Is someone who never had a girlfriend or friends in and before high school and spent most of their time alone at home...

Is someone who never had a girlfriend or friends in and before high school and spent most of their time alone at home just inherently fucked?

I'm finishing high school soon.

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I had the same thing

ugh, many times.

>many times
Is there a chance of recovery?

you're still in high school, you have a lot of time to fix your social skills
I was an autistic weirdo loner back then until I met some guys who shared my interests in music, they introduced me to their friends, helped form my sense of style and I generally have a comfortable circle of close friends now, though still an introvert ofc
it's never too late for that rose-coloured cmapus life

You're still in high school can turn into you're still in college. I need results.
Thank you.

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try to find people with similar interests, you'll most likely never fit in with total normies
what are your interests / hobbies?

Interests: games, movies, shows, anime, manga
Hobbies: none

No im doing rather well

Internet cafes and conventions

I'd hate going to these alone but I might as well.
That's reassuring.

Thats the only way to meet others. Its freaky as fuck at first but you'll grow to love it.

Not really. I mean, with work, you can become friends with associates because they don't really care that you're into such and such or do this or that. At least, that's how it is for me. Everyone is focus on their own shit to be self-absored with another as in high school. Romance is probably going to be the hardest to archive, however. And you never know you may come across some who even share similiar interests as you, one of my co-workers is into anime and video games so we often shoot the shit sometimes when we see each other.

No. I failed the same way. I'm 22 now. Still alone. It's best to not let it bother you. If you can adapt and thrive in the loneliness, you'll be all the better

Nah man you're good. Just make sure you don't get stuck in that mode when you leave high school. I'm 21, when I left high school I got my first girlfriend, had a few since then too. You'll be fine

It's very tempting to have a mindset where you have already given up. Trust me, it doesn't help and it makes you feel worse.

I'm in the mindset that everyone has an equal chance at romance, be it they had 0 or 5 girlfriends in high school. The only thing that stopping the one with 0 is no self confidence and his mindset.
I don't wanna be lonely
Always good to hear that from someone who's been there.

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I hate my ex so fucking much

Well then you best start changing yourself. Being yourself means becoming attractive. Best hope you have the capacity to be attractive

I was a homeschooled, introverted misanthrope in high school.

I still had friends.

I don't buy this "never had friends" bullshit.

I haven't given up yet thankfully. But this seems like the last chance.
Which one
I think I'm improving but I'm not getting any feedback so I'm not sure.

She stayed at home all day while I worked to get us an apartment

She went to college and got fired from her job cause it was her first fucking job ever

When that happened she took it all out on me instead of getting a new Job She left me when I had my first Cigarette in 6 months cause of all the stress she was giving me

I tried reaching out to her multiple times only to find out she got knocked up by some dude that basically bought her then dumped her and now she is a single mom that gossips with her friends on twitter and she named her dog after me


i don't even know if she has a kid, but that's the word on the street

I feel nothing, but anger toward her and am Happy my brother in law hated her too enough to piss her off out of the family cause she didn't want to hang out with MY friends so now she is back with HER friends and good for her, but the fact is she ruined my life and I am lucky to be alive right now just because I decided to smoke a cigarette one day and she didn't want to TEMPORARILY do a little fast food or supermarket or mall work.

We had the lease on a real ritzy place and I had MOST of the money. We just needed her to come up with a LITTLE more, but instead she threw a fit and dumped me and now I am Borderline Dead from Heart Failure

Damn man that sucks.

No don't adopt the attitude that you are fucked. Even in your 20s and 30s you can find friends and love for the first time even if it isn't the "ideal" time.

I'm trying my best user

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why is that apu wearing HD600s? is it supposed to be someone in particular
first you post my fav chinese cartoon and now my personal headphones, wtf

It is supposed to be you user, took it from r9k some months back.

TTG is also one of my favorite Chinese cartoons

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Lucky you!

You are about to face one of the very few times in your life when it will actually be easy to redefine yourself.

Know this - whatever the next phase in your life is (College, job, military, whatever), one thing will be true:


High school is a closed world in which people get typed very early (cool, nerd, jock, goth, etc) and have that label follow them around everywhere.

But it stops now. Wherever you go, the label will NOT go with you unless you want it. You will meet new people who will accept you as you present yourself. If you can pass yourself off as a Chad, they'll believe you. But at the very least they will accept you as you appear, with no preconceptions, and you start on the same level playing field as everyone else.

in high shool I was that one autistic weirdo with no friends, now I'm an eccentric /mu/ /fa/ /lit/ hipster with equally pretentious friends

That sounds like a dream anons
Hope I don't fuck it up.

Honestly man, I got out of high school with 1 or 2 friends who I talked to once a month. I moved to a different country for university and talked to nobody in year 1. Year 2 I felt really lonely so I started self-improvement i.e. confidence building and getting over social anxiety. You just need to commit a year to that stuff and you'll be fine

Dude you're literally me. Highschool senior who's basically a neet.

Well, only one of us can get themselves fixed now, who's it gonna be?

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