Starting Relationships

What are the best ways/places to meet girls to start a relationship with(not hooking up), when you are 21?

Attached: Apu Blanket.png (1267x785, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_London)

Jack off first, come back here, and tell us if you still need a girlfriend.

Work, college classes? Go to university

Not OP but I did and yes

Go outside and talk to the first pretty girl you see

She may eventually let you into her vagina if you listen to the dumb shit she has to talk about

>cold approach
Only do this if you're at least an 8/10 appearance wise, OP.

Not OP but i did both and yes i still want to meet a girl to start a relationship

The data show that most people meet a long term partner through mutual friends. That’s how I met my first and only long-term girlfriend.

What if you have no friends?

Get hobbies like a cooking class or something

Do you have some sports/hobbies you would like to practice/think you may be interested in? If yes, find some places where you can learn, if not find a hobby/sport and then a place where to practice it. You'll meet new people while bettering yourself and thus becoming more interesting to have around.

I am good at painting and drawing, have taken a lot of college courses on it, but how do I do it in a place that I can meet more people? I'm not going to be attending uni until late May or maybe even early September, so I don't know what I can do in the meantime. I definitely don't want to just wait till then.

Drop those crap hobbies that only isolate you. When we say hobbies, we mean something that gets you involved with other people. Not some dumb activity you enjoy, some dumb activity that you do with others. With. Others. Your drawing hobby is absolutely useless and won't help you.

get gym pass.
Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social ... increased perceived energy levels, and increased upper body and hand grip ... Better endurance ... Reduced tiredness that can increase mental alertness. Weight reduction. Reduced cholesterol and improved cardiovascular fitness.

So what do you suggest, in specific?

There are art clubs, not just classes. Join one.

I don't start up uni for months though, so what is something else I can do in the meantime?

Just fucking chill then. Why start a relationship now when youre just going to leave soon?

I'm going to be in the same area. The university is only an hour away at most; hour and a half with traffic.

No need to rush things still. Just relax for now. Pursuing social hobbies will yeild more success than just pursuing a gf ever will

>No need to rush things still
I've been just waiting endlessly...

>Pursuing social hobbies
What are good social hobbies to do?

>Be an adult
>Look as good as you possibly can
>Lower your expectations

School, work, or through friends and family. One of my most autistic, disgusting friends got married recently to a 6/10. If he can do it, so can you user.

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So? And ive already told you to join art clubs. I personally prefer cooking classes. If you like vidya, go to a computer cafe instead of staying home. Theres plenty of shit to do. Just get the fuck out of your house.

Play Witcher 3

Funny thing is, i was wondering about starting similar thread.

My ideas so far:
Dance classes.
Going to skatepark learning to skate (probably not worse idea the older you are).
Joining the band.
Actively participating in church. (Probably good idea if you actually believe their teachings.)
Volunteering for some charity work.
Cooking mention earlier.

I would appreciate if anyone has other ideas.

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Dating apps. It’s a new world

I tried okc for about a month and it amounted to no success.

Did you know that the central character of that painting is a woman? Most people do not because of gender biases.

I am pretty sure central character of the painting is Jesus. But if you say woman was model for him... than i would actually believe it. His facial features are quite soft and sweet.

>In the Gospel of Mark (16:12) Female Jesus is said to have appeared to them "in another form", which may be why he is depicted beardless here, as opposed to the bearded Christ in Calling of St Matthew,_London)

I learned about this before dropping out of uni.

Well, thanks for interesting bit of trivia.

Yeah, that's basically all that UC art classes teach you, some interesting bits of trivia... nothing about how to actually make art...

I met the first guy I dated at a rock bar and the current one at an alternative club.

I know they sound like terrible places but it actually worked out

You live in Europe, don't you? Either the Netherlands or Germany. Maybe Belgium.

Cooking fag here. Im thinking of dancing too. Hip hop seems fun. Martial arts is pretty cool. Hiking is my next hobby though

Where do you plan on going for dancing? Is it something at a community college or private lessons?

Just look up dance classes in your area

WHERE DO I GET A QT VIRGIN GOTH GF??????????????????????????

Attached: XDDDD.jpg (288x288, 23K)

I don|t get it. Why does the internet seem to be fascinated by goth gfs?


Honestly, pick 2. Goths fuck. Hell even looks aren't really a barrier for them.

To be honest, the allure of having someone to listen to post punk and goth rock alone is pretty enticing. My wife will tolerate and even mildly enjoy Bauhaus/Joy Division/Cure/Siouxsie and the Banshees etc. but won't ever choose them herself. We have other music we both enjoy though at least.

>this whole post
Man alive I don't even know where to start

Qt is very subjective so I choose Virgin and Goth. Tbh, there are really cute virgin goth girls. I was in a class with one, she was 24 even and still a virgin, but I think she was actually Schizotypal or Schizophrenic. I didn't mind that as it's not like she chose to be that, but she seemed to not like me for some reason. :(

>Goths fuck
Poseur goths are sluts, but actual goths are really wholesome more often than not.

Attached: Gothic.jpg (720x960, 43K)

>sweeping generalizations are generally untrue, unless I make them and thus they become true.

Have you even been to a goth club or spoke to a goth(that doesn't shop at Hot Topic)? I've done both.

Where the river meets the sand... you will find me there...

That which is most powerful, which remains unknown, except unto you and to you alone.