How rare are asexual girls and how do I meet one who could have a relationship with me?

How rare are asexual girls and how do I meet one who could have a relationship with me?
Pic half-related

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Asexual groups tend to be active. So look online for one near you. But if your playing they will block you.

In my experience a lot of girls claim to be Asexual when in reality their fetish is too extreme(scat, gore etc) and they mentally block it out usually having a breakdown in their 30's. Real ones are not super rare but usually just cave and have sex for their partners sake. Full LGBT crazy hair ones usually are just scared or think their vagina is sacred or whatever delusion suits them.

Asexual is the new nice guy/nice girl, roughly translated its “i Would fuck the shit out of you but I’m too socially awkward to ask for that so let’s watch Steven universe while I awkwardly try to grope you”

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For females it’s also a great way to friend zone a guy who would normally see it as such, someone who has proven useful in academic or finance

If you don't have sex as an adult you are de facto asexual.

Sounds good to me!
Thanks. I don't think my country is big on online dating sites if that's what you meant but I never looked for an "asexual" community specifically, maybe there's one on Facebook or something. I never thought they'd be active.
People use Tinder here though but I never tried it, not sure if there's going to be asexual people there.
Idk why I'm asexual, maybe I'm also "just scared".

Why haven't guys figured out that dyed hair is a massive red flag? Rainbow hair is like a lighthouse.

You clearly do not understand the definition of A-sexual. They don't want a relationship. At least no the one you're thinking about. It's like having a friend you spend extra money on who you don't have sex with. You never have any physical intimacy. And the relationship fizzles out because you never get to tap their ass.

Depends on what the guys are looking for (I assume some masochistic guys want problem girls). But you are right.

What am I thinking about?
> It's like having a friend you spend extra money on who you don't have sex with. You never have any physical intimacy.
What makes you think that's not the kind of relationship I want? I don't want to have sex, that's what makes me asexual the last time I checked.

She’s banging at least 3 guys one is her boss

You do want to have sex, you just think it’s outside the realm of possible outcomes if your crush said let’s bang you would you just think it’s the same possible as a Bigfoot hand job...hint this makes you a “nice guy”

I once goolged the rainbow haired girl and she had a blog (this was some time, maybe years, after that news post) where she claimed she was still a virgin. She became ugly though (can't remember if she got fat or what).

I don't understand what you mean. I'm pretty sure I don't want to have sex.

Oh, I am sorry. Didn't know you were asexual as well. In that case there are groups of them. I know there is a group or two of asexual on my campus. A couple online ones you can search for. Maybe try reddit..?

Just search around.

I claimed I was a Virgin till 23 I had sucked more cubic area than dyson

Are we talking about "the chemicals in the brain don't work when it comes to anything sex related" asexual or the "uwu I am shy and introverted pls noo" asexual? Because the first type is pretty rare, as it can (theoretically) be fixed, while the second one is basically a longer waiting game till things go in the normal direction.

This is a man who wants to fuck Zoe Quinn but claims he’s asexual can you see the point I am conveying? Just outright saying you want to smash is actually less creepy here because what 31 year old woman wants to be plunked next to a internet bud?

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Thanks, I'll look that up online, just never thought they'd be a "thing" until I read these posts here (I mean I'm sure there are gay or trans communities but never thought of asexuals as a group). I mean I found some obscure-ish asexual forums once but they weren't from my country.

No I can't see the point you are conveying because I don't want to fuck anyone.

OK, I mean I guess if you want a girl with daddy issues, insecurities up the wazoo and commitment issues it's a good sign, but I can't imagine those guys are any better off mentally.

>but I can't imagine those guys are any better off mentally.
Exactly. I think of it as being the same as those women that can only have relationships with men that will get drunk and beat them up. The men who are like that are easy to spot and there are women that definitely only want men of that kind.

Off topic post but you guys are surprised rain bow haired wackos get mad dick? Never met a BPD person? They will treat you like a literal god/goddess for the first few months and will literally do anything sexual your mind can think of and some you can’t. Then their broken brain fucks over everything but those first few months are awesome

Stop trying to change the meaning of some culture you don't belong to.
Asexual people do not feel sexual attraction. Now you can argue whether they know what sexual attraction is or if it is some hormone issue that causes it or whatever. But regardless of what you think of the people who belong to this group, you can't just erase them by calling them nice guy 2.0. they are clearly different.

The current asexual movement is tumblr inspired nonsense from a bunch of social maladjusted weirdos
You can’t argue this, you can argue true asexuals exist but these examples
Clearly not the same

What are some examples? Saying "tumblr weirdos" is obviously vague enough to accomodate whatever opinion you want to say since nobody can "prove it" because of how ambiguous it is.

That's actually a good comparison.

It's incredible that some people like you get mad at people just because they don't want to have sex. That you are triggered by people not wanting to have sex, as if that somehow affects you. Just stop going to tumblr then, if you are so sensitive.

I listed an example up above, you know who also claims asexuality? Anthony Burch, Peter coffin, Chris kluwe, why because it’s easier than saying maybe I have some issues I need to sort out. Also the whole definition of sexuality being spoken here is some straight out of an 1990s dude flick. Sexual attraction is not defined as some drooling wolf howling at the Jessica rabbit rip
Off, it’s way more nuance.

Ah the “you disagree with my definition so you just be mad” school of logic I see what platform you were banned off of

>Sexual attraction is not defined as some drooling wolf howling at the Jessica rabbit rip
You simply can't understand how other people can feel sexual attraction in a different way than you. Some people are asexual, get over it.

And your next question is “why would anyone claim to be asexual whose not?” Because the belief is it removes a threat barrier “if I dont want sex how can I be a creeper” it’s the same as the male ally angler fish strat under a different definition, sure real
Asexuals exist but so do
Real trans people, it doesn’t stop enbies stealing the thunder

But that’s exactly what I just said

Also I’ll say one more thing most modern “asexuals” are under two
False premises that women or men can’t see past weasel
Words and that even a non sexual proposition can be creepy, simply not engaging in sexual motives doesn’t make more likely to be a top social prospect

>simply not engaging in sexual motives doesn’t make more likely to be a top social prospect
Well yeah but it's not like I can have a relationship with a girl that wants to have sex.

Fuck these asexuals fucks. Real asexual people won't even care to identify themselves as an asexual nor tell everyone "YEAH I DONT LIKE SEX XD"

I don't go around telling people I'm asexual. The only people I told I'm asexual to are you anons.

>Real asexual people would
What do YOU know about "real" asexual people?