Help me understand female sexuality

Female sexuality is so complex and multi-faceted, and perhaps boils down to “right place right time” given their menstrual cycles. While men chase after sex, many women are content avoiding it all together i.e. ‘dead bedrooms’. As a single man I personally have plenty of qualities other men would assume make me attractive but don’t move the needle for women. I’m willing to bet related makes total sense to women too, so what’s the deal really? Is it the man, or is it just the idea of the man that women want?

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Women chase after social status. It's pretty one-dimensional and very simple to understand.

Also your pic is just a virtue signaling on steriods. She gets off being told constantly how selfless and benevolent she is.

>hooks up with women completely alone at a bar
I’ve done it a few times without any social clout whatsoever

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You're one-dimnesional and very simple.

It says in the Ask The Other Gender FAQ - there is no universal truth or singular hivemind pattern to women, or men.

How can you say that "men chase after sex" when half this board is people complaining about how they can't get a virgin girlfriend?

They want a virgin gf to have sex with, it’s just easier without ex boyfriends and easier to groom girls without experience. It’s all about sex

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Stop being so sexually focused if you don't grasp it well

It’s not even about sex for me it’s simply being attractive and having options

They do chase after sex though, they're just not any good at it

Long story short?

Women need a REASON to have sex, men just need a PLACE

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Sure a lot of those virgin gf incels are just degenerates with a fetish, but there is still a good part of this board and the male population overall who isn't -just- into sex. There's a ton of girls that I could've had sex with, but I didn't cause we didn't connect emotionally or socially. It's like that with loads of guys.

It's also overly simplistic to just claim that women like X or women are Y or whatever.

Psychologically women are attracted to a sense of security, physically they are attracted to outward signs of high testosterone.

You're welcome.

Shut the fuck up. Humans are measurable creatures like any other animals.

Humans are not some mystical creatures beyond nature with no programming.

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Incels want sex. Most of them are beta cuckolds though that want to cling to one girl because they have no other options. That and misguided conservatism.

>How can you say that "men chase after sex" when half this board is people complaining about how they can't get a virgin girlfriend?
So you're not kidding you can't see a contradiction in this sentence?

leave it to the guy posting /b/ memes from 2009 to be an expert on human nature

>sense of security, high testosterone

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One out of two ain't bad. This guy was also cheating on his other wife with his nurse.

Stop focusing on marginal exceptions you retard.

Behold. The liberal using his favored tactic: ad hominem. Rather than explicitly refute my common sense observation he instead attacks me personally in hopes of inducing shame or ridicule.


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>An internationally famous millionaire scientist is not a security

You’re quite an idiot

Is taking care of a robot man worth it for women though?

She’s a post-wall hag and a shitty nurse. A rich high status guy like Hawking was an upgrade. And he was clearly alpha enough to cheat on his wife.

my man you need to take you schizo meds I didn't even say a single word that was political. Go kek back in r9k.

Only liberals refuse to accept human behavioral science

sociology, psychology and anthro are incredibly liberal fields, go scream at your strawmen back in r9k. I'm not liberal, I'm mostly conservative and you frogposting retards kek idiots make the rest of us look bad.

>I'm not liberal, I'm mostly conservative

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I'll expand on this for all you struggling incels

>high test
This is the height, the good bone structure, and the defined muscles that don't look like they were developed through tons of drugs. They're also attracted to signs of health.

>sense of security
Everything from status to self-confidence to being a "bad boy" should be understood in this context. It's about projecting a security and the idea that you're someone they can rely on.

A lot of traits women find attractive fall into this category. Displaying ambition, self-discipline, being at the "extremes", being smart, having good social skills and self-reliance in general. Obviously you can't be any of those in an aloof and alienated manner, because the whole point is that people (they) can benefit from this.

And this has implications for your attitude as well. Women like upbeat men because they project security and trust unlike guys who get gloomy. Obviously you're a human with a full range of human emotions, but regardless of where you go emotionally you need to be able to display consistency. Never lose your cool or your sense of control. They'd love to hear or see episodes of you struggling but staying strong and persistent no matter what.

