Are there any anons out there who were depressed but are not anymore.
I'd like to hear some stories about beating depression, also some tips.
I want to enjoy life, not suffer...
Are there any anons out there who were depressed but are not anymore.
I'd like to hear some stories about beating depression, also some tips.
I want to enjoy life, not suffer...
In my case, medication, SSRIs is what ultimately did the trick for not wanting to kill myself every day anymore. That and beginning to get my life into some semblance of order.
it never goes away. ssris are only temporary. even after i found success its still there. what youll learn is how to control it and live with it. realise it will never leave and only then can you move forward
This was my approach though I haven't done any drugs, just therapies. I think the big problem with depression is that we want it to be a 'condition' when really it's an outcome, usually of exposure. I'm depressed because I've had a bead on death since single digits and it makes taking life seriously very difficult when I watch all these people crab-potting each other. I'd rather just watch it all burn down from a mountain somewhere.
Still not entirely off the table that I pack a backpack, pick a direction and just start fucking walking. I'm tired of life and of trying, but I keep pushing on because it's not like there's some other magical solution out there.
Also nice get dude
i agree, its too easy to box stuff up and make yourself fit into the box. i think its an inate thing once its set in place. ive never met anyone thats changed out of it completely. but i also think its due to being aware. and even aware that others are aware (self awareness).
i know too well these feels. so i just say fuck it, ill do it slow. so what if i lack the drive and 12 days arent as productive as 1. whatever.
op got the get
For me personally.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (strongly recommend you looking up OP), medication, physical exercise, exposure to fearful situations, staying busy af, and finding meaning in life. It took me years but it was all worth it.
I guess it was a meme depression cause all it really took for me was exercise and a change of clothes.
I was a shut in neet for years and got fat and never felt anything. Got into constant fights with my parents.
It's amazing what even an hour of sunlight a day can do
I got a job, got out of my house. I actually had sex for the first time ever tonight. I went to the gym, developed hobbies, and now I have 1 friend and a ton of aquaintences
Two years ago today, I tried to kill myself through hanging. Today, I've long-since been weaned off toxic anti-depressants I didn't need, along with the adderall I'd become burnt-out on. I pay rigorous attention to my diet and exercise. I've made and maintained friendships, completed a degree, and have a full-time office job. I feel bad for not achieving more, but taking a step back and seeing how much things have come together, I really appreciate it.
The whole depression lasts forever thing is BS. It comes and goes. You can fight it with practice, healthy changes to your lifestyle, and a good therapist to guide you.
I'm someone who has depression that is a punishment for my terrible self discipline. I wish I could pull myself out once and for all, or at least for a while like you. How did you start?
It's rough. My family caused most of my. Depression. And when I say that I mean my mood and attitude would change and I'd get suicidal without understanding and how to fix it. I never used it as a crux or even realized I was different because my brain just made it the reality like it was always that way.
I moved out recently and cut contact basically that's helped alot. Still "depressed" because I don't have slot of motivation for 0 reasons that I can think of.
Some. People need a change of pace and it cures their temporary depression. Some of us have actual brain issues and receptors being stupid. I take lexapro for my anxiety since it helps alot and I have 0 side effects thankfully. It somewhat helps my state of mind but I still get "depr3ssed" out of nowhere. My brains just fucked and no amount of effort I put in to change it or figure it out fixes it. Just comes and goes.
If you can realize you're depr3ssed you can try and suppress it and tell it to fuck off and just do things without thinking. That helps me get through the days it's bad.
nice trips op. btw i coped with a massive depression last year only. i dont remember how i felt much neither i can identify which it was, now i think i was having anxiety and depression simultaneously. when i was depressed i talked to my friends, i had very few including the online friends i had on steam. i talked to about 5 people every 2 days and told all about my ailment. i shared very personal feelings and matterds.
i think the most effective treatment was by meeting my best friend. he listened to everything i had to say and he listened. he told me that there is nothing to be afraid of. i let many people know my depression and i think it helped me a lot.
i remember it was night time about 11 o clock when i thought i cannot cope anymore. i decided to keep a disposable razor blade beside my bed in case if i needed it midnight... in case if i abruptly wanted to end my suffering. the only thing that saved me was the timing. the nearby shops closed before i could buy a blade.
