I've come to the realization, or rather have accepted...

I've come to the realization, or rather have accepted, that Jow Forums is full of retards and there's no point trying to find good discussion here

Where should I go instead?

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There's nowhere else if you've been here long enough. Reddit is smart but too cringe, in fact basically all the "smart" sites are cringe central

t. started browsing at 10 and found it epic, now studying at MIT and just find itfrustrating

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This Reddit is the same type of flaming garbage heap, but at least you can have discussions that have some degree of permanence. Jow Forums is just full of people who tell each other to kill themselves because they know none of these conversations will matter in 1-3 hours. It's the socialization equivalent of fast good.

The only other place is hackernews but you can't get high and shoot the shit there at 4am, right now I'm relying on MMORPGs

I think the real solution for me is to stop using the internet as a replacement for a real life social life

which mmorpgs do you play? are they really as good as Jow Forums? I never thought of using them like that, wouldnt you get banned from them for saying the shit you can say here?

A guy on /mu/ in the music production general replied to me today with an immensely useful post to help me migrate from one software to the other. I had some quality interactions on Jow Forums personally I think it all depends what you expect to get

>Where should I go instead?
The public domain.
Because it is the only place where people will really be set straight by each other.
If you can't communicate well within this space, you are not fit to be a part of the group and as a consequence you will be removed from it.

>no good advice
>where should i go
Go fuck yourself

Facebook groups can be fun, Jow Forums is toxic and filled with mad childer and thots

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would you just make some kind of substitute account so no one irl knows what groups you're in n shit?

>Jow Forums is toxic
>suggests Facebook
Are you retarded?

He must be

Facebook is nothing but advertisements and gossiping

This shit. Lol psychologists and life coachs in mass are telling people to quit using that bullshit

Facebook private groups to be more specific, such as Emo Army
Nah i dont give a fuck, but you can do it if you want to

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Its still shit. Just join a real life social club like a cooking class or something

good suggestion user. although are they really as good? I mean, you're still here.

This can work too, but here is only normie shit

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Ah is good if you are young is like soc for kids, i got permabanned for calling someone a incel

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What boards do you use, OP?

Go back

Just start talking to yourself in your head until your discussion turns into genuine insanity. It's what I do.

Thread/reply filtering/hiding is your friend.
I mostly hide posts I consider utter shit or larping, their replies get autohidden too.

i go to Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /a/ and it is not uncommon to have 10+ threads hidden on each board.

Literally anywhere else is more constructive than Jow Forums
You could talk to a fucking bench and it would be more constructive
I'm dead fucking serious
>what boards hnerf hnerf Jow Forums is totally not just a retarded cesspool full of has-beens trying to crabpot each other
Fuck off apologist, this site is shit and the only people who have ever denied that are people who rely on it to fill a void

How do you filter threads?

I use this Jow Forums-x.net/