>Be Puerto Rican >Run outside house on street with shirt off at 6:30 PM >Car rides very close to me so as to violate my rights as a pedestrian >Think the message is "You are violating the rights of everyone in the neighborhood by running with no shirt"
Is running with no shirt on a as a man an infringement of social norms, or is it accepted? I can't imagine running and sweating in a nasty shirt.
Also, it was in a residential area, but all of the children were asleep in their homes/not outside, so it should be okay.
Daniel Wood
Also this is mainland USA in Texas
Nolan Anderson
Fuck 'em dude. Like you can be shirtless and in a fucking speedo.
If people have an issue with it that's their problem not yours bro. Keep doing you
Gavin Russell
Gonna need pics of you shirtless before I can answer...
Dylan Brown
It’s not that you’re running with your shirt off, it’s that people in cars suddenly gain a huge ego and try to show off by pretending like they’re about to hit you. Doesn’t help that you’re in Texas but this shit happens all over USA at least. People will legit swerve or honk to scare pedestrians bc they crazy
Nathan Price
This is pretty much it. I don't think it's worth bothering over if you see this walking/running around
>Local pedophile found running from crime scene at local Texas orphanage.. I hope you aren't near Houston because I'll find you and kick your ass.
Noah Lewis
So you were running in the middle of the street and you’re wondering why the car was so close to you? Gee imagine that.
Lincoln Long
No, running toward traffic and obeying the law perfectly.
It was just a message of "quit doing that." I don't think I'm going to stop so long as there aren't any kids outside.
Cameron Baker
The message was to run on the sidewalk you mong. Wtf is with your “think of the children” mentality to this situation
Angel King
Kids are terrified of unknowns (other races, dark places, etc)
They are the only human beings that would automatically be upset by a shirtless, big, stone-faced "man" coming right at them.
>run on the sidewalk
It was a street on a neighborhood in a small town in Texas at night.
There is no sidewalk.
Jaxon Long
>They are the only human beings that would automatically be upset by a shirtless, big, stone-faced "man" coming right at them. What the fuck are you talking about that makes no sense at all.
Jordan Davis
You are absolutely retarded. Run on the side of the road, out of the asphalt, even if there’s no sidewalk.
James Turner
Kids are scared of lightning, they're scared of being alone, they're scared of scary looking strangers bigger and stronger than them.
They shouldn't have to go through my presence because they are the only people that don't/can't understand. The world is too new to them. Everyone else is "that's unpleasant", but for me it's necessary.
I'm not going to cook wearing a shirt and under do my cardiovascular out-put from exercise because I got dehydrated too quickly. That's stupid.
Jacob Reed
>Run on the side of the road where there are lumps in the ground you can't see so you fall down and get hit by a moving vehicle
That would be dumb. I'm running right next to ditches.
James Foster
Are you seriously trying to argue that kids are somehow scared of shirtless men? Yeah I get kids being scared of running strangers but this whole thing is about you being shirtless.
Bentley Harris
Surely there's like a thing of gravel or dirt next to the road and not just a two feet drop into a gutter.
I live up north where it's winter for like 7 months out of the year and even if the sidewalks are filled with snow and ice it's still selfish and dangerous to be walking or running in the streets
Christian Lopez
Then don’t fucking run in that area you goddamned retard. And never run on a road again.
Dominic Morris
It's even more upsetting and unknown to not have a shirt on. You are displaying your alien genetics to the max when you do that.
Some kids also don't have much experience with unclothed peoples.
Jordan Hall
And you're running right next to cars.
Maybe find a park or a track to run on instead
Aaron Cox
Do you live on this planet? Kids see shirtless men in movies, commercials, pools, beaches, etc. And if this is really such a big concern of you, then wear a shirt
Dylan Nelson
It's just half of a foot of grass, and then a steep, break-your-ankle, drop into the ditch, but it's all I have. There is nothing but that for miles.
>Don't run in the area
I can't not run. It will kill me to sit down and walk and never run. My home isn't spacious enough to allow for running.
Christopher Roberts
Literally what the fuck are you talking about. You think kids in Texas have never seen a shirtless Latino man before? You're in basically Latin America you fuckin autistic forrest Gump running retard. Not China or Iceland.
Hudson Cox
They see men that look like them shirtless. I look nothing like them. It's a moving "la creatura" bearing down the street.
To them, I look like I should be guarding something out of a lovecraft novel
Mason Carter
>My home isn't spacious enough to allow for running. They go these things called treadmills now. It's a hot new invention.
Ryan Moore
You are so full of shit. You expect us to believe that your whole neighborhood has zero sidewalks, and consists entirely of roads bordered by ditches? Get the fuck out of here
Thomas Perez
Bro you posted your pic you look like a twink get over yourself.
Parker White
okay yeah you got me for a while but there is no way that this is not bait
Evan Miller
Not where I live, no. It's not okay to expose them to that in REAL life.
Not a photo, a "he could stop running, turn around, and beat me until I die"
It's unacceptable, to me, to expose kids to such a deep fear just because I feel like exercising.
Liam Reed
I look that way to a grown man, but to a 10 year old, I am dangerous
>Use a treadmill
I would never. That's dumb and for socializing and nothing more.
There is no bait. Just a different way of thinking about life.
Nolan Brooks
This sum tasty bait. Reeled me in real slow. Solid 9/10 OP
Kayden Campbell
Cars honk at you cause you're running in the streets and you think it's something to do with your shirt? Do you have brain damage?
Brandon Allen
Yum guys, looks like fuccboi is back on the menu.
Ian Sullivan
>Everyone is not doing something, so I shouldn't do it either
It should be standard and accepted that peoples run for exercise, but the truth is most people would rather drink and smoke than exercise. Kids have a gym to run in, but adults do not. The issue is most people quit moving their bodies as they age.
It's only half-an-hour to 45 minutes.
Jeremiah Hall
You really do have brain damage. You managed to quote something I didn't say or even imply and then go on a rant that has nothing to do with what even you imagined I said.
Benjamin Reed
Running in the streets isn't at all dangerous if you're sufficiently aware of your surroundings.
Kids, with their developing brains, shouldn't be doing it, but it's fine for grown men, just not socially standard.
Angel Cook
Okay you're making a bit more sense now. All that bullshit about you being shirtless and your creatura alien genes and scaring children is where the train falls right off the rails.
Buy a treadmill and stop wasting our time
Gavin Young
A treadmill is a prison. No human being should ever run on a treadmill because the outside world is unavailable.
Gabriel Roberts
Anyway, I must go to bed for my work. It has been pleasant to speak with you