Have religious boyfriend who grew up in soviet Russia with strict Christian parents, very perverted man

>have religious boyfriend who grew up in soviet Russia with strict Christian parents, very perverted man
>one day he reveals "actually, user, I'll have you know I haven't masturbated in 3 months!!"
>goes on to lecture me on how he "controls his lustful urges through fasting, intensive exercise, and reading"
>reveals he's on a carnivore diet and only eats one day a week now on refeeding day (drinks salt water for electrolytes)
>have always known him to be obsessed with health and diet fads, only eats healthy foods

I have OCD myself, and as someone with OCD, this very much concerns me and what he describes almost sounds similar to my compulsions. I tried to talk him out of it, but he insists it's for his own good. could he be in denial, anons, or do I just worry about him too much?

Attached: 1549521838228.jpg (590x843, 73K)

Sounds less like OCD and more like strict devotion. OCD is more subconcious, whereas this is him probably intensely focusing his resolve on something. The two aren’t mutually exclusive though.

He could sure use a handjob, OP... c’mon!

I would but we're LDR

>Eats once a day
Friendly reminder: hunger definitely detracts from mental processes. Anyone who tells you they're benefiting from starvation is a victim of their own stress.

Fair enough. You sound like a good girl too, bless you OP for looking after and caring for this weirdo theological ruskie.
Continue keeping an eye on him and requesting information in order to keep an eye on his health etc, and you’ll both be alright

he claims "hahaha don't worry about me, I'll be fine if I'm drinking electrolytes!" when I tried to question him

***once a week
Oh jeez. tell your guy to eat more!!!
is he starving???! You can usually tell by looking if someone is

he looks a little skeletal at the moment but with muscle, but he's always been skinny ever since I met him. (i'm into the tall, lanky, skinny guys)

>tell your guy to eat more
I doubt he would listen to me, he just seems to enjoy doing dangerous shit. He always gets into trouble, he gets into fights easily and makes rash decisions.



bump for OP.

If he doesn’t feel like collapsing onto the ground, I’m not sure what to say since I’m not a doctor.
I dunno man this is odd as fuck thread here.
Tell him you’ll love him extra lots if he eats more, make him sandwich like a best girl, monitor his vitals, and make sure he gets vitamin C

I can tell how much his health really has deteriorated since I first met him (last September) when I look back through old photos, like photos of him before I knew him, but he thinks it's just getting better. kind of makes me sad

Tell him to eat!!!!!!!! Send him this thread if you have to.
Tell him you’ll love him a thousand trillion times if he does, and that it hurts when he doesn’t eat enough. Ask him to do it for you...

I actually have an eating disorder myself and he already has to put up with my nonsense about all that and me refusing to get better. He says he doesn't have one because he "knew a guy who was anorexic and almost died". I don't need to put any more stress on him than he already has from having to worry about me hahah

>reveals he's on a carnivore diet
>not raw carnivore
lel what a pleb

it's not raw for health reasons but a lot of it is barely cooked and almost raw

>convince him that eating 3 times a week is more optimal for muscle growth.

If he is given more opportunities he will most likely eat more

seconding this



Ok you need a slap in the face ASAP

Find a way out and just let him die

but I love him, I can't let him die

bitch, teach your BF to make steak tartare. It's so good.

If you have balls, join him, and then he might decide to start eating like normal for your sake.

>Soviet Russia

There always were Christians, especially in the late years of the USSR. That's why almost half of the Russians are Orthodoxs now. And that's why USSR failed.

ok, u go gulag now

cкaзaйтe eмy пиздa нaхyй

Inform the police. They'll put him in rehabilitation. You may lose your bf, but atleast he won't lose his mind and life.

Oh, typical Russian, always thinking that drinking electrolytes will solve all problems!