I quit comparing myself to others and stopped seeking validation from them. Confidence naturally followed. I also started meditating to help deal with the empty feeling, and to start living in the moment instead of ruminating on the past. The result of all this is me turning my life around. I was the biggest loser you would ever meet. Im joining the army tomorrow and i have plans of college, becoming an officer, and exploring the world. Im trully blissfully happy. I am grateful for my pain, it molded my character into a man i love and am proud of who will trully appreciate his new found joy and future
You need to make your happiness independent of other people. And while your at it: make yourself completly independent of others. With that I beat a 6 year long depression with multiple suicide atempts. Also Anthony Robbins book "Awaken the Giant Within" gave me the final push towards not ever falling back into depression. Noteworthy: I never took any medication.
I had to quit my shit job, get away from my loser friends and move to a new place. Turns out life is pretty awesome of you get out of a bad environment
I used to drive to work everyday hoping to get into a car accident. Thought of committing myself to a clinic because I just needed an escape from everything. I only managed to get out of bed and put in my hours at work because my ex was out of work due to going to jail for a month for violating his DUI probation.
I realized this wasn’t healthy and normal (obviously) so I got on medication for depression and anxiety. They helped me feel better and I started genuinely laughing again. Life eventually got somewhat better after he started working and I changed jobs to something much less stressful. I got off the medications and was feeling pretty good.
Eventually I moved to a foreign country where I am still living and am completely independent after ditching him. Sometimes if I am especially exhausted or stressed out I feel the darkness creeping back, but most days I feel wonderful and in general I enjoy satisfaction and happiness each day.
Beating depression (I think) takes a change in mindset and circumstances. Leverage every opportunity you have to escape whatever is causing your misery.
I've been through a few downs and lows now. Every time for different reasons.
Most recently I found I needed to switch into a more giving mode, I've still got to swallow a lot of pain and it ain't exactly easier but I'm kind of used to it now and feel like I have the time, energy and attention to give what I got. For a long time there I was directing it inward to myself to nurse me through some hurt.
30+ here, been depressed for few years, almost 10. It was a slow process, I still have scars but I managed to become a normie, well I guess I did.
What help me the most is to write down stuff that bother me and hopes in order to get some distance, working out (most useful), regular sleep schedule, breathing exercice, cooking my own healthy meal, reading (it helps me to focus), reducing screen time and I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone as much as I can. Also focus on yourself and get your shit together for yourself not for anyone else.
I don't feel depressed anymore, it can fluctuate though. But learning about psychology and my personality helped me to fix or work on the personal issues I had instead of blaming the others or making up excuses. I can assure you that if your solution is effortless it's probably worthless as well. Last thing, solve your long term issues as soon as you can.
>opening a thread with a hate symbol
Of course. 4channel, everyone.
Fuck off
>be depressed for a decade or more
>save up money for a year
>buy my dream car
>it's old and the bodywork is a bit messed up but I love it
>the moment I get the keys I'm extremely happy
>can't drive it yet because the battery soon died (worked great when I test drove it before buying it though)
>jump started the car
>drove it a few meters around the car lot
>battery died again, gotta replace it
>can't take it outside because I still have no insurance
>it's been a month
>still waiting on the insurance company, still no insurance
That one moment of happiness was great but now I'm back to being a depressed fuck.
I want that fucking insurance already, I can't fucking wait anymore. I know I will get it one day (I hope) but the wait is killing me, I want my depression to go away already.
Happiness is fleeting, just like pain. Calmness is what we need
it'll be cool if you xplained what ssris were
Good point I think you are right. Idk how to find calmness though. I'm always stressed out, I'd have to quit my job but still somehow make money, to be calm.
I know your problem. I hate work. HATE it. Makes me want to kill myself. I went back to college. It's better, way less stress. But I still "have" to deal with all my bills even though I have no income.
I'm thinking of filing bankruptcy. Fuck this shit.