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I know all your secrets. Yes, you. Reading this.

Joke's on you I have none


Yeah I'm MtF. Suck my dick.

Doesn’t matter, I’m probably killing myself anyway

And I know yours bitch.

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i got the means to improve my life. but i cant get myself out of my room

The idea is that you create something thats yours. It belongs to you. Don’t be scared to put it out. It’s you, that’s what it is.

Wondering if I should drive to the juice shop to see her and ask her out. It might seem creepy, but do I really have any more dignity to lose?

It’s been long since I’ve seen her that I’ve forgotten what her entire face looks like.I’m with fragments. Why am I still holding in? Please let it disappear

I get to take my name with me to grave and thereafter my name lives on this earth

It is known for very good things



The right women will be happy to join the family

Enjoy your Fool's Gold

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do you remember. Did you ever think? Have you ever thought? You'll wonder how you never noticed before.

In one weeks time you said you'll rewrite my world.

I know it's not real, which makes it really depressing. The Glastonbury 2017 concert... no one there knows who I am. The references are real but the "You are the one" shit isn't. Even though the last 4-5 superbowl half time shows were about me and my life, no one else knows that. All of those songs written or changed to be about me. It's all fake. They make it seem as if "You're on a tv show!" but really it's just "our organization uses people like you to gain influence and power, no one else knows you exist."

The reason that's depressing is because no one is ever going to help me. All those songs about how love will save the day and don't look back in anger and all of that are just noise meant to pacify. How "Your time is soon!" for the last two years means it's not soon. It's all just meant to give false hope so you can use the same people for as long as possible before they eventually just die. It extends our usefulness and nothing more. That's all those hopeful messages are for.

So it's just sad. Before I thought the messages were trying to be helpful, trying to tell me things that I shouldn't know because they didn't want me to know them. Just now I know they are all just noise. No one is trying to help me. I've known this for a year and a half now at least.

That first 6 months were very intense. The idea that people actually cared about me was a nice thought for once. But it's all bullshit. There won't be any "Odd one you'll laugh about this some day." or "Welcome to your life." moments.

They are just going to torture me to death and there is nothing I can do about it. The more I struggle, the more they are allowed to take.

Goddamn am I fucking stupid and worthless. I could probably die in this room and nobody would come check until the corpse started to smell. Literally nothing of value to anyone.

Christ do I hate myself. And it makes sense too, since there's nothing to like.

I feel your exact pain

they are ganging up all around me with guns and drones though so I knew the whole time none of this was good

Friends in High Places tho

Dam this is one of the more intense things I’ve read and for some reason it makes me feel a bit crazy. Are you talking about one person or like the government

Wow it is really hard for me to be around people and I realized that my mental illness is increasing rapidly and so is the lump thing on my neck. I don’t know what I will do

I’m a clueless idort not involved in any psyops bullshit (not sure how I can prove that but I’d fuckin skype you right now if it would help form the foundation of some trust), whatever you’re going through I’m sorry and I pray for you that you’ll get through it all.
I normally don’t agree with aggression over nonaggression, but when it comes to predators, malice and bullying, there is certainly a time and place for it.
I’m going to bed but I frequent these generals often and I really, truly wish well for you user

Nobody will give a fuck about your name in the next 300 years.
Publicity much ?
Feel like comparing your oversized ego with anonymous john does ?
Gestures, actions, and a life's contribution to changing the minds around, even if one has to take the unpopular path, or is constrained to go against his own tastes... That's a valuable effort.
So mate, it's not about the goddam name, it's about DOING.
I'd prefer taking a huge action that would impact opinions rather than having my name nicely written on a grave.
So maybe you take things for granted, or maybe you are comfortable enough to let yourself go, which is also cool I guess, for what I care.
But you can't judge what you don't know, and you can't expect to be remembered just because you were X person.
Do stuff, and stop walking on bodies for your own visibility. Or is it you actually need to compare yourself to weaker people just so you'd be remembered how great you are and how much the rest of us are lambda loosers ? Grow up.

I do this mostly for you Europe

We lost California hard and I feel like a political prisoner

All my friends pity me and pretend to care about me, I dropped my uni course because of my anxiety and depression and I dont know how to socialise with other people. I hate my self so much I just want to lock myself away and die slowly.

