ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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Women, how would you react to your mid 20s bf telling you he's a virgin? I started officially dating someone I absolutely adore for the first time recently. Since I think for some reason she likes me almost as much as I like her, sex might happen at some point in the future.
I am probably going to be awful at it though, so should I tell her beforehand as to temper her expectations? Is there any way around it? Since I like making out and eating a girl always seemed like the same thing, only lower, would it be a good idea to just do that a lot first so that when I actually put it in she won't notice that I don't know what to do with it?

Girls: would you prefer a dick that is like 15 DVDs stacked on top of each other, or a dick that is like 3 pencils rubberbanded together?

do you mean the pencils are rubber banded almost end-to-end, so it's the girth of 1 pencil but the length of 3?

One cozy Sunday noon, be extra fucking suave and playful and confident, Fabio in the flesh with all the slick moves, and get her real riled up, then being as sly as you can tell her you’re a virgin.
I think the key is how you mention it. If you twiddle your thumbs and mumber coyly that you are a virgin (unless she is into that specifically) it unfortunately might go a southward direction

This sounds like the ultimate challenge in "Faking it till you make it" so I'm kind of excited to somehow try and be confident about my virginity.

Can someone sug my peepee?

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Threadly reminder not to listen to Peanut Nigger. He's a narcissistic women beating pedophile who endorses cheating and gets off on attention.

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I like Peanut. He has a genuinely good heart and seeks to help people through sharing empathetic advice and experience rather than divisiveness, although you are absolutely entitled to your opinion regarding him, assuming your words to heed him are uttered out of a desire to help and protect people rather than out of personal spite

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Peanut Butter, we know it's you. Just use the name tag if you're going to be this obvious.

Lol i'll ask it here i guess. Do average girth penises cause a full sensation and big is fuller, or do only big ones do that. I am just curious.


Is it unhealthy for a man to not date and not have sex?


What do you do in a relationship? For those that were alone for a long while and pretended to be perfectly normal, how did you ease into having actual people in your life?

I'm going to go with, yes, eventually. If you also don't have friends.

Loneliness is correlated with health problems.

then why have I been told this?

I have a few friends

Because people are assholes

Tell me more yes

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My girlfriend and I have gone from being solidly against kids to her discussing them a lot. She's 27, I'm 24. We're planning on engaging next year. The relationship seems perfect, and when she talks to me about kids I love the idea of having children with her. However, I walk away from the conversation and when I'm alone I get cold feet on the idea, it feels rushed despite us being together for years and the kids thing being way down the line. Is it normal to feel this way, am I just insecure? Advice please?

You're still somewhat young and have time before you should think about kids. Her clock is a few hours short of the wall. That's probably why. How good she is of a person should otherwise be your only concern. If you have good friends, ask for their honest opinion on her.

I know absolutely she's the woman I want to marry. We've been through a handful of difficult times during our relationship and done incredibly well, especially in comparison to other relationships. I'm certain on her, I'm not certain on children. She wants to wait until my career is launched and we can get a house, at least.

Just talk to her about it. Yes nervous is normal, kids are a big responsibility

Guys, how much honesty is too much in a friendship? My friend has canceled our meetings a lot lately and since I'm pretty lonely, I've told him that and also that I'm hurt over it and that not being sure he wants to see me feels really bad. I also told him I don't wanna accuse him and it's my own problem that I feel this way, that close relationships make me feel really shitty and sad if it feels like the other person is more distant.

Brutal honesty no matter.

reeeally depends on how close they are to you. I have this 1 singular friend that I can tell 99% of things to. In your case, you need to make a judgement. do they seem like the kind of person that would actually listen to you, potentially, or not? if not, then it might be worth coming to terms with the fact that they probably don't care much about you in the first place.

That's what I thought. I'm open about my issues, since it seems better than hiding them and not having anyone to talk to. But many people have said that I shouldn't say those things, like how repeated canceling makes me feel terrible and low, since it makes me an unpleasant person and hard to deal with, even causing anxiety in some. I mean, I am positive when I'm spending time with these people, but when the bad feelings come, shouldn't I tell?

They have cared and listened in the past at least, and made time for me. Now, not so much time. But he's said he's busy and stressed, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Still, actions speak louder than words I guess, and while he's repeatedly told me he wants to see me more, he hasn't really seen me recently.

A real friend would want to hear it to help. Youre a girl, you get emotional, it happens. Also these people are cunts. They basically told you to go fuck yourself.

it does sound to me like you're obsessing over him, or at least starting to for some degree. If you weren't, it might be easier to accept the fact that he is either being genuine, and thus that you should respect that and hang in there for him without being pushy, or that he is lying to you.

