How bad is prone masturbation?

How bad is prone masturbation?

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I find it pretty good, myself

"Piss in your gfs colon because you desperately tried cumming inside her"-kind of bad.

Its a terrible addiction. I tried masturbating once. It felt awful, like I was going to throw up, but I became so addicted after one go at it, I could never stop.

Its ruined my heart, made me feel anxious, depressed, unhappy. Immediately after I jack off, I feel every ounce of loneliness I have in my sole dragging me down into a pit of seemingly inescapable despair.

And then I remembered I'm asexual.

how did it do any of those?

>It feels worse
I'm not sure I buy th is given everything I've heard about it outside of shithole Jow Forums and Jow Forums

Was my punchline really that bad?

anyway, Is nofap real? asking for a friend

I've never know life without it, so technically I can't entirely say prone masturbation caused this. But when I finally got the chance to have sex it was like trying to jerk off with hulk hands, even though it was arousing and I had a hardon 24/7 I just couldn't cum. When I later found out about prone masturbation and the harm it causes I felt like it was spot on for me and switched to a fleshlight. Ideally I would like to quit masturbation entirely but baby steps I guess.

Well... I tried it a little bit.
I felt like I just seemed worse off that way. After I started jacking off regularly again, I felt better.
I'm trying not to go too hard at it because I'm still concerned it could ruin sex since as a... cut man, I'm not as thick and I really want to find out if fapping less could make me feel more sensitive or not, but its difficult. Once I started again, it was hard to not do it two to three times a day.
Whole things fucking annoying

You don't want to quit it entirely unless you get ssx regularly enough that you don't have to. That's a fucking meme.

dude dis nigga a jew GHAAHAHAHAHAA

Oh by the way, the reason it felt worse to atop was because I felt more depressed, lonely, terrible. It just doesn't feel right.
Still dunno if it would've solved or improved (or actually did improve) the other issues, but I feel like just the worse mentality alone could cause all sorts of issues and they say that a lot about sex is your mind. Even hear consistently you can learn to ejaculate without touching yourself, so I'm just not sure how great an idea nofap is.
I think I did come back from it a little less sore, but then I've recovered from soreness when I was still masturbating too.

But of course, like flat earthers that won't stop NoFap. They'll just try to call it "withdrawal". I don't buy it. Masturbating without mih modern advent of internet porn feels practically the same to me and I can fap just as hard without it.
Monkeys and apes all masturbate.

Stupid phone won't even let me meme.

I didnt even know this was a thing until just looking it up now, although ive tried doing it before despite that. honestly it doesnt even feel better for me? I mean I could squeeze harder with my hand if I wanted?

I should clarify as the user who tried it out, I never had sex before so don't overinterprete what I'm saying at least.

But yeah, I mean they say doing a "death grip" can be bad, so I'm trying to work on that. I just don't want calluses or whatever.

Apparently its also variable on the woman? I've heard girls with big thigh gaps aren't as tight and maybe if they're less aroused or something they don't get as tight. I dunno, but I did hear someone complain about thigh gaps during sex befor.

to me If teels better because I guess It's more ''Immersive'' If you imagine the bed Is actually a woman
t.dude with a sad life, humping his bed occasionally

I'm not sure why you guys (you)'d me...

That makes sense user. That's exactly what I pictured as well. And don't worry, I too am a virgin.

I guess I'm probably just too lazy to actually hump.

>not sure why I replied
At least two reasons, primarily the first reason I'm gonna list:
>honestly it doesn't even feel better to me
I thought you were referring to sex vs masturbation... and the "I mean I could..." part was just you saying maybe it would feel better if you went harder, but you're not automatically inclined to try and/or you don't think it would matter that much.

>honestly it doesnt even feel better for me? I mean I could squeeze harder with my hand if I wanted?
Squeezing harder is what they call "death grip".

And the 'second' user talking about thigh gaps was also me.

I think I heard that kind of pressure masturbation ruins your dick somehow.

I tried and felt alright, but it also made me a bit aggressive. Lowfap is the way to go in the long term, imo. Wait a day or two longer than you normally would. Try nofap for a while first, though, and find what seems to work for you

>>Its ruined my heart, made me feel anxious, depressed, unhappy. Immediately after I jack off, I feel every ounce of loneliness I have in my sole dragging me down into a pit of seemingly inescapable despair.
I used to feel this but I've started reading and watching tantric shit and now I feel relaxed instead of tired/depressed.