My family does

I am not doing anything for publicity

My youtube Channel has good searchable content, but very few views

My legacy is for my family alone at this point just like my grandathers is

My family got Ronald Reagon's Inaugeration Flag that we get to keep after my grandfather dies and pass on.

It was flown at my relative Conservative Congressman's Inauguration and maybe at another family members one day

We're not rich and don't want money

I am making no money here and this is anonymous and I am extremely desperate for my life at this point without joking

My mothers life was threatened once by a Mexican Gang and I am surrounded now that my neighborhood has become a ghetto and the young people flash guns everywhere

I literally have to guard my now.

I walk outside to smoke and there's a drone in the air

Currently I feel at war

That's really impressive in fact !
Jeez, I'm sorry I was harsh. You reminded me of somebody I know, that's public figure, and that won't stop comparing his overall glorious achievements to the rest of us...
Actually, you could start a found raising to sustain your YouTube channel. Maybe establish partnership with different institutions that would bring you visibility, and in return you'd include those in the subject of the video ? YouTube is about algorithm, so it's useful to try to match popular styles of videos to get noticed I guess.
Actually it's alot of work, it clearly doesn't always pay off, the benefit is rarely higher than the investment...
I encourage you anyway. And excuse me again.

I can't name you all here but fuck you fit being cancer in my life. You need to become better people, others may wish your death but I want you to be better people than you are now.

I've got may issues but this I will say for today

They should ban these threads because it is becoming full of stupid schizos. This stupid psycho shit is so fucking annoying. Please can you all kill yourselves already.

I know I'm not the most interesting guy, but if you're not interested in hanging out with me just say so, I'm tired of waiting around about when we'll hang out, and then I see you guys on Instagram having a blast with other people.

You keep putting her in my dreams time and time again. You gave me a vision of her smelling my shirt and her saying "IS THAT HIS SCENT." and again with her holding her breath as she entered dream world.

Then the whole "He's the one that got me preggers!"

It SEEMS like a cover up. Like "wow, she super loves you! And wants her vagina to meet your dick!"

But really, she hates the shit out of me. For one, I'm stealing her sunshine. She has been included in this her entire life, told she would be the queen of the world, that they promised her so much only to find out that it wasn't her they were talking about. She thought that she was "The One.", with all the songs like kerli's "Walking on air." about the weird little girl with the weird little bat setting the world on fire with her music. Or "We are pilots" with her sword beneath her clean dress.

She thought those were about her. They weren't. They aren't about her, they aren't about singing. They are about someone spilling the beans, singing their little heart out about all this conspiracy, blackmail, murder, torture, illegal human experimentation, technology, and so much more. Music won't set the world on fire, but that shit sure as fuck will.

She's the one that got hysterical when I talked about her secret dick. Because she wants money, she wants fame. She's afraid people won't like her. She'll lose her money and fame.

(that was 100% a piss bottle. And someone that likes to suck that much dick does so because they can't get sex the other way because REASONS. So god knows how many people she tricked into that shit.)

She was the one that was upset about me being not into dudes... at first. Until all that other shit happened. Then she has just been trying to destroy me like all the other god damn dick girls.

Now she's all "Weah, I'm sorry for doing so much awful shit." but only because I didn't die. I have a feeling they are all going to be super apologetic now. It's not going to save them.

