Silent Treatment gone too far?

Hey Jow Forums

I haven't talked to my younger sister in about 8 months despite living in the same house because I think her personality is too ghetto. My mother has tried to get me to talk, but after a while even she's given up. By ghetto, I mean she has started to talk like an African American, she's extremely plain with words and says "my guy" and "bruuuuuhhh", and a bunch of language that is just plain nigger speak. She walks around in a bun and yoga pants, and she only watches netflix and kpop videos. I've tried to get my mother to talk some sense into her, but she has no concept of what ghetto even is, since she wasn't raised in the US. You know, those Mexican girls at school who would wear pounds of makeup and skimpy clothing? Be loud? Revolve their lives around makeup? She used to be a nice girl, but after starting middle school she's changed into someone else. Her friends are obviously of the same nigger culture, and they're all very loud. She's become a loud person. She claps her hands with every syllable, and she squats, points her fingers, and says "AYYYY" when pointing out something. She laughs like a pig. She's become basic. We aren't even african american, we're pakistani. I think she's become integrated with nigger memes...

Regardless, do you think me not talking to her is going to impact her in a negative way? I've already expressed to my mother that nigger culture is something I can and will never tolerate. I hate nigger culture so much that I stopped talking to my sister. I hate my sister for being so basic. I hate how she blindly follows trends. I hate her friends. I did not want to bully her, or be mean, so I just stopped talking to her.

Btw, I have nothing against African Americans. I just hate niggers. I hate ghetto people.

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A few more things about her
>Boba tea, Starbucks
>leaves trash everywhere
>always on her phone
>Instagram, snap-chat
>yoga pants 24/7
>no interests
>spends the majority of her day watching garbage
>loves McDonalds
>loves kpop

She’s just a dumb teenager. She’ll grow out of it. Your ignoring her is really stupid and I’m not sure what you though it would accomplish. It’s probably destroying your relationship with her.

Video her 'ghetto' behaviour.
Hold on to the vids for a decade.
Play the embarrassing vids at a family gathering.

My brother was really into guido culture when we were in HS. You know, jersey shore?
He had the hair, even dumb tans.
In college he went full rastafari.
We're white of brazilian descent.
I played a reel with a bunch of photos from those times in his marriage for the toppest of keks.
He grew out of it.

Dude she’s in fucking middle school. Quit being such an asshole and accept her for who she is right now. And i say “right now” because she’s in middle school and will probably grow out of it.

If not, you still have to accept her for who she is. That doesnt mean u have to let her do what she wants tho. If u see that she’s making a bad life decision u should be a good big bro and help her out. Give her some advice. Thats what brothers/family is for.

Brrruuuh this post is yikes my guy baka t b h


Pakistanis are so racist. I assume you aren’t actually pissed that your sister is getting along with people in school and having a good time. You mainly wanted to put forth that being like a “nigger” is bad. Obviously, not much a big brother can say or do will change the way his sister acts with her friends, so this is sort of like bait. The kids call it “cope,” right?

Anyway, yeah, just go to the store and get a mind-changing machine. It should be like $130 at Brookstone or some shit.

>white of Brazilian descent
That's a paradoxical sentence

I think he's more annoyed with his sister being a dumb normalfag.

Being like a nigger is bad because its destructive behavior that ends up them having no valuable skills and being knocked up with no father

Better stock up on diapers, then, OP.

That's just how people in Texas refer to groups of people, but (you) know that

Not if you took world history, my mans. But lissen, I dated a white Brazilian woman, and she was the most dtf person I have ever known. She fucked like five other guys while I was away, and then dumped me because her “secret” inability to turn down sex was unveiled.

I have lived in the ghetto many times. In the park, bodies. Across the street, executions. This entire thread is a (You), so here’s one for (You).

Try teaching her the values of self-respect and encourage her to expand her horizons once in a while (ex. every other Saturday spend some time with her at the park, have a family-bonding time for a change and discuss importance of being civilized). Point out that she will jeopardize her sanity have she continue this impish lifestyle.
You said she was in middle school? Give it time, and if she hasn't grown out of that phase by the end of high school (or whenever she turns 18-19), then talk some sense into her.

>amerimutt education

Clearly you care about your sister and her future. It is important that you set a clear and distinctly different example for her to see. Continue to be the best version of yourself possible, and hopefully she will see your wisdom and gravitate towards that.

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You are Pakistani, yes? Then be a good faithful servant of Allah and bear some fucking sense into her. Your whore of a sister makes the rest of us moslems look bad. We are a religion of strength, not negro preversions.

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Going silent on someone only hurts initially yet slowly, you just later become a non-factor. Good job, you're no longer a part of her life and she can nigger it up all she wants.

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