself

You got one thing right, and that's that I'm alone. How did you figure it out? Is THIS the power of being able to read my posts?

No it's supposed to point out that "no girls like me" is a ridiculous position to have. But if you want to be a smarmy git about it and continue to refuse female contact then that would really be showing me.

But you haven't answered why I would ask girls who aren't interested in me if they're interested in me.

No I figured that based on you simply posting on Jow Forums, the power of reading exposed that you actually choose to be alone despite complaining about it.

user the problem isn't that no girls like you. The problem is that your brain thinks that by default, subconsciously, and it makes you act it different ways without you even thinking about it.

Read the damn wiki link

Wait asking every female ever if she likes you isn't yourself?
Oh man you're just fucked then I supposed.

*this route hasn't been fully tested yet, there may be some errors*

And you haven't told me how can we see if our eyes aren't real, or a better facetious example of a retarded question.

I go to my university 5 days a week. I attend every class. I'm not sure how much more I have to try "being myself" before I'm not longer alone. And I'm not complaining it, just stating the obvious. I've grown used to it after a decade+ alone.
Yeah, I guess that bit of code didn't get make it in the last update package.

Not the guy you're talking to but you literally just proved his point about learned helplessness lol.

. Figure out who you really are (btw taking Jow Forums memes into meat space doesn't count, look closer)
Traditional specialist to the point of being a nerd.
. Start living your life based on those findings, join a club or some shit
I am and I have.
. Learn to relax and how to be amiable not just to girls but to anyone
I have many friends, female friends too, but not all girls enjoy the same things as I do.
. Just have some fucking patience, there's a million fish in the sea but you can't expect to get a catch the first few times
There isn't actually a million fish in the sea.
If you only account for distance you are willing to travel to meet them, gender and age range, it is a couple of thousand. This number drastically plummets as you start to add more qualifiers, like their preference for children, pets, political stance etc.
The studies I have seen that try to estimate it more accurately claim that you will meet somewhere between 25 and 50 people who could be a match. This number increases when you use online dating, but it isn't an infinite sea of endless tries. We are living on borrowed time and patience is the last thing you should have if you want a partner.
Just doing whatever you want and hope to stumble upon a girl someday does not make sense to someone like me as I know how easy it is to avoid the opposite gender.

>misaki so nice she will save me
how do you finish the series and still dream about this

But my eyes are real because I can see. Even if they weren't there, but I could still see, I could still claim to have sight and that sight is a function of some other eye. Are you saying I'm blind, or that I don't have eyes?

Is this supposed to be clever? Because the original quote was already pretty stupid. Being yourself and still being able to ask every girl in the world would mean you were superman.

The actual point was a kind of Schrödinger's cat situation where because you couldn't possibly ask every single girl in the world, you'd also have to concede that the possibility exists that at least one would say yes.

Well it depends what you're taking as canon. She's the worst in the manga and the best in the anime.

Jesus Christ.. you know playing up to the implication you're a retard doesn't disprove it right?

Why would I make that sort of assumption? Probabilities mean jack shit if the expected outcome doesn't materialize in my lifetime.

What is there to disprove, my man? You are saying I'm either blind or without eyes but with sight. So which is it?

>it's just a number game bro

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Yeah but it doesn't make a difference. Have you ever heard of instinct or muscle memory?
Two examples of things you do without having a conscious thought about it.

>keeping pushing a stone that I several hundred times your mass
Yeah, I learned to give up so as to focus my energy elsewhere. I'd still like to move the stone, but ultimately I have to be realistic

I wish I could just be as happy as a boomer.

middle age men kill themselves more than any other population. (except maybe native american middle aged men)