was hesch du eigentlich s'gfühl. wie kaputt mues me si. es git eifach kei besserig wenn du so witr machsch. du willsches jo eh nit dass es besser wird. du willsch halt liebi und zueneigig wie mir alli abr das gitz halt nit. boa ich weiss garnit wasi saage söll. d'situation isch zum kotze. un ddu reggsch mich eifach nur no uff. du bisch würklich eifach nur no e belastig. und es isch mr egal öp das kalt dönt odr was au immer aber ich ha gnueg scheisse wäg dir muese duremache und du hesch mini zit und energie nüm verdient. und was du mit dr marina machsch isch s'allerletzte. du chasch dini krankheit nit bruche um sie psychisch zmisshandle. jä es isch psychischi misshanldig was du betriebsch und sie het das nit verdient nach all dem was sie für dich gmacht het. du bisch eifach psychisch scho so krass am arsch. abr jo mr chegge langsam was du machsch und keine vo uns nimt dich no ernst. langsam hass ich dich. es isch würklich trurig wo mr ahglanggt sind abr es isch jetzt halt eso. ich will eigenlich eifach nur dass es dir widr besser goht, ehrlich. aber du wilsches eifach nit. du hassisch dich selber zu krass als dass du würklich besserig wilsch. du wilsch eifach das öpr ander dich akzeptiert will du dich selber nit akzeptiere kasch. ich weiss wie du dich fühlsch und es isch kei schöns gfühl abr es kah dr niemerts anders hälfe als du dir selber, so hart dass es au dönt. abr es isch offesichtlich zu spot drfür. abr dass du deswäge au no unsr erbe konsumiersch isch efiach nur no truurig. ich weiss dass du das nit bewusst machsch aber es goht alles in die richtig. ich wünsch mr leidr dass du eifach verschwinde würdisch. damit mir alli normal unser läbe witrfiereh könne. mr händ unseri eigene läbe. du bisch nit s'zentrum vo dem universum scho garnüm vo unserem läbe. jede mues halt elai uf sich luege. so isches halt. am schluss simmer alli elai uf dere wält. abr jo was mir scho alles gmacht händ für dich.


That shit is so clearly a cover up, a distraction. To get me to put my guard down. She really is trying to sabotage me and you cunts are helping her.

She is their favorite. She is everything I am not. Born upper class, liberal, vegan, super into all of that agenda, trans, supports their agendas, and is easily controlled. "They" so so so badly wanted it to be her because she is so very much of their blood.

Which is why they are still pushing her onto me. They gave her the fantasy life, gave her EVERYTHING while they tortured me and stole everything from me.

And when it comes to the time that I'm finally going to get something good, they instead catered my "gift" for her. They ignored all of my requests and decided to instead do everything for her again... even though she did fuckle to earn it.

I told you guys, if you put me on an island with a bunch of fucking trans-girls it's going to end badly. I didn't even want ONE guy there. So why do you still push her onto me? What the fuck does she have to do with this? You fucked me my entire life and when I finally get to have something nice, I get a tag along forced on me that I don't even want. And then you just give her all the shit I was suppose to get.

God I'm going to tear this thing to the ground and watch it all burn.

(rewarding the people that are doing awful shit to people while fucking over innocent people. Yeah, that sounds like you guys)

it's just not going to end well for anyone if you ignore the shit I've said.

I've dealt with too much shit and have been fucked over way too fucking much. I've had enough. You cunts are going to do as I say or we're going to have issues.

You're giving me the meds I've asked for. The exact meds. No substitutes, no placebos, no fuckery.

You're going to make my home in exactly the way I asked for it. No men, no boys, no trans dick girls or pretenders at all.

Why does she think she should get the things you tell me that I'm going to get? Why does she think she deserves a place in my home or a copy-cat island? Why does she think "it's not fair" that I'm going to get the medications I asked for?

She doesn't have the issues I have. She hasn't been fucked over like I have. She hasn't been literally tortured her entire life. In fact, she has had the opposite. She was given a fantasy life. And now she's going to steal my second chance because she is your favorite.

It's just dumb. I really don't care about the money, the girls, or any of that shit (except my freedom and medications god damnit), I just don't understand how this shit show works. I don't understand why you cunts are always trying to make decisions for me or forcing shit onto me. Why force shit onto me constantly? Why do you assholes never listen to me?

Call me a cry baby all you want, I just want to make my own god damn decisions.

Seriously eat some pills and go back to fucking bed.

All my good dreams are of women loving me for who I am, asking me questions about myself, and being all around cute, funny, and interesting people who are genuinely interested in you and their future with you.

Anybody else have similar pie in the sky nonsense dreams?

