I have nothing to look forward to today

I have nothing to look forward to today
I have nothing to look forward to in the next week
I have nothing to look forward to this month
I have nothing to look forward to this year

I tried making my life more exciting from suggestions online but it has not worked.
I have no friends, and I have tried.
I can't afford to move from where I am now.
I can't afford to travel, and my girlfriend is too busy to go with me. She doesn't want me going alone, and it will be harder to afford when she is ready to travel.
Nobody has the time to come with me to local events, and they're too far away to be inspired to go alone.
Nobody wants to indulge in any of my hobbies with me, even when the interest is shared. I've reached out online and in person. Nobody even wants to play video games with me online.

I don't know how my life's gotten so bad, and I don't know why I'm so outcast. I've done well for myself and I take care of myself. What does it take to be worth anybody's time?

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Let go of that desire and you'll be much happier, and ironically will likely gain friends along the way.

That's just my experience but it makes sense logically anyways. You can't make anyone like you bruv, you can only control yourself. Also, isn't your gf your friend?

I know the state you need to be in to actually attract friends and people, but the way I got to that point was from basically restarting my whole life for 4 months across the world. I was suicidal and did the "world is my oyster" thing. I've since moved back and I can't afford to keep doing that. I can't abandon my girlfriend like that either. I've buried myself in hobbies, been hyper-focused on them and tried involving myself in the communities of some of them in the pursuit, and nothing has changed about my life except that I can't get excited about those hobbies as much as I could before.

These feelings always come back failure after failure. Then they go and I keep trying and failing. I don't think there's anything else I can do except reboot my life again, which means ditching my girlfriend. We've had many fights about this, and we're quite certain it will lead to our end despite being a good match otherwise.

She is my friend, but highly focused on school. I have been out of school for a couple years now. When she has time to visit on the weekends I end up in her room the whole time minus maybe one visit to a cafe, because she needs to focus on school and related things. Other weekends like this one, she is too busy for company. Even texting, she is too busy.

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Ah I get that. That's tough. You could try setting up more scheduled short bursts of time with your gf. Stuff like doing quick movie nights together that you schedule a week ahead of time. I've been in a LDR for several years and we're both happy with this method, even though it was hard adjusting to in the beginning.

On the rest, it honestly sounds like to me that you need therapy more than friends. And that's very difficult to figure out on your own. Key word is difficult, not impossible. Just saying it straight. You need a mentality switch, not friends-- because people inherently come and go, that's the nature of relationships of any kind.

If it crushes you with a sense of failure when someone fades out of your life, to where it's causing a lot of distress, that's not something more friends can help with.

How did you findfd a gf without friends and money?

What do you mean short bursts? I have planned many things with her weeks in advance and they all get shut down. Granted, they were larger things like parades. I can try smaller thing but aside from movies I really don't know what else we could do that's small. She lives in a place where not much is nearby, so about 30 minute transit to the city. I guess I could drive, but still not sure what else we could do aside from the usual. There's kayaking near her home, and a trail but those are not small things. We are also limited to her house because she cannot drive, and it takes like 3 hours of transit to get to my home or just about as much to meet in the middle. And then a lot of effort just to drive there and back each time.

Previous to meeting her, and I had girlfriends before too, I went to a councillor for over a year with no results despite trying my best. I kept in contact when I reset my life across the world and said it was probably situational depression. I believe it still is, but she keeps saying that moving away won't solve anything. I don't think much else will be uncovered and therapy is expensive.

>If it crushes you with a sense of failure when someone fades out of your life
It doesn't, but years of nobody there for me in my life brings back that sense.

Tinder, and coming off of the best time of my life

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I feel so empty. I work and hate it, wait to work again and hate waiting, repeat. All for nothing.

me and my frends posted on reddit that are tryng to get in to ths high school but to getin we have to write a eassy but dont kenow how to start ... do you guys know what we could do

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I'm just coasting through life, op. Every time I try to make goals then fall apart because I don't actually want any of that. I don't want to work for this society since it hates me. I want to stay alive because of my mom, dad, and siblings. But working makes me want to kill myself (literally). I'm in college right now, planning on staying in as long as possible. Hopefully long enough that the kids get old enough to understand why I might go away. I can't do this forever. I want peace. And life is not peaceful

I'm 2 years out of university now. I was optimistic about the future but I feel the way you do now, except I think life is peaceful. Peaceful but in a superficial and lonely way.
When I went away for those 4 months, I was in a community that wanted me, and I really don't feel that I'm wanted here now that I'm home. Everything put together about modern way of life and this society just makes every movement a dredge.

I could abandon my girlfriend and move somewhere else easily, but really that's the only thing keeping me back. I tried my best to enjoy home when I came back. I tried my best to enjoy home when I met her. But I can not enjoy this place.
Everyone is too busy for their own good, too cliquey for a welcoming society, and too shut in for a functioning social society. If you're not working on improvement every second of the day you're looked down upon. If you try to meet new people you're a creep. Why don't you have friends already? I better stay away from that guy. I'm too frustrated right now.

I can kind of relate. My family is the only place I feel welcome, and even that I'm not sure about anymore. I'm a drain on my mother, I know that. But I do love them even though I can't express it.
The only place I've felt "welcome" outside my house is when I'm alone in woods. Just sitting, thinking about life or nothing at all. I haven't the motivation to work and I'll never have a family of my own. I really wish I wasn't born into this society but I was. I just have to pass the days until I run out of steam or can actually find peace somehow. Good luck, friend

go to a local bar, get drunk, get into a fight. that'll put some excitement into your life.

>mindless violence adds values to one's life
So, this is the power of the NPC?

I don't think getting in to fights with people would be something I look forward to. I guess that would give me their time though.

Now I'm just actively avoiding my girlfriend. Welcome back self-destructive streaks.

Based. Fuck sluts

Not based. You know it, this guy knows it It can be extremely hard to withold, and some random fag on the internet can almost never provide you with the solace you need (it is not what is said, but who is saying it; really the key to lifechanging advice is hearing it from the person you need to hear it from)
Be strong user, please. I’m suffering here with you, I feel very much the same, thankfully minus the despair this time around.

Thanks user, for suffering with me and for the advice

this is a very dangerous stage in your life OP, you need to get help. I know you may think that no one cares about you or have nothing to look forward to but this is false my friend. Sometimes even if you think your being a nuisance just keep forcing yourself on people. You have a gf, you're already better than 90% of the virgins on this site.

>"I tried making my life more exciting from suggestions online but it has not worked"
>immediately asks for suggestions online
Maybe nobody wants to be your friend because you're retarded

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I am because I don't know what else to do, and it was immediately available to me

I know you're probably right that it's false, but every day is just empty for me. I'll keep trying but it feels hopeless. I'm nearly 25 and I'm doing nothing different than what's failed for me since I began university 7 years ago.