Does anyone else hate this app as much as me?

Seriously fuck Instagram.. Does anyone else get severely depressed when just scrolling through and seeing friends and other anons you dont know your age having time of your life and you're just jerking off in your room almost every Saturday. Not to mention I feel like a dirtbag everytime I spend minutes, hours, days just scrolling through wasting precious hours of my life when I could be improving myself. Every time I try to delete from my phone or account, something just draws me right back in.

Attached: insta.png (350x236, 75K)

No, probably because I'm not a faggot who let's crap like that bother me. And I don't jerk off.

I know what you mean, it's called "fear of missing out" I think. I got over with it when I finally came to terms with the fact that I'm a loner and anyone who has a problem with that can get fucked. I also believe that some activities are simply not made for some people.

Delete it.

Realize that image is also a fantasy of their life to them.

No one's socials come close to accuracy.

>he thinks those people are actually having the time of their lives and not also secretly severely insecure and depressed and doing everything they can to look otherwise online

>I used an app I do not like and now I am displeased! How could this happen to me?

V e r y
N i c e

Facebook has also been revealed to have this affect. You can literally put yourself into depression by having social media.

Best advice is to delete them and simply live your life

I hear this alot but there is some accuracy to it. For example some gigachad posts will reflect his Chad lifestyle compared to the middle class common-fellow. Of course no one is going to upload shitty pictures but it's not like there is no realism to it and it's all an illusion

Social media is ruining this generation. It's as simply as that, I feel like technology in general is just killing our social skills

His lifestyle is not his life.

every girl on that app is a 100/10 but irl is like a 6/10.. crazy disparity

Honestly i'm guilty of spending most days off just sitting on my fucking couch browsing the same 3 apps in rotation for hours. Fucking hate it.

it really sucks.. i've tried breaking out of the cycle by doing things I like such as watching sports, biking, trying to work out but honestly I'm beginning to realize if it weren't for college and the work it gives me (I'm a STEM major at a prestigious school) I would have so much free time I wouldn't know what to do with

There was a study done that showed that Instagram users are the most miserable out of all social media. They said it makes sense because everyone users see the best moments of the other users lives. Tbt and shit like that is a way of coping and showing others that their life isn't boring.
Believe it or not, YouTube users are the happiest.

damn that's a really interesting study. I would assume Twitter users would be the happiest since honestly it's just a bunch of politics and SJW ranting (don't really get depressed from that). Youtube is eh, not really sure I mean those hot shot stars essentially living glorified lives by doing nothing other than vlogging their life

You guys are absolutely fucking pathetic
Log off Facebook, like Jesus actual Christ guys
Your problems run so much deeper than social networks. You're destroyed by your constant need for validation and attention.

Nope. I’m a friendless loser, but I have interests, and I follow a lof of accounts that are about them. I ignore the friends stuffs, they don’t bother me anymore. Most of them are getting married and I don’t want that either so I’m not envious. Yes, a lot of them are having fun with their friends but whatever. I’m having fun with myself as well.

Why am I in there? I was giving OP advice. Fuck yourself, tool.

Or you can let people have their own kind of fun, I have Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook, do I upload every fucking thought or photo or video, not really, but I do enjoy having those, I like people enjoying their lives, it’s sad that you try to man up like this, oh I hate all spoof these things because I’m just jerking off and crying in my room... pathetic

>misses the point
Woosh you dumbass
The point was if you don't like it, don't use it
OP is a complete, actual retard because he hates it but keeps doing it

If you like social media fuck man, go wild. Just don't use it and then complain about your use of it
There were a bunch of pussies moaning and a bunch of coddling replies, sorry you got caught up in it
There is no higher state of retardation than to constantly engage something that makes you miserable all the time

C'mon goddamn

Social media is for people that need everything they do to be posted on a public account. Twitter, Instagram, etc are all worthless unless you're some trendy high school-college freshman fuck or a celebrity. My advice to you would be to throw your smartphone in a lake and stop being a normalfag

What doth thou seeketh advice towards?

I thought you were about to say it was just a shit app in general, you can't save images and it's limited to certain seconds or image formats. Ignoring that, yeah it's a shit app with no upsides, I used to relive stress by literally looking to kot videos but eventually it got filled up of retarded anime memes
I love how everytime I check up this board people are just being assholes.
Is like this is a board where people come to just be assholes

You could delete it as one option, but as another option, why don't you go fucking do something with your life so you don't feel so bad?

you're obviously a fucking retard and don't understand the addiction a lot of this technology is inflicting upon our youth. Stop trying to act like a hardass on fucking Jow Forums you virgin pleb

Thats why i only follow meme and politigram pages

>I love how everytime I check up this board people are just being assholes
It's like you don't know where you are.

No, i'm the guy doing adventures alone with my motorcycle.

Also i don't scroll because 90% of the feed is just girls and boys going to stuoid parties that i hate.

I have a personal account where i follow people but never scroll through their posts, and then a real one where i follow art accounts, cats, and stuff i'm truly interested in.

I stopped using it, also this app is platform to show how cool, happy, positive fag you're. Ain't no reality but bullshit!! Also the memes on Insta are stolen

I have no social media and it is very freeing. Only problem is I spend all day on Jow Forums amd youtube instead. I think I have an internet problem.

Actually I don't give a fuck about featured things in there and I never check anybody, never talk to anybody, same with Facebook and Twitter. I just put my tiny things in there and have the pleasure of seeing my closest friends like them, that's all. The rest, I really don't give a shit.
My life is fine the way it is, why should I compare it with some random pictures ? Moreover, it's stupid to think those pictures are representative of anything in each case.
It's just visual blurring truly.

It’s just boring to me, a bunch of pics of people competing to see who can fake a cooler life.
Also lol at the amount of girls that have told me they love it because “I’m much more of a more visual person”

Attached: 1543705036094.jpg (600x889, 73K)

That is me after quitting FB, IG and Reddit

I dont hate it. I dont use it. Grow the fuck up

Life is FAR BETTER with no social media. You can have a fake internet poser life, or a real life. Your choice.

Regular people who have to keep maintaining an image on social media are so pathetic.
They obviously put their best moments or whatever might fish compliments and place them in good light, so keep in mind they might be even more insecure than you are.

Lmao imagine going to a restaurant with someone who has to take a picture to show others how outgoing and social they are.

Didnt read all the post but the thing is : Instagram is for this my boy LOL

I made one just to flex
>failed Chad
No regrets and its not my fault if you're a loser