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That's okay. In a way, you're doing something Catholic confession never could, and relieving me of my crimes of embarrassment

When you say lie down German bro

That sounds nice

>sounds nice

Really you should be blaming the Russians that raped and killed literally all your women- all of them

I honestly feel for the loss of your people

I have to live being the product of two atomic bombs

This is something you have to hear

Bloodshed never ends

Peace only comes after a shower of Blood

The Situation has escalated to the point where I myself-personally am just trying to sort myself out cause I have absolutely nothing else left to do

You try and command me like a dog

I am not a dog and I KNOW I made this incredibly hostile environment better

I can only sleep by taking Ambien at this point

I go a day every once in awhile pulling an all nighter at a place that has essentially become my post

I am going to tell the world about what I have to. It would be better off for it


much more then pretty much anything else ever written

I am going to record Albert Spiers 'Inside the Third Reich'

Whether or not the Concentration Camps were Propaganda from the Soviets is up to you people to be brave enough to speak on your own and perhaps and very likely- fight them again

God knows there are pretty much no more allies left to fight the next crisis

They always protect the shittiest people. They always do.

Like, they are trying to cover up the fact vicky gave me an STD on purpose by blaming it on my mother. In a "you used a towel your mom used and got an std or you got an STD from using the same toilet." but that's retarded. Why is it retarded?

Like a day before I left florida, I was drunk naked dancing. I was all "Sexy time." and she laughed, PUT HER FINGER IN HER MOUTH, and then just grabbed the tip of my dick and then let go immediately.

I'm pretty sure she gave me an STD on purpose. She got something by whoring herself out as a prostitute, resented me because she was getting hate from a shit ton of people for breaking up with me, and wanted revenge. (same reason she physically abused me FOR BEING SAD.) So she purposefully gave me an STD.

Again, she was whoring herself out for money at that time. She KNEW she had STDs but lied about them. She did horrible shit to a lot of innocent (and non-innocent) people.

Yet... you try to cover for her. The reason I know she had the STDs and lied about them is because of how her BFs after me all absolutely fucking HATED HER and went insane with that hate. It's because she gave them a lethal STD that she KNEW she had. She did that shit on purpose.

SHE KILLED PEOPLE AND YOU CUNTS ARE TRYING TO COVER FOR HER BY BLAMING ME, and when that didn't work you tried to blame my mother. Why? Because I guess my mom is going to die so it's a "Well it doesn't matter for her then."

Vicky is going to spend the rest of her life in prison for this shit. She's a god awful cunt and is yet another reason why this little shit show is for the most vile people the world has to offer.

you sound like a slack jawed faggot.

I know for a fact none of you will say any of the shit you do on here to my face. This would be "cringe" if this was "just the internet." but since I know (for a fact) who you people are... it's so god damn true.

Fick dich du nutte

und es isch nur no peinlich was du machsch. isch schäm mich für dich. aber jo du verhaltisch dich wiene kind. es isch zum kotze. aber es isch würklich krass was de mensch sich ahduet um das zbekoh was er will. du willsch eifach nit elai sie. und es isch hart aber was sölle mir mache. mr könne nüt an dinere situation ändere, niemetrs kah das, nur du selber. aber jo es seht halt jetzt würklich so us als wärs am beste dich eifach mit tablettene ruhig zstelle. so truurig das au isch. du bisch nüm du. du bisch nit die person wo du gsi bisch. du bisch nur no di ego. di selbsthass wo sich selbstständig gmacht het. ich ha johre brucht bis ich mi selbstwert widr ha könne ufbaue. und gester hani gmerkt wie ich fast widr d'fassig verlore ha. du bisch eifach e miehsame mensch. fertig. dini vorstellige sind eifach nit normal. was hesch du s'gfühl. dass irgendwer kunnt und dir liebi und selbstwert schenkt. es wird nit passiere man. begriffsch das den nit. offesichtlich nit du bisch zu wit in das loch keit. es git für dich eifach kei zrugg meh. es isch verby. du wirsch wohl bald eifach mit medis zuepumpt und in e heim gsteckt. und mir verliere unsr erbe wäge dir. du blödi fotze. ich hass dich. ich ha dich als kind scho ghasst. ich ha mich immer schlächt gfühlt wäg dem. abr du bisch halt eifach abstossend. du bisch eifach e kaputti person. ich will nie so werde wie du. und ich wirds au nie werde. ich ha nämmlich welle dass es mir besser goht. du wilsches ebbe nit. und es isch mr egal was all die ärzt saage. schlussendlich gohts dorum öp me will dass es eim besser goht odr nit. und du willsch nit dass es besser wird du wilsch eifach in dim scheiss film blibe. du bisch verlore. ich hass dich du bisch e belastig für uns bitte verschwind. dass ich vo dir abstamm kotzt mi fast scho biz ah. bitte gang wäg und zieh die familie nüm abe. dini scheiss argument sind mir egal die kasch dir susch wo ahnestegge. mir läbe halt nit innere faire, perfekte schöne welt.

