How to stop procrastinating and being lazy?

Hi anons, currently I am in education and so far have gotten distinctions throughout my course but recently I have been procrastinating and being lazy, yesterday and today I have done nothing despite these being days dedicated to studying/doing assignments and I have just been assigned two assignments, why is this happening? Have I lost interest? Suddenly it just feels like a huge amount of effort and end up watching tv/browsing the web even though I know this is such a waste of time and won't get me anywhere to my dream career.

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Please? I'm about to go to bed.

You're pushing away success because part of you subconsciously doesn't want it. Maybe you're insecure about your abilities, or think that you've never going to make it.
Figure out what part of you is self-sabotaging, eliminate it, and then working will become effortless.
Work ethic and motivation a meme because they work on the assumption that your brain is going to constantly be trying to push you away from success and you need to fight against it. If just you manage to change your mindset to eliminate all insecurity and doubt in yourself then you'll just effortlessly work towards your goals.

I think its a mixture of both my insecurity about my abilities and never making it, you see I'm autistic, I think I am stupid and this is the first time I've actually attempted to do something with my life, I've mainly been relying on benefits so having that safety net there and risking losing it for a career has me on edge I guess.

But how do I eliminate this? Is this what is causing the procrastinating and being lazy problems? How do I change my mindset on this?

Sorry not providing a written answer, but you should watch Thomas Frank on YT. He talks about procrastination and productivy in general and was a great help for me with the same problems.
Godspeed, user.



Why would being autistic make you feel stupid?
The whole benefit of autism is that you can problem solve extremely well and learn lots of things very quickly.
What subject are you studying? If it's not some kind of engineering or computer science then maybe you should think about switching to something like that because that's where your autism will give you a major advantage.
t. autistic CS student

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You do not find what you are doing worth your time. So you do not work towards it.

Any book for this specifically?

What do you mean?

identifying and negating self sabotage and why work ethic is just a meme

Don't know about any books but I'm mostly just parroting ideas from this video:

Dude is pretty eccentric but everything he says really resonated with me the first time I watched it, at a kind of life changing level.
I don't know why more people don't talk about this idea because it seems so obviously true once someone explains it to you.


No problem user, let me know what you think once you've watched it

Maybe you just need a break. Taking breaks is okay and recommended as not to burnout, but be sure to have a solid plan the following days to get back on a routine

A lot of "success insecurity" comes from having to hold yourself to higher standards, once you leave the safety yet and complete school then all responsibility falls on you. This creates a fear of failing and ending in the streets, your parents, or mcdonalds and also creates the fear of being strictly subdued by a career that you have to maintain or perish. Either way its what adulthoods all about, you've been lied too if you thought different. Best advice is to find a job/career you can be content with.

It is CS and I am getting distinctions but the issue is I have to have everything explained to me like a 5 year old before I get it and even though my teacher considers me to be the best of his students, I feel this is because I asked him how well I am doing and he felt he had to say that. Programming which is what I want to do has proven to be quite difficult, I overcomplicate code and I don't fully understand what each function does when I read it from microsoft docs, I have to ask my teacher to get a good idea on it.

I'll try but I never really had a routine before, what is the benefit of that?

I have found that career that I want to but well I have typed that already here:



Prioritize and execute. It really is that easy.