ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Previous thread: GUIDELINES:
Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry but repost from dead thread
Me and my bf are the same height but he’s 40lbs heavier than me which I don’t mind in appearance sense but it worries me healthy wise since he’s asian and they have higher risks of illnesses
I talked about it but felt awful the entire time because even though I don’t mind his appearance deep down I kinda miss how cuter he was back in the day I know it’s hard to maintain his weight while working in the weekends next to a Wendy’s and recently his sister started working at krispy kreams (with this taking a box full of donuts to their home every night) but it really worries me he once told me I’m only with him because my self esteem is too low to think about getting someone better and it breaks my heart.
I asked him to keep in mind a diet which he agreed it wasn’t a big deal and that he will follow but now he keeps asking me if it’s okay to eat something obviously unhealthy and it makes me feel uncomfortable saying yes or no.
I’m not the skinniest person I’m 5’8 with 125lbs and he’s 165lbs I workout every other day (2min-5max days a week) and go to university while he works around 3 days a week and do some freelance jobs
We’re currently not living together and in a long distance thanks to my university
Would it be selfish to asking him to go to the gym ? I’m worried if I’m being rude

Only hoes have tats right? I kinda like this girl but I noticed she has a huge tattoo on the inside of her arm and it made me wary.

Now you made ME feel bad.

>but it really worries me he once told me I’m only with him because my self esteem is too low to think about getting someone better and it breaks my heart.

What a fucking piece of shit, if i was your friend and you told me this i would beat his ass, as for advice just straight up tell him you want him to go to the gym but better advice would be to dump him and get someone that actually gives a shit about you

>Would it be selfish to asking him to go to the gym ? I’m worried if I’m being rude
he will most likely take this as a direct attack against his person and entire being and not his weight and unhealthy habits i.e he won't take it kindly and will resent you

I questions whether you read that right.

Only hoes have tats if you define anyone with tats as a hoe.

Do you need to actually share most interests with someone in a relationship for it to work?

What? No, not anymore. It seems like a lot of people have tattoos nowadays



Is Valentine's Day significant to most girls or not?

Twice this week I've asked a different girl out. Not in like a date way, just "Hey would you like to go out for a few drinks next week?". One is a colleague, the other is my new housemate. Both cute young girls. Both of them have said "yeah let's go out next Thursday!"

Next Thursday is Valentine's Day. Now have they just forgotten that it's Valentine's Day and just think of it as a normal day, or is it likely that they are perfectly aware and are trying to get a date?

It's useful to have some shared views or interests but past a certain point it doesn't help. Having too much in common can actively hurt a relationship.


Is it a big red flag when a straight guy posted his kik in dick pic threads and when he is LARPing as an emo tween on /soc/ all day? Or when he is a communist? Or when he likes Linkin Park nightcore songs?

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Its good to have a few things in common, but in my experience it was better when girls liked mostly different shit than me

>asking about a tripfag
You know why they do what they do, because it's moderator-approved trolling

Girls, why do you let your feet get all dry and rough?

Also, if you could reply to my bro's post


>a lot of people have tattoos nowadays
Also, a lot of people are hoes nowadays. : thinking emoji:

I swear footfags are worse than pedos.

Sorry user:(
Is there a way to get him to lose weight? His dad is diabetic so maybe I’m a little paranoid about it too
He’s self conscious about his body and often makes jokes about being fat and his family also call him fatty I didn’t want to join them so I kept reassuring he was okay but also told him how good I felt working out
In some ways is my fault because when I met him he was unweight (110lb) because he often forgot to feed himself playing games I would remind him to eat but then he got a job next to a fast food place got frecuently out with (overweight) friends to eat and befriended a guy that gave him extra food adding his no excise life two years after he’s over 160lbs

Some main interests at least. I wouldn't say most.

I promise you that you've already damaged his self-esteem by having this conversation with him, so now is as good a time as any to try and push him into the gym. If you wait and try to do it later you're only going to hurt his feelings more when you bring it up again.

Gym is useless in fight against obesity. Sport helps, but its like 10%, diet is 90%

Relationships arent made by sharing hobbies, but by sharing time and life values (desired number of babies for example)

Ask your girl, not Jow Forums. My ex didnt give a single fuck even about her own birthday for example. While its common trope in TV shows where bf forgets about birthday and she then makes huge 2 hour drama about it...

Why would you ever let her know? Make new kik account you pervet. Keep Jow Forums and gf SEPARATED.