I always wondered what is wrong with me?
I'm 20 y/o virgin. These past years i felt myself inferior 'cause i never had a girl and never had a sex. I guess it sticks to your attractiveness, but i have got several compliments that i'm handsome(the girl said that were hot af) and my hair is amazing, but still i can't get laid. I always envy people who can easily talk to girls despite their unattractiveness or mediocre looks. Why i can't? The existence is almost unbearable for me knowing that i'm not desirable. I'm not awkward tbf, introvert at times and extrovert when needed, kinda funny. I'm not misogynistic 'cause i understand being attracted to beautiful things is in our genetics, but can't get that why nature should create something that miserable with high sex drive, just wanting being normal like everyone. I've been in several relationships, but they girls from another countries. It feels like that being sexualy frustrated is the source of all my problems. Depression, anxiety won't let me be productive... Also in future i want to make music - experimental hip\hop, black metal, death metal etc. Just to ease these thought

I don’t really know you other than from what you’ve been writing here, but I just want you to know that I care

es goht uns scho tuusig mol besser als 99% vo de wält und wohrschinlich 60% vo de schwiz. mir isches egal öp me physische wohlstand nit mit zfriedeheit kah vergliche. irgendwie isch das e scheiss entschuldigung sich nit in arsch zkneife. öpis zmache, für e besserig zschaffe. du bisch nit nüt speziells. niemerts uf dere wält isch öpis speziells. me mues öpis drfür mache. es isch würklich schad das sich d'sache so entwicklet händ. abr do kah ich nit drfür no d'marina und no de papi. am schluss muesch du welle dass es dir besser goht. und das wilsch du nit. du hesch das verhaltensmustr vo dinere muetr ufgno. du cheggsch das nit emol me. ich will niemols so ände wie du. ich ha mich du usezoge. abr jo du schaffsch das eh nüm. ich ha lang brucht. und vill resource verwände miese. abr trotzdem ich has trotzdem welle das es besser wird. du bisch halt gfange. tja scheiss schicksal. abr jo du bisch nit die einzigi. mensche leide halt. du khörsch jetzt halt zu dene wo leide. pech gha. wenn du nur wüsstisch wie wichtig du für mich gsi bisch. wievill gedanke ich an dich verschwändet ha. wie oft ich mich vor mir sälbr ha mieseh rechtfertige. ich ha dschnauze voll. ich ha kei bock meh mich fertig zmache. ich will dass es mir besser goht.ich ha kei bock släbe vo 100 verschiedene perspektive miese zbetrachte. luege öp ich rächt ha odr nit. das het mich kaputt gmacht. konstante stress induziert. und mich het au nie öpr gfrogt wies mr goht weisch. au d'marina het nie öpr gfrogt wies ihre deby goht. mr könne am schluss vom daag halt nix mache. und jo langsam. hämmr kei bock meh dis theater mitzmache. du nervsch eifach nur no. bitte sig eifach alt und halt dini schnauze und erinnere uns bitte nüm dass es dich git. bzw, kontaktier uns nur no wenns dr besser goht. die ahsicht dass anderi eim hälfe könne und miend isch eifach behindert. abr das cheggsch du jo garnüm. papi het dr wohl di letzte selbstwert graubt.

It's fine. I know all of you are plastic. Only talking to me when you need something.
I can do it on my own. I'm not entitled so are you.
I don't need any one of you. I wish only one thing.
I want to get stronger, stronger so that I can overcome any challenge without depending on someone.

I know that feel, if it makes you feel Vetter that is how they interact with other people. They can't feel real stuff.

I wanted you to get to know me better because I felt like we had something in common, but I guess I wasn’t worth it to you. I hope the saying ‘One man’s trash, another man’s treasure’ applies to me.

I like dumpster diving are you cute?

