How do I go about conquering the entire world starting from my city?

How do I go about conquering the entire world starting from my city?

Attached: ROAR.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

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Co-opt a political group like your local antifa cell and then radicalize them after some heavy recruitment. After this, siege your city and conquer it. Hopefully the other cells cone to your aid. And then win the civil war. And then start and win a world war

What's a good thing to begin a movement about? I don't have any talents but I know coding / hacking a bit.

a bunch of underfed 20-somethings conquering anything

You have sex with me first

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No thank L Cruz, you're one of the first people that will be sent to concentration camps

Attached: SonOfCruz.jpg (740x739, 36K)

Hhaha kek, i love you too

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That's literally not you do, what's the point of larping when everyone knows how you look like?

>1. Be Jewish
>2. Get into politics
>3. ???
>4. Profit


I don't know. Most everyone is so fucking complacent that they think voting actually matters. This is why I hate both antifa and the "alt right." Neither do anything and just bitch all day.
I can't tell you what would motivate people enough. If you could some how end the bread and circus of the average normie's life, theyd become desperate to have it back. Knock out the power grid or something.
Well, yeah. I did say "like." It could be any group

Good one Ted

Look at this guy, lol

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I can't believe someone can be this ignorant about themselves. Literally 0 self consciousness

If you only spent 10% of that energy on girls, you wouldnt be a virgin incel

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You've no idea who I even am.
Just keep using the buzzword Jow Forums le epic words.

You are incel, thats all what i need to know, hahahahah

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I don't understand what you're trying to prove with that picture?


>using more buzzwords
No wonder no one likes you.

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Imagine if he posted something like this in /b/
He's lucky people here are nice, but sooner or later he's gonna step on a mine.

Did Ted Cruz finally get banned

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Good riddance, Ted

I wish you tried doing this so I could watch you get boot stomped by the police or whatever the opposing people would be.
Only way to rule the world is through finance, but you will never even get close. I doubt you’ll conquer your own bank account.

The only people who have ever had a chance of conquering the world did nothing but try and save it.

No i am here lol

By conquering yourself first. As an animeposter I can tell you right now you won't make it.

>he took down the tripcode

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Did you not take it down? What are you implying here?
This is just really pathetic Ted, even for you.

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The more extreme your ideas the slower you gotta take it. Conquering the world is already very extreme by itself. Dont take too long or else (((they))) will have you suicided with 10 bullet holes in your back.
Is your city in america? A government shutdown is happening again in a few weeks. It would be wise to amass an army while the government isnt paying anyone.
Youll also need to get more land.
Mexico wants to be in the USA anyways why not invade them next? Just get rid of the cartels before they become a real state. Im sure Argentina would give up their country in a heartbeat if it meant they got to be white

You play too much EU4 and HOI4