To OP, if a guy has 80% of this women will be sexually attracted to him.

>other aspects of female attraction
Displays of care and affection, which is why women love guys who are good with babies and animals, and love gestures like forehead kisses or being given a jacket. But above all, this has to be exclusive. Signal that you have a lot of that to offer, but that you don't tend to give it to anyone. It has to be conquered.

Dress well, get rid of bad smells, use a nice cologne, take care of your hygiene. When you talk to them, ask a lot of question and pay attention. Have good eye contact and remember details to be brought up later. Be passionate about something and commit to things. Have a sense of humor.

There, u're not incel anymore! u're welcome

Jealousy/envy is the root of female sexuality.

Women are sexual selectors (men are sexual competitors) and women must find traits that they don't have to advance the species' DNA. This is the root of everything in women. Pause and think about it.

The reason we have, anything that we have, is because a woman first saw it in a man, and decided she wanted it, then seduced the man to get it. Desire does not last one generation. Every woman fulfills a small step toward fulfilling a common desire.

So the idea is to do something that a woman can't do, even if she tries. Or have something she wants. Or do something she needs, etc. She's jealous that you can do it and she can't, her primitive mind tells her to capture your DNA. And you know what that means.

Is that why you try and fuck 14 year olds

>They want a virgin gf to have sex with, it’s just easier without ex boyfriends and easier to groom girls without experience
> virgin
> easier to groom girls without experience

HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH. No. NO. If you legit believe this you have no idea how the world works.

Perhaps I can shed some light on your situation, with the use of my own personal reflections of My Relations with women.

The thing is, while it is important to think about what a woman would want, your first priority is to think about what you want. I say this because, when do you enter into a relationship hoping to do the best you can to be good to your girl, and know what she wants, without knowing or barely caring about what you want, you're kind of lost within this idea of servitude, and you then feel alone.

For your own sake, I would recommend sitting down and forming your own philosophies on life, and letting those guide you first and foremost.

If you struggle to find guidance, here's an audiobook that I think you would probably enjoy, to give you a fresh outlook on life, allowing to understand life and how to see the world, and then women.

Cheers, and have a wonderful day user.

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Men should stop thinking about women as these mysterious creatures and stop giving them more attention than they should get. They are just average people, this is why average men have no problem getting women.
We anons are just autistic and have trouble understanding things in general because we are not normal.

Coming from a female, looks play a part but it's mostly how you carry yourself and your personality. Personally I'm not gonna approach a guy if I don't think he's attractive but I tend to give most guys an equal shot(not all girls are like this though) If you've got a nice personality, don't act entitled, don't project your insecurities on other people, and don't treat women as a free caretaker you're pretty much set.
Everyone says it but confidence is key!! If you think you're ugly own that shit, women will find things in you to be attracted to.

Women are more perverted than they let on. Lots of them would fuck a little skellybones man.

Could you give some advice? I have no friends and going alone to a bar is my only option. How do you approach women without giving your the thirsty loner vibe?

grab them by the pussy

Most women aren't really self aware enough or won't admit this, but that's spot on in my experience. Looks play a part, status plays a part, and they certainly give you a leg up, but how you carry yourself, your confidence in yourself, that's really key. Even if you're ugly, if you dress well, carry yourself well, and have some confidence in yourself, you can get someone.

I went to the club scene in a university city area almost every weekend by myself, it wasn’t easy but I did get lucky a few times. The city clubs have a more open minded clientele than local bars, girls are out to have fun and if they happen upon you on a crowded dance floor and you look decent then dancing with them can be easy and you don’t have to introduce yourself because it’s so loud, you’ll establish a connection quickly without playing 20 questions about where your friends are or what you do for a living etc. Alcohol helps. A lot. Maybe check out pickup artist advice because it’s not always easy

This photo is proof that all women only want cripples.

Why does this make me so upset? Like holy shit dude not even girls know what girls want. I don’t get it. Their minds are so out of touch with their bodies, and they still act purely on emotion most of the time. I’m a based hetero but god DAMN women make me want to wish otherwise sometimes. The only good ones are over 35 and taken.