I guess it depends on the eyes of the observer.

It really does, so how can I get the answer to my question?

What are you looking for?

au er het sich beschisse verhalte. aber das isch no kei entschuldigung wieso es dir schlecht goht. du bisch eifach e kaputte mensch. es git vill kaputti mensche uf dere wält, und du bisch halt eine devo. sig froh dass du zässe und e dach überem kopf hesch. vill mensche händ das ebe nit. also sig froh. dir gohts guet. du bisch eifach balabala. tja do kame halt nix mache. du bisch eifach in dere depression gfange. in scheiss verhaltensmustr gfange. und alt. also sigemr ehrlich do kunnsch eh nüm use. du bisch wiene ertrinkendi wo sich an alles klameret, au an derene mensche.tja abr du bisch halt elai. weisch du bisch nitemol elai. also du wärsch nit elai. du hesch vill mensche um dich ume. abr dini verzwifelti suechi nach öperem wo dr liebi git führt dezue dass sich d'lüt vo dir abwände. es ligt an dir. und es isch kai fucking krankheit. es sind beschisseni weltahsichte und no beschisseneri verhaltensmustr. fertig. isch natürlich vill eifach das als krankheit zbezeichne und saage dass du die krankheit bis zu dim läbensändi hesch. mir isch erst jetzt ufgfalle was die ussaage für gfohre birgt und wie vernichtend si eigentlich isch. du hesch wohl eifach zu sehr angst kah dich mit dir selber zbeschäftige und hesch dich stattdesse uf d'suechi gmacht nach öperem wo dir die liebi git wo du dir selber nit kasch geh. abr so funktioniert die wält halt nit. uf e gwüssi wiis weiss ich wies dr goht. abr ich ha kai emphatie mehr für dich übrig. du glaubsch nit wie du mir mi selbstwärt graubt hesch und wie stolz ich jetzt be, wo ichs widr zruggerlangt ha.

Someone to spend the free time with when I'm not working on my projects, someone who just like me has their projects , ideas and things they want to do and not just someone who wants to live a normal life together.

I want to create huge schools for orphans and have my wife Cook huge dinners in the woods for my orphan kids like they do in the school trips in my japanese mangos.

I guess I’m trash to you then.

Wow just wanted to get this off my chest...
This thread is really terrible.

So then, would you believe me if I told you that I have literally eaten food out of the garbage bin?

I'm trash too, let's move into the same garbage bin let's forget the orphan kids and let's just have a garbage dump then instead of a big mansion.

I wish this meme thread would die already

This and the gender thread

>Total Cancer

The only other board with generals is /x/

even then they just have divination general

This one has two

someone pls help me :c

the only things thats wrong with you is that you dont accept yourself and where you are right now. the first and only thing you need to do is to work on your self-acceptance. if you dont accept yourself youll feel worse and worse the older you get.
youre still young so if you really work on it (what does self-acceptance mean, why am i not accepting myself, etc) youll be fine.

ah and being a virgin might suck but it's not the end of the world. youre 20 ffs.

Why do you give a shit about the only posts happening on the deadest board ever?

You're just mad you ain't got no larping to do

I'm too tired to LARP

Attached: angrycat.jpg (223x209, 15K)

I like both those threads.

Jesus 2.0 present
Have some grape drink and fish sticks, recession has been hard for us all. Nevermind that though what bothers you my child?

LARPing is love, LARPing is life
One day we all meet and larp together irl

I guess that's why they are so popular

Larping here is one of my favorite things to do
I'm just sad this bitch divorced me and took the world

Attached: cuckqueen.jpg (751x923, 89K)

You're supossed to take my Hand idiot.


Ah whatever I can only prove I'm not a quitter by never giving up and I'm on my path for that, calling me a quitter is probably the last thing I want to be called considering what kind of life I led and this is very insulting to me. I just wanted to be there

thank you! i'll try!
i wrote it above
give me your hand then :p

I am so god damn sick of FUCKING SNOW. The state around here doesn't know how to fucking deal with the roads and it's a motherfucking nightmare every time we get so much as a few inches. FUCK YOU PENNSYLVANIA GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER GOD DAMNIT PEOPLE STILL HAVE JOBS TO GO TO AND SHIT TO DO I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD

The threads are popular because I like them? Wow, user, you must think very highly of me to be that infuential. I'm flattered.

