I got duped into dating a BPD girl. Last night when I revealed I know what’s wrong with her she went crazy...

I got duped into dating a BPD girl. Last night when I revealed I know what’s wrong with her she went crazy. Threatened to slit her own throat if I left her. I told her “Nobody cares, just don’t make a mess” and left after wrestling her off me.

Could I get in trouble if she’s actually dead?

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People who threaten suicide never actually do it. But she will probably try to report you for domestic violence or rape.

You never tell to crazy people they are crazy for a reason. Instead you call mental ward to pick them up. Legitimately if you called to ambulance and told them that this girl yelled at you and threatened suicide, she would spend few days under professional care.

Ballsy response OP I like it, dumb bitch

You both sound like shit and you’re a faggot for perpetuating the annoying BPD meme. To answer your question, I doubt you’ll get in trouble for simply stating your opinion.

>“Nobody cares, just don’t make a mess”
that's pretty harsh, the fuck she'd do?

This poster has never dealt with someone with BPD.

Way to be a retarded dickhead.

im gonna have to agree with this guy. unless we're missing part of the story, you were just a massive cunt for no reason.

I see you’ve never dealt with BPDs before

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found out what you're talking about,
you right

You won’t get in trouble unless she report it as assault or something. What you said dosent mean much.

Whoever manage to be around BPD people I applaud you. That shit is 24/7 terror.

I'm a male with Bipolar Disorder which I deem as totally treatable on Meds however this is something I always have to educate people on cause BPD is BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER

Same initials-different illness

I dated this one BPD girl and the only way out when I had a sense she was cucking me was dropping Acid and going to a Party- dumping her immediately. She threatened to kill herself- she attempted

Her sister yelled at me, but her parents were like- he dodged a bullet and just thanked me for being in her life at all

She's dating a dude in a Metal Band now that she's older and I'm sure they have a lot of sex, but she still is a crazy bitch to me

Bipolar is often abbreviated BPAD now. Bipolar Affective Disorder.

thank you god

The misinterpretation has ruined me socially

Honestly, I can't blame them. If someone tells me or shows signs that they have BPD, I'd rather drive off a bridge and die in a fiery inferno than deal with their shit.

>"nobody cares, just dont make a mess"

Chad confirmed. good work user, dont take shit from BPD Thots.

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If you left any bruise at all than you could be in trouble OP. I'm not saying I disapprove at all, but the law is probably in her favor. Since you said it in person though you should be in the clear.

This user is right, the moment someone threatens you with suicide you immediately call the professionals. That way you can argue you were out of your capability and say you were interested in their health first.

Ive been dating a BPD girl for years now. She actually has her shit together and takes her meds regularly etc. Things are stressful some times because of her disorder but mostly its just normal. I just wanna say that not all bipolars are crazy. Ymmv

BPD is borderline personality disorder. Not bipolar disorder.

My bad BiPolar Disorder yeah

Straight pulled a Clarke Gable on her ass. Nice 10/10 thot patrolled man in control

Which one is the really bad one, borderline or bipolar?

Okay, primer for newbs:

BiPolar Affective Disorder (AKA Bipolar/BPAD):
This is denoted by periods of depression and low motivation with hyperarousal/mania. This can be treated with SSRI medications.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) tends to involve explosive behaviors (family/friends/lovers describe it as walking on eggshells with them because it is impossible to tell what will trigger them), narcissism, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation while all being hopelessly needy and paranoid and depressed. Technically some of these are co-diagnosis, but it doesn't really matter since this is the clinical picture.

One of the biggest thing with BPD is psychological splitting and extreme black/white thinking. A girl with BPD can say she is madly in love with you and be planning for a future wedding, then you can say something that she takes the wrong way (BPD can have problems understanding intent of words, often making out even positive things as insults), and the next moment she can hate you and tell you that she should just kill herself.


What is more is that there is no effective treatment. The best we got is lifelong counseling sessions as there is no
pharmacology that can help (aside from maybe treating underlying/co-morbid depression and anxiety with SSRIs etc.)

Been with a girl like this long distance, very lucky she couldn't scream at me in person. She had a meltdown 4 months into our relationship where her friend started hanging out with her less and she screamed at him to kill her. She started carrying a knife around and would post selfies with it, and I was the only one who recognized what she was trying to signal. She had bad insecurity about her nose and would always hold the knife up to it in an innocuous way but she would totally cut her face one day if she wanted attention. This shit fucked me up bros please don't start relationships with BPD girls, especially if it's your first and you don't know you can give up on a relationship and break up

>narcissism, low self-esteem
Is that possible?

Yes, I gave my entire 20s to a BPD woman. It completely destroyed my life - it dirupted my career plans, I missed out on getting to ever have friends or go to parties in my 20s because she was so controlling (and now I have a huge complex about the college life I missed and feel extraordinarily jealous when I see young people at a house party rager or something because I'll never, ever get to experience that). Over the course of the first year she slowly ramped up the emotional abuse until I was a broken shell of a person, so depressed that I could barely function or think for myself Then she spent the next 8 years taking advantage of that to dominate until I had essentially no personality of my own.

Now I'm going back to school in my 30s and work a dead-end job and spend every day thinking about everything I lost and how badly I just wish I could experience the kind of social life I see college kids having. I obsess over preppy young girls who are much too young for me because I'll probably never get the chance to so much as kiss a woman that hot now. I think about suicide a lot. I've been out of the relationship for three years, and I was never like this before I met her. It ruined me.

If you've ever had to deal with a BPD person for an extended amount of time, you'd realize OP went pretty easy on her

0% chance you get in trouble

You need to get out FAST. If she threatens to hurt herself. Simply reply with sorry to hear that, I’m not responsible for how you react to this and tell her she needs professional help

With BPD all things are possible. BPD patients can have unbelievable levels of oscillation in affect. Usually there is an underlying lack of self-worth so by far you have more negative emotion than positive. However, you can have instances where one moment you can have a girl who wants to be worshiped as the princess she is and within moments after someone doesn't respond to a text immediately begins ranting how everyone hates her and that the world would be better without her and that she should end her own life of darkness.

You have individuals who live completely in the moment, but have a limited ability to understand their actions nor the consequences of them. She will complain that everyone hates her, never having enough agency to realize that her 6 outbursts in a week are why the people she was trying to talk to are ignoring her. You end up in really bad positive feedback loops with depression and acting-out.

Coming from someone who has BPD:
No, she’s not going to kill herself. She needs psychological help, and if she refuses to get it, that’s on her.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
(Rom 10:9-13)

And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38 ESV]

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(Joh 3:16)

Read the Gospels

Just wait mate. She will explode one day, and when she will, it's gonna be big fucking trouble and she'll want to destroy everything you have built throughout the years.
Bipolars are like cars with defects - sure you can drive them, and they may look good, but they can take away your health or even kill you anytime.