Girl talks to me in discord server or on twitter

>girl talks to me in discord server or on twitter
>get butterflies in my stomach
>turns out it a fuckin dude
every time

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>socializing on discord and social media
this is the outcome your actions warranted

I want female attention because im a naive young man with no experience

do you want advice or not you asswipe

You want female attention, so you’re doing LDR shit? Realize whether or not these people are men isn’t even totally relevant, not if you’ll never make physical contact with them or even carry out a real social interaction with them. Try participating in real society.

I wish there was a board where I could just have a talk with people... /b/ not really for my tastes however, and I like this board better, but it's precisely this board that im not allowed to talk on... something about ensuring quality content... But, if u ask me, this is quality content, at least I think it is... sometimes upholding a rule means breaking it... sometimes, paradoxically, the systematic goals are best achieved thru the subversion of the system itself.

yeah why don't you get off the internet and socialize irl.

im a neet currently - all I do is practice gymnastics in my back yard and read obscure marxist literature. I dont have a social circle nor any participation or desire to participate in society because it all just a vast facade anyway. I'm 21 and nothing has meaning anymore cause I read too many fuckin books on the subject, but nobody believes me - presumably because they havent read enough of such books - and I cant go back to a socially acceptable existence or frame of mind all I can do is post on the internet in my polemics and hope that somebody appreciates the profound bittersweetness of my desperate & hysterical reveries and if it's a girl so much the better... I've lived mostly cut off from girls thru my teenagehood (as I didn't go to highschool) so I just want to fuckin talk to one that's all im living for rn just a lil romance to ease my traumatized heart but I cant find it... cant get anyone to understand me or look past my verbosities at the heart that wants to love... I plan to kill myself before I turn 25 cause I cant stand the thought of being a 25yo virgin

Being so

Whats wrong with being desperate? I don't think u got anything to say here loser, u're just operating on the very societal conventions I just deaffirmed, u just got no comprehension of the variety of circumstances enough to see that desperation may run counter or parallel to character rather than exclusively tandem with it.
Desperate - so what? People can't be desperate? Shut the fuck up dumb idiot don't talk like that. Everyone has desires, everyone deserves to express their pain without some stupid faggot making it a character flaw fuck you.

>Whats wrong with being desperate?
if you shut your 12yo whining for a second and actually listen to the people who have sex regularly and have the decency to help you youll be able to grasp this:

Don't be desperate because its a huge turnoff for women. Simple as that.
Of course the first times youll always be a bit desperate but hide it as much as possible. Keeping your cool and being confident will take to places.

First girl i ever had sex with (gigantic boobs, everyone wanted to have her) at first didnt even give me the time of day, she bullied me with her girlfriends then friendzoned me, so we hang out. Then one day when she was asking me about girls i made up a story about having sex with a girl, i was 100% super convincing and confident, after that her attitude changed instantly, she started being near me more and almost flirting, we ended up dating then having sex.
So by acting like i had sex with a hot girl i really ended up having sex with a hot girl, its called a self fulfilled prophecy and it can work both ways.

bottom line is if you dont keep your cool youre not getting anything good in life. I recommend you take this valuable advice that few people will take the time to give you. But if you dont want then lol, nobody cares that you fail, not even your parents.

are you working towards any of the tough static holds user? I used to love doing that before I started lifting.

To be honest, not the guy you’re replying to, but your anecdote is objectively much more desperate than that guy’s bleeding heart bullshit. You’re speaking the truth though, which is admirable, and you truly want to help that guy which is based.
But is a real bomb of a post.
Sorry for being bitter and poopooing you when you’re providing solid help and advice.

haha hey man you're not that special, calm down.

>What's wrong with being desperate?
You stop being open to reason and start doing anything to get the solution, up to and including hitting on men. You're so desperate for female attention that it literally doesn't have to be a female giving it to you.

Forget me nibba
You keep this up and you're gonna end up married to a 320 pound transgender who sucked your dick a couple times and had you wrapped around its finger.

Desperation is the breeding ground for failure. "Haste makes waste," "patience is a virtue," "good things come to those who wait," and the plethora other things that tell you to stay calm and carry on-- they're not just capitalizing on common sense (although they are doing that). They're telling you something that is key to life: stop fucking rushing. Life is the longest fucking thing any single one of us will ever do and if you rush into it with a sense of desperation, you're going to miss subtleties like your own body language or the fact that people can read on you that you're hungry for dates. Aren't thots kind of vile in your eyes for constantly needing attention and validation despite offering virtually nothing in return? Doesn't the thought occur that desperation is making you, too, into that person, like it made them?

Desperation screams of a lack of self-awareness and that, that simple lacking, is what most people associate with abusers, manipulative sorts, and people with unchecked mental conditions.

Desperation is basically saying "I don't give a fuck as long as it's tolerable and female." What woman wants to be the subject of THAT search?

If your life is so unbearable, I make you one promise: adding another person will fix sweet fuck all.

>Expecting to get a girl on Discord

Problem number 1.

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not interested in hiding my desperation just to trick some bitch into letting me touch her titties... the ol' checklist - is he confident or is he desperate - what kind of yardstick is this for deep relationships? And what is desperate? Saying u want something? Don't really see the correlation much less the causation here. Me wanting what im biologically programmed to want, and not hiding it like some glorified peacock, is somehow indicative of my low quality as a person?...
Think desperation has value as an evolutionarily novel trait that should indicate a positive personality rather than a negative one and it's just dumb hoes not understanding this and dating all the guys who're pretending not to be desperate lol... maybe im desperate but thats a natural, deterministic, and inevitable response to my set of circumstances and aside for it I'm actually very outstanding as a person but nobody will see this because on the surface I show desperation which is enough to turn them away so who cares fuck them... I want love fuck you, I want a chick to want to love me as a direct corollary to my wanting to love her, provided the usual conditions are me. This doesn't seem outrageous, and yet just the opposite is true - it's precisely the ones who WANT love that others purposefully withhold their love from, and precisely for that reason. This strikes me as whats truly outrageous and paradoxical...


>I dont have a social circle nor any participation or desire to participate in society because it all just a vast facade anyway.
thats the fucking lie. you want to participate, you want a girl, you want her for sex and affection probably, you probably also want friends and a group of people who celebrate your merits.
But you have a fantasy in which youre above all because youre a special snowflake, i know its very satsysfing, but the first thing you should do is realize youre not special, just a loser. You wont ever try to improve if you dont realize that the problem is you.

How the fuck do you do gymnastics and not meet women? you have to be a special kind of introvert for that. i dont even have tos ay it, just use one of the billion opportunities that oyu know you have to speak to women. Read marxist literature? do you know how many left wing girls find that shit atractive? you just have to know where to look, and realize that youre not mingling cause you dont want to.

You dont want to relate to other people, relating to other people means giving something to the other person too, but no, you want to live some anime fantasy in which good things fall unto you wihtout you having to do anything, well tough luck, what you give is what you get.

Dude is far beyond reproach, he's just high off his own attitude
Head so far up his ass he's eating second breakfast

alright whatever just accept me for who i am

>This doesn't seem outrageous
you want to get a girl that loves you even tough you make no effort to communicate with them? The problem is you think your king of the universe(because your mom spoiled you when you were a kid) so you are under the impression that you are "owed" something.

Really analyze what you say and realize how delusional you are.
you basically want a girl to throw down your door and beg for your love. AINT GONNA HAPPEN

you have to go into the world nigger, love hurts and its complicated you will have to give a lot from you and it may not work and youll have to keep trying, its the same for everyone, stop whining

You pride yourself on the fact that you seem to shamelessly want love the way a baby wants its bottle.