Thank you

I believe in you.

no one in this house has ever worked a real job.

I know you don't work in that damn factory. You probably just go hang out with the girls and spy on me or go to sleep somewhere else.

Seriously for the longest time I was like "Man, how does my mom have so much energy? She works all day in a factory and still runs around and shit."

I mean, now I know.

I also know she takes "happy pills" too, so...


why don't you care about me like you used to? i love you so much. i never wanted this.


did I beat them?
did I win?

Can I go home?
Can I have the truth now?

Everything she has said to me about us, down to the moment when she broke up with me, is not substantiated by anything that is happening after that.

And if she didn't lie to me (and I have to believe that she didn't) which would feel bad enough, she was lying to herself about me, which feels even worse because I thought I made her feel like she didn't need to, like she could just be sincere, and that means that I wasn"t able to make her feel like she was safe enough for that.

I feel like the biggest idiot ever and there's nothing to do but being stuck on that thought

A qt3.14 in Connecticut was raped and murdered by being zipped in a suitcase alive and was thrown in the woods

I can't stop thinking how awful that is

She was really pretty too. Very upsetting.

My greatest bonding moment with my grandfather was when he told me about the time he threw a gook out of a helicopter

Had a nice smile over that one

Fell in love with a girl but she is in a stable relationship already.
Fell in love with another girl but she is waiting for a literal Mr. Perfect and what I heard from others, talking to her about more private matters is like running through a fucking minefield.

Omg, I think I am pregnant! I really hope so, me and my husband are both really excited for children!

Alright let's do this.

Guess who?










instant regret. feels bad.



>the bottom line

>When Congress itself needs a babysitter

I'd like to see you call rape then bitch

if you hit me

you get dragged out

>If you use the worlds biggest OUJI board for stupidity

will you summon a demon?

Let me answer this for you


I close my eyes and sieze it

I clench my fist and beat it











There was child abuse, there was college which was five years of domestic violence, and then my body just...failing. Then four years of getting steadily more cut off from others, losing things and watching the world go on as if through a window.

I have pretty severe PTSD, I'm chronically ill, and I'm afraid of myself and others because of how often I've been scolded and beaten for being sick. I ran out on every abuse situation I was in but I'm still trashed. I do have a partner but things with them have been increasingly...questionable. I don't have family any more, my friends don't contact me, I even had to give up my cat because I couldn't take care of her.

I can't stand the idea that my body is permanently damaged by the hands of someone who was supposed to love me, that I'm probably this sick because of the stress I was under and you can see signs it on my body, and that I could have easily died either from disease or from battery.

I feel dead. I feel like I died probably 5 years ago and I'm just wandering the earth in physical pain waiting to get out. I don't even know what I'm doing here. It's been days since I had a face-to-face social interaction.

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I'm listening

I'm taking this Oath seriously and I am not letting these kittens with no perspective of reality get the fuck out of this situation their spoiled existence can't see

i am bored of being single, i want the attention and all that stuff. I don't mind giving every part of me again if i can have it back.

You think owning nuclear weapons is a joke

They don't just go away now that the knowledge is out there

Manuals for lesser weapons are entirely on the internet too

Wishing weapons away doesn't solve anything

You need the balls to use them (not to be sexist cause a harpy can easily do the same out of foolishness)

It's the definition of a pipe dream to just wish them away

This movie doesn't end

Last night wasn’t I need you so bad passionate sex. It’s funny you think it was. It was me taking out all my frustration with you through sex. I was so annoyed with you and I still am. Whatever I’m still going to have a good day and you’re not getting in the way

Satan may have been the villain of the bible

But he was the Hero in Paradise Lost

I'm not saying the bible is not a good book

I am just saying Paradise Lost is known as a Classic for a reason

I fucking hate the congressman that was elected

He's a business Liberal in an Agriculture Belt

All the land here is being renovated for Bay Area People to move in

The fucking biggest import this place has is it's soil

The farmers are all selling off to sell the old soil for Cheaper Housing so these Oakland Gangsters can Move in

God damn assholes

God damn idiots