That's true, you're right. I am really emotional and sometimes I wonder there's something wrong with me. But with this friend, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he really cares. And try not to cry my heart out in the meantime I guess.

Have you ever suspected he has feelings for you?

I am obsessing, yes and I'm trying to limit that. I won't text him every day or anything and will give him space and see if he comes around. If not, well I accept the possibility that he might be lying in which case I'll find some other friends. And yeah I have to do that too in any case. Strangely, talking to people in the internet helps so much, puts things in perspective and calms me down. So thanks for that, you guys.

Well he might. I don't think so, though, since I am the needy type and while he likes talking to me and spending time, I would be tought for him to date .We saw each other casually for a while, actually, and he said he doesn't want a relationship. I said I'd like to be just friends, then and he was fine with that, says I'm interesting for more reasons than just sex, and that we have an emotional connection. He might be lying, that's a possibility, but yeah it complicates things. Like friendships between men and women tend to be, complicated.

Personally I love 100% honest people, but people get weirded out when you're too honest so I have no idea.

He might be dealing with that

But hey can you help me with something?

Women, what does it mean when a girl texts you back like 3 times a day, but seems kinda engaged in the conversation? It feels really weird. We met at a party, danced and kissed, I set a date (it's two weeks from now, because I'm out of town) she said yes, but it feels like she might back out.

>confess to friend, she doesn't feel the same way but says she really enjoys being friends
>starts not wanting to hang out
>invite her to a gig with friends, its the other side of town but she comes anyway
>grabs a drink with us even though she'll miss her train
>drop her a text the next day to see if she got home alright and to invite her to another gig
>no reply for 3 days, tells me she'd like to come and what are the times/location
>tell her, no reply for 6 days

The only reason someone would take longer than 2 days to reply to you is because they have no interest in even being your friend, right? Even if you don't check your phone and don't use the messaging app you'd still check your phone once a day right?

I'd written off the relationship, but the friendship is dead as well, right?

Unfortunately, yes.
These are the risks we take when asking a friend out and get rejected. I'd leave it alone. You did your part, and no one can fault you for that

Sure, I'd love to! What do you have?

Im having terrible luck ending up with shitty gf's. Ive thought of a new strategy. I get friendzoned on purpose so i can really get to know a woman without the risks involved with dating. I meet her friends who are very likely to be similar to her and try to get with one of them. Ladies would you have an issue with a male friend trying to get with your friends?


This strategy works like a charm. Befriend a woman and then socialize with her friends. As in fucking on or two of her friends. And wouldn’t you know, the girl who friend zoned you want to get a taste too. Been doing this for years.


Why do I love myself until I'm dating someone and then I don't feel good enough? I was bullied a lot and outcast growing up and I don't feel close to any family. But even when the relationship is good I'm always hoping I don't end up pushing them away or messing up and being abandoned. On my own I am so happy and I love my own company and I enjoy time with friends.

I'm female if it makes any difference.

Yeah my staff sergeant told me the same thing

I might not be the best person to ask, since I wouldn't have a problem given I was not interested in the guy myself. But if I was interested, then I might probably talk to my friends about it and try to make a move on the guy if I hadn't before.

Sounds like a good strategy, btw, getting to know people as friends first and then expanding onto their friends. Just that friendzone can be really hard to get out of as a guy.

Of course, women do tend to get interested when they see a guy has other women too. Personally, it depends. I might give up on him if he seems like a fuckboy.

Im not a fuckboy :(

As long as you guys still had time to hang out and not always as a couple it would be fine. And then if you broke up you wouldn't make me choose who remains my friend.

What can I do to get women to "prove themselves" in my eyes? I have a crappy mother and got abused several times by other women starting from childhood.

But if you seem like a fuckboy and flirt with women, less outgoing women like myself might get not interested. Just saying, and only my perspective. Of course if I knew you and believed you're not a fuckboy, I might assume you're just not interested in me.

No its okay for exs to be friends again if it didnt work romantically. Not with my exs though, theyre mean as shit lol

Would you say he might need time and space to consider our situation? I think me pushing him to meet might be bad currently. He said he's not gonna ghost me or anything though and said multiple times he'd like to meet more. Actually today he said I can come over, but he has to do homework and pack up. Ideclined because of my own homework, but at least he asked and that's good right?

No i would genuinely value the friendship. Im just looking for a better way to find a gf.

It sounds like a good way to me. Good luck, man.

Yeah its clear you have feelings for him. Just relax and let him come around

No woman is going to bother trying to prove anything to you except maybe someone even more damaged than you and then you've become your mother and continue the cycle.

