Civil law issue

Hey, I’ve got a legal question. This may not be the best place to ask it but I can’t afford a friggin lawyer.

So basically my girlfriend kicked me out and threatened to keep some important things from me that I needed immediately. I had been living there for a couple months and asked the apartment manager to let me in, then retrieved the things I needed most and left. That’s it.

She’s threatening to convict me or sue me or whatever but it seems more like a civil issue. I’m in Ontario, Canada. Any /lawyers/ here that could help a guy understand worse case scenario?

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If they are your things what the fuck is she gonna do? Lie about it? What things are they?

Basically all my clothes, a new suit I just bought, some smaller other things and equipment, protein powder, etc.

They’re very easily my things, but what I’m worried about is what she could do about the fact that I went in there without her permission since we weren’t common law yet I don’t think

call her bluff, suing someone is expensive as shit and I don't think you committed a crime if you can prove those items are yours. IANAL, but the property manager letting you in probably covers you for trespassing and shit.

I dunno dude, you still might get a knock from the OPP but if you just took what was yours I doubt they can do anything.

She cant do shit. Landlord was also wrong. If you were contributing to bills or had mail being delivered, then you may be protected under tennant laws that make it mandatory you be served an eviction notice and have 30days to vacate. Locks cant be changed and you cant be barred from the property so LEAGLLY you should be able to get your stuff

oh yeah I forgot about this part. depends if he was a leaseholder or not, Ontario's tenant laws are super renter favouring but living in shared space doesn't get you those same protections.

She doesn't own the fucking place the landlord does, she can choke on a fucking dick.

Well I actually never changed any of my addresses to the place because my family home is close by and I didn’t mind stopping by to pick up mail.

I also wasn’t on the lease so at most I was a roommate I guess? The only people who knew I was there for that long are the landlord, her, and my family

Y’all me about it. She’s insane but don’t even get me started on that. Anyways I’m kind of locked in here and really have no clue.

She gave me an ultimatum of paying her $30 every 2 weeks until April as well as buying her a 24 pack ($50) today and cleaning her apartment as if she has me on a leash. She says if I do that she won’t do anything but she’s consulting with a lawyer either way

I would rather just completely forget about it and move on, calling her bluff, but she has said, and I believe her, that she’ll throw out/burn the rest of my things if I don’t get her the 24 pack today and clean her apartment and I really don’t want to have to replace all this stuff

Yet, if I call the police and tell them she’s threatening to destroy my stuff and I need an escort to collect it, I don’t want to deal with the likely possibility that she will then tell them I went in there without her will and whatever comes from that

There should be free legal aid in Canada of all places. Tell her you'll get a lawyer too and that you've recorded her ridiculous threats for the simple act of recovering your property after being let in by the property manager. For true bonus points salt the well first, tell mutual friends your situation.

>she's consulting with a lawyer anyway
You means she's lieing and won't do anything.
I wouldn't worry about any of it. Just don't text her anything agressive that will damn you. Actually if i were you i'd stop responding to her texts altogether.

let's be real, does she have thousands of dollars to piss away to sue you with? she won't, she's bluffing.

stop thinking there's an easy way out, you either get your stuff destroyed or you play hardball. the owner of the building let you in, she doesn't have a single leg to stand on and she's extorting you now. pull your head out of your ass

If shes asking for basic-bitch money and cleaning favors, I doubt she can afford a lawyer

Well in all fairness we’re both broke as hell. She doesn’t have a dollar to spare and is in significant credit card debt so she can’t even spend money she doesn’t have.

I guess I could call her bluff but I was just wondering if she DOES somehow get a lawyer and they DO a figure out some way to frame me for wrongful entry, what’s the worst that could happen? A fine? Jail? A restraining order? (Wouldn’t mind that one, except she’s crazy and I know she’ll use it to keep me away from my favourite places)


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In most states if you've been living in a place for more than 30 days you are a "tenant" even if you're not on the lease. That means coming in and getting your things isn't wrong. In fact, she can't kick you out legally, but it probably varies by state.

Well I’m in the province of Ontario. But I could check that out

Also, I would suggest asking on the legaladvice subreddit as opposed to here, but really you need to see what tenant law is in your state.

Sorry, province.

>She gave me an ultimatum of paying her $30 every 2 weeks until April as well as buying her a 24 pack ($50) today and cleaning her apartment as if she has me on a leash. She says if I do that she won’t do anything
You know that’s extortion right? You should be calling the cops on her

Yea I know, but it’s like she has this thing I did (going into the room against her wi) dangling over my head and I don’t want her to use it against me if I use this against her. I wanna be sure I’m in the clear before I do anything

I don’t think you get it. What you did may or may not have been legal, but what she is doing is unequivocally illegal. Either way she is fucking you over, so don’t let her get away with committing a crime against you.