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I don't think you read that right.
ANY of that right.

I started regularly excercising and increased in weight.

I don't have a girl, just know two girls I may be going out with soon

Threadly reminder not to listen to Peanut Nigger. He's a narcissistic women beating pedophile who endorses cheating and gets off on attention.

Didn't post for a while but seems like he's back more retarded than ever.

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Whenever I ask my bf what he's thinking he almost always gives me an answer that's obviously dismissive. What does that mean and how do I get him to say what he's actually thinking?

My bf never engages sex, and constantly turns me down, what does this mean?

>how do I get him to say what he's actually thinking?
You nag him until he snaps and tells you. But at that point he'll be thinking that he'd like you to shut the fuck up.

It means his sex drive is lower than yours.

Ask him.

I have asked and he said he just wasnt that horny at the time, that its usually when im alseep when he's horny but refuses to change his schedule or wake me to do anything. In the past we used to have sex all the time. Now when i take off my clothes trying to be sexy he'll look for a few second then go back to his phone. something seems off

Both of you need to break up and date me instead.

>girl checks many boxes
>but is fat

>girl checks many boxes
>but is black mixed


Because you're a fucking idiot. Black mixed is one of the boxes.

Girls, which one is more masculine, big penis or big balls?

This should be in the OP post.

Why should we tell you the truth? Sometimes we think about ridiculous stuffs that we don’t want anyone to know. Just make sure he’s not cheating, what else do you need? Most of the time I would just give safe answers like “I’m thinking about you” or something like that. I feel claustrophobic when someone gets too much into my safezone. Even my gf (if I had one).

Worth asking out a girl to date in person if she just ignored my Snapchat?

To clarify I didn’t ask over Snapchat I just tried to start a little snap going and got left on opened :(

Any chance at a LTR with a qt3.14?

At least she opens your snapchat

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Can a guy tell a girl's a virgin if she doesn't mention it? How to avoid looking/acting like one?

It's usually pretty obvious in how experienced you are at being in a relationship.

That said, being a virgin as a girl will usually be a bonus unless you are an autist.

If he cares about you and isn't using you for sex he won't care at all and will be patient with you. Do you know whether he's a virgin?

talking purely about sex, not a relationship

How do you become interesting to men? Specifically 25+ khv's.

Depends on what you mean purely by sex. Do you mean like we met on tinder and I invite you over for a one night stand?

If so then it's also possible to tell because virgins are absolute shite at sex.

Honestly you should be telling whoever you lose it to that you're a virgin. Having a good first experience is really important to your sex life overall. A bad first experience can put you off and give you complexes that are really hard to work through.

Kinda drunk so, eh

Currently seeing my ex-gf again, for a bit over a month
Don't know if i should get her something for valentines or not, we haven't talked about what we "are" at all, yet she's currently away with her theatre class
Even though she texted me, she wouldn't be at her phone a lot, she's been telling me some stats updates here and there, texting me like in the evening which ofc has gotten my hopes up

Are you the khv here or are you after 25+ khv men?

You probably already are but you just don’t know it.
For me, it’s the heart. The heart is the key to a man’s heart.

I am after a 25+ khv man as a woman.

would a girl hide or otherwise almost not ever mention a serious lover/bf to a guy she thought was a potential partner/future hookup/whatever?

i've known this chick for like a year and a half and every now and then she texts me seemingly with no reasons. for a while i took it as her being bored and wanting my attention but now we're actually meeting up irl and she keeps saying she wants to make more plans. the thing is i feel like she still has a boyfriend - in fact i know she did pretty recently, but she hasn't said anything about her relationship status to clue me in one way or another. i'm not accusing her of malice here and she doesn't seem like she's about to jump on my dick or anything like that, but she does seem interested in me in some kind of not just friends context and we've hung out twice one on one recently.

Girls: I tried to reconnect with a girl from high school this winter break. Had a few solid bants back and forth. I asked her out, she said she was busy and would let me know when she was free. It's pretty clear it's the soft letdown. I'm not upset, but I'd like to know why. Can I ask her, or am I a mouth breather just for thinking of asking?

I really, really don't think I am. I try to be a kind, genuine person but eh.

Get Spherehunter's hairstyle and eye color but dont be a tranny and i will love you forever

Yeah, that happens a fair bit. You get backup-zoned where someone will gently string you along. They never really dispel the sexual tension and even if they don't flirt with you much they'll do it a little. In my anecdotal experience these people will almost never mention that they have a SO unless you ask them directly.

