Is it necessary to feel “full” when you’re having sex? Do you need it in order to not cheat on your bf?

Is it necessary to feel “full” when you’re having sex? Do you need it in order to not cheat on your bf?

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No. Most women feel "empty" and that's why 3rd parties (colloquially "cuckolding" ) is becoming more popular. You can't be expected to stay in an unsatisfying relationship, but if the guy is willing to provide stability to you, and accept a guy who can satisfy you, there's no reason the relationship can't work. Ask him about it.

I’m a guy.

I’d rather die single than doing that.

Fulfillment in life, does not come from One sole source. It comes from enjoying and savouring many little things, and great big things as well.

Don't let sex be everything in a relationship, instead make it an important part of a relationship. That way, you're not dependent on it being one of the only aspects of your relationship that are good.

Enjoy what you have, and what's in front of you. And get along with commitment, compassion and intimacy.

If you follow these Simple Rules, you can make any relationship work.

After that, it's just a matter of how you get along with the other person, your boyfriend. The audiobook in the link, can give you further understanding of the simple things in life.

Cheers, and have a wonderful day, user!

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Fuck that

Hello femanon here. Most nerve endings are in the opening of the vagina. I can not feel my bfs penis for the most part when it passes the opening (like it’s more pressure vs an actually sensation) , except when he hits my cervix which hurts really badly. He is around 6 inches and fairly thick.
TLDR buy a vibrator for her


It's not necessary, no.

Enjoying yourself is the most important, which can vary from woman to woman. If the guy knows what he's doing, I prefer being fingered while giving oral, for example. Some women like silly fun, some want passionate kissing and cuddling, but the sensation of being "full" is probably one of the least important things for the majority of women.

I just peed and the white foreign guy next to me had a flaccid dick as big as my erect dick. My heart sinked. That must be why local girls in my country are excited to hook up with white foreigners. Imagine having that expectation as a local girl and finding out the hookup really had a big dick, that must leave scar in her memory forever, even if she decided to marry a local guy, she’d still have that sweet memory of fucking a big foreign guy, no matter how much she also enjoy fucking her local husband.

I fucking hate life.

Some people don't grow in size when they get erections. It's called being a shower vs grower.

SHowers are rare

You're literally worse than a pedo or scat fetishist for suggesting this. Fuck off.

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Probably. I left my ex because I just wasn't physically attracted to her anymore, so the sex was lacking.

Do showers have multiple ureters?

Yeah, I’m in Asia a lot and I can confirm I here these stories all the time.
They love to hook up to see and feel a big white dick. And they will treasure that moment forever. Sorry.

blood dick vs meat dick

I hope our nations stop getting along.

Which country?


what is the point of a woman in this context?

To be satisfied.
What's wrong? Triggered microdick kek

her point is her own satisfaction?
or this is the cuck thing where the man is satisfied by the woman's sexual activities?

cucks are the worst

Well, the woman's satisfaction matters more in this case, because she's more unsatisfied. I'd say the opposite if it was a guy, buts that's so rarely the case it's easier to generalize it as a female problem.
But yes, if the partner can derive spiritual pleasure from the woman's physical pleasuring by another man, than there is nothing wrong with this.

>>Spiritual Pleasure

It's called fear of dying alone

Yeah, maybe. I'm saying if the man can derive pleasure from watching his partner (wife) being satisfied by another man, that is a healthy and natural thing

No. Most girls out there aren't size queens.
If you're at least 5" then you have enough to work with.

To not cheat on your BF you have to be a moral and reasonable human being who can actually fucking manage their desires to the extent they don't go fuck every moving thing when someone is in a trusting monogomous relationship with you.

If you don't feel right with your current guy, it is always better to either leave or propose an open relationship than to lie and cheat behind his back.

It's also always better to try and work things out, see what you can do to make things better in bed and romantically for the two of you. He may not even know you're not happy.

Based Hitler.

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Try karezza with him.


>cheating behind back

This is my worst fear and the reason why I don't pursue in getting a gf. I am almost certain that if she were to cheat on my back I would literally muder her and I am using the word literally right here. That form of betrayal is the only thing that can drive me to coldbloody murder somebody which was something I almost did to my former est friend who backstabbed me.

I also have a very very small penis and I am not good at sex at all.

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We need to know. I've got vacation days to use

Yeah I was in the same situation as you and I also felt I would literally murder her. You don't though. Mostly you fantasize about terrible things happening to her and that's about it. After being cheated on once I've sworn off serious relationships. I know the risks and potential pains and I've accepted that I'm not able to trust to a level needed to be successful. I stick to finding girls I enjoy hanging out/hooking up with and keep it casual. Don't write women off completely, just don't get attached and you'll be fine.

I need to know it’s not my country

I can accept when gf crushes on somebody else or when it slips and she cheats on me, as long as they just don't keep it a secret and break up with me in the span of a week. However, cheating behind my back for days my god, just thinking about it makes me want to strangle somebody. It's this fear which I fear will turn me into some form of a controlling bf and controlling is the last thing I want to be.

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Not him but for me, I’d be fine if it was purely “emotional”. But if he was fucking her and he’s bigger than me, I’ll murder everyone. If he’s smaller than me I’d be fine.