You should learn to find worth outside of relying on parental approval and within yourself. And have a normal relationship.

Is this a fuckboy?

I can't know based on that.

Okay i'll do this from now on.

Well I'm not going to force him to change his mind about a relationship and would like to enjoy a friendship with him, if possible. I guess it's better to not message him for a while now? It's just that, I already did that and not messaging him for a week, then he asked to see me but he canceled and I started angsting about that and said if he doesn't want to see me anymore he should say that :( I apologized too and told him I know I'm too emotional.

The prove themselves part?

>then you've become your mother and continue the cycle.
plz no

I was mostly hoping there was something I could do to dispel the ideas I ended up with

Well, any part actually. Too little info

What's a good way to find a partner? I don't like dating sites, nor anything like tinder, and I work from home. I don't do night clubs and my social group rarely (like twice a year) introduces new potential partners. I'm nearly 25 now and the lack of options is starting to stress me out, really.

See youre doing the female version of chasing. Yall cant ever shut the hell up about someone you like to absolutely everyone around you. Hes caught wind of this and is processing it all. Plus youre on Jow Forums which likely means youre on the spectrum which is amplifying all this

Okay you made me self conscious is all :p
Please explain what one is

That's true. So you're saying I should just wait?

either change one of those things or start some other activity (drawing class, dancing...)

Doesnt really care about women, lies, only after sex. If youre worried about it, you probably aren't one.

Oh okay lol no im not a redpill faggot. Sex is better with someone you care about anyway because you both put more effort into it

Just relax. But prepared for rejection just in case. Hell you could just tell him how you feel but women dont typically do that, plus he already knows.


>no big dick
>not rich
do i have any chance?

The answer you're looking for is that obviously deep inside you don't feel like you deserve happiness so you push them away or mess up on purpose (unconsciously on purpose I mean).

Get a therapist and try to learn to love yourself. Yes I know it's easier said than done. I'm a long way from that point myself, but at least I know the road to go down.

If i got with you then i want you for who you are so worrying about messing it up by being yourself is stupid and will likely result with a penis in your ass

Are you retarded?

Change one of what things, the things I physically don't like? There aren't any clubs like that here, everything is pretty gender exclusive.

>no big dick
what did she mean by this?

i was adressing the woman
sorry im not a regular on here. just a tourist whos ODing on testosteron because of 4 day nofap

gender exclusive clubs? Are you a middle eastern muslim? if yes, get your father to buy you a wife. no night clubs with women and men, never heard of that

Yes she's retarded

I might end up going to a NightClub

I know the bouncer personally

me man! OOGA

Please go back to tumblr.

but i never visited tumblr
is it good? do ppl give advice there instead of shitposting?

Her clit?

i don't really understand, but okay. just remember that 95% of time nothing will happen, but still 5% is better than 0% you have now

What advice are you looking for?

is it worth looking for a partner if you are a chubby non wealthy dicklet?
maybe what western woman generaly seek in a relationship? because if its based on either one of the 3 listed things i could just go and focus on me instead

Are you a boy or girl?

Continuing on this. Summary:
>uncertainly directed at either gender: I wasn't sure what to put in a dating app and/or /soc/ and/or okcupid and/or whatever profile or post about what I want in terms of a relationship or sex or whatever. user saying I should think what I want to actually convey, not unusual guys are thirsty like me (kinda painful to think about for me. Makes me feel like an ant no different from any other man a woman would ghost, but okay...), women will probably even take "looking for a relationship" as "don't want to scare off girls I want to fuck by being honest" so on...

...I guess the real issue is hoe do i figure out what she wants before I fuck things up?
I realize neither of can prove I'm not an ass and she could be doing the same with me, but see the thing is, I just want to find a nice girl.
But I know realistically, I want and would accept sex from a girl I like at pretty much any point.

So I guess I just want to know how I can avoid ending up in a situation where we're not sure how not sure we are? Does that make sense?
I'm uncertain if I'd take nsa sex, honestly, but... no I think I would. But I'd want to know if I could.

My understanding is that it can be quite disastrous to not have some idea what's going on.

Quick clarity correction:
>But I'd want to know if I could.
Delete the "if I could"

she's obviously a boy, she talked about having a small balls

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No like most things tend to be male or female interests so there's little interaction

If youre actually a dude just get a job and lose weight. If your penis is 4+ in length and girth then fuck off. If you really have a small dick then istead of thrusting in and out, try an up and down grinding style, push yourselves tightly together rubbing her lips and clit into your pelvis while using leverage to stretch the hole