Well you can't be a thot. Those guys are always holding out hope of meeting a girl as inexperienced as they are and being a thot will put them off.

If you're not a thot or they're not that picky then you probably already are appealing to them it's just that they've reached a point where they'd never indicate it to you out of inexperience/fear of rejection and it'll be up to you to make the first move.

So do I have to ask her about it then? What’s the least spergy way to do so? I’ve tried to steer the conversation to a point where she would bring it up one way or another recently and she hasn’t. But her behavior otherwise as of late implies a heightened degree of interest toward me, the fact that I actually saw her irl being a big one since we don’t normally roll in the same circles. I don’t like feeling like a backup though.

The guy can be the judge of that, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
I’d bet a fair share that you are more likely to be low self-esteem than you are non-desirable.
And low self-esteem isn’t even a huge relationship problem (if that’s the conclusion you’re thinking of), it can be quite easy to fix if the guy genuinely thinks the best of you.

As a guy who's currently involved with a woman that's committed, no. She absolutely will not tell you unless she knows you'd be ok with that situation.
In my case, she straight out admitted she has lovers who caught feelings, and thus never revealed she has a boyfriend. Hell, some don't even know she has multiple lovers.

Man to man, be careful. Some women are very snake like and have zero qualms about leading a guy on.

That's what I mean. He gives me clearly dismissive answers like that he's thinking about me or something else when I know it's not true.

My bf is tippy-toppy levels of smart and I could listen to him talking about random topics for hours. I don't know where he has the time to pick up all the information that's in his head, or when he has the time to form his opinions on things because they're never half-baked, but I know the look in his eyes when he's mulling something over and sometimes I just want to know what it is he's thinking about and not get blown off.

It hurts my feelings.

Don't jump to conclusions. Wait a bit and ask her out again, but be specific and have a plan. Don't ever let a woman choose or you'll get vague responses like what she gave you.
If she gives you some bullshit excuse again, it's a rejection.

For your sake, and the benefit of your life; consider saving yourself for marriage, or at least a serious relationship. Offering a man your virginity is a big deal and will make him love you a lot more. In the end, you'll spend decades with this man. More time then you ever lived. If you can make him love you more over this extraordinary amount of time, wouldn't you?

After all, it's only pleasure. To throw away something you have so valuable, for mere cheap pleasure. It's a bad trade. A fool's trade.

Just think about it femanon.

I don't really want to attract then on a physical level but more an emotional of mental one. Stripping down would work the same.

Read above response. I'm painfully average in looks and just kinda want to improve my personality to be attractive in honesty. I don't want someone to have to fix me, really.

It's been over a month since I talked to her now. And I talked to her a couple times since I asked her out. I'm pretty sure it's done.

Ah, I see.
Then yeah, if she hasn't mentioned shit, she's not interested. Sorry user.

Kind, sweet, caring.
It’s hard to fuck it up, you pretty much just have to avoid dark personality traits, and even then there’s leeway. it’s like a cat being undesirable, unless they start clawing you or pissing everywhere it’s all pretty much natural in inclination.

Post a pic and I’ll post mine and you can be my e-gf (I’m not khv but pretty much a born-again virgin by all merit)

Yes, asking why she isn't interested is some neckbeard nice boi shit. She doesn't have to tell you her reasons, she doesn't even have to have a good reason.

At the end of the day she's not interested and that's all you need to know. Every one lives a life as vivid and varied as your own. Just because you are nursing a crush on this girl doesn't mean she returns your feelings. There's every chance she already has her eye on someone and you were never in the running.

I know she's not interested. I'm just curious why so I can better myself.

There isn't/doesn't need to be a 'why' of it. Her reasoning doesn't even need to have anything to do with you. You could be an absolute catch and a girl would still turn you down if she was talking to another guy already.

>talk to qt at work sometimes
>im already comfortable with her
>come times when i joke about her being fat
>shes actuallya small skinny girl
>she acts jokingly offended and i say i was just joking every time
Is there a possibility she thinks Im not intereated in her? I mean, Im just joking after all. She also knows I work out while she doesnt, is there a world she thinks shes unfit for me?

Interested* damn phoneposting

Guys (this doesn’t deserve its own thread)

Is it ok for me to put moisturizer on my penis? I’m cut. Is it ok for me to moisturize the penis?

would you date a used up man whore whose dick has been decayed by stacy's vaginal acid?

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It will shrink your dick.


One of my friends has been with more than 60 girls and has had the clap like 2 times. He is still convinced him will find a nice low count early 20s girl to wife....

Should I text her, lads?
She told me she had a boyfriend like 6 months ago but we are still kinda friends who I talk to every now and then in class.
I'm just a bit lonely and want to start a conversation about something.

My best friend wants me to take her virginity. I have no problem with it but it's quite surprising cause I thought she wasnt attracted to me. She literally said she just wants to get fucked hard and used. How do I know she won't regret losing it with me and not someone she's in a deep relationship with?

Honestly, that sounds like a bad idea. If you do it things will become weird between you quickly. The fact she’s a Virgin but says she wanted to get fucked hard and used and abused is a big warning sign. Either she’s going to seriously regret it and have anxiety from this or she will become obsessed with you and cause hell in your life

As long as it's not scented it should be ok.

I'm in a similar situation.

>flirting back and forth with a girl from work
>ask her out
>"oh i have a bf"
>back off
>she keeps flirting
>say fuck it and ask if she want to to go a local event.
>"oh I can't because of X"
>fair enough, another soft rejection time to move on
>she goes on a holiday with her family (and i assume bf)
>snapchats me endlessly that long weekend
>starts sending lewd snaps as the weekend progresses.

Do I try again?

Why are women such cunts

Nothing wrong with wanting to be friends. But if you're expecting more, you might lose that chance if she starts seeing you as a friend.

That sounds really random and honestly might make shit awkward. That or you'll become friends with benefits which always ends up bad after a certain point

No stupid, she's using you to feel validated. Ignore her.

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>tfw no mans penis is strong enough to withstand my incredibly powerful vagina
I send my man straight to level 3 in one go bro

Sound like it’d get boring after the first time. Find a different topic

how lewd are we talking?

if it's just revealing snaps when yeah you are still being strung. if it's actual nudes then you maybe be able to at least fuck her imo

You were all right
If you live a girl but can't have her, cut her out.


>Work with girl, hit it off
>She's one of the most genuinely nice and empathetic people I've ever met.
>She always talks about how she never does anything, and that she doesn't have any friends
>Try to make plans
>They either fall through, or she has some other vague plans that may or may not happen, then she never gets back to me
>This keeps happening
>Go back to work and hit it off
>Rinse and repeat

Normally, I would think she's blowing me off, or playing hard to get, and would stop trying to go out with her. But, based on her personality, I have my doubts. Not quite sure what to do on this.

Girls, why do you let your feet get all dry and rough?

Also, if you could reply to my bro's post

He's thinking about random stuff that's not worth explaining because it'll take to long and it's all basically inconsequential. Basically he's daydreaming or lost in thought about what he wants to eat, what did he dream about last night, did he lock the car or not, etc. I wouldn't worry about it.

>"Hey user are you having a nice weekend? :)"
>"As good as it can get without you ;)"
>"How long has that been the case? ;)"
>"I'm a bit overchallenged by that question"
>"Since when is it bad without me?;)"

It's another episode of "user has no idea how serious this is"
Seriously, I tried getting in her pants drunk one time, why does she act surprised I like her?

What do you think about smoker guys?

Let me tell you a story son

>Meet girl
>Get Number
>Knew Girl was always on her phone texting (most likely dudes in her Pokemon Collection)
>Ask for date
>K l8r
>text girl still
>Ask for date
>K l8r
>Text Girl Still
>Ask for phone conversation
>K l8r
>Text girl still
>Call girl out cause I am done with excuses
>lolreallyAnon I am for reals
>Ask for date
>K l8r
>text girl
>Ask for phone call
>finally get phone call
>Ask for date on phone call
>K l8r
>l8r never comes just texting
>Ask for phone call to clear this all up
>k l8r

>Get wrench
>Smash phone with it

>Change Number
>Get New Phone

Bitches, man

Yeah probably.

Sideboob but i could see her tits in a mirror that was in frame.

Is it possible for two people who really like each other and who have had sex to be friends?

I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I think the sex itself creates some tension that will always be there

So I have a friend that I haven't seen in a bit. We agreed to get lunch a few weeks ago and catch up, but she had to cancel due to her schedule. Since then we've tried to do stuff but keep missing each other, she said she'd let me know when she has a day free we can hang out, but so far hasn't, though she assures me she does want to hang out at some point soon.

Should I ask her again this week if she has a day free? I don't want to seem desperate, since I've already asked a couple times, but I do want to see her. Would that seem desperate