Working 40 hours a week is totally insane right ? You are giving 8 hours of your time each day to someone else...

Working 40 hours a week is totally insane right ? You are giving 8 hours of your time each day to someone else, I can't do that...
I am about to graduate, is there any alternatives, working 8 hours a day would make me feel like I am not actually living my own life

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Trust me man, it's even worse than you think. There's a lot of people who would BEG to work just 40 hours... which is total bullshit. These days all companies put you on salary, so they can force you to work when the fuck ever.

If you find a job that lets you in at 9 and leave promptly at 5, consider yourself really lucky. As you get older, hopefully you can find some things. Current jobs have become all about squeezing the worker as much as possible.

Bruh I'm about to be 25 and in CC. No one judges you, and the people who do are like 18, like do you really give a shit about what retarded 18 year old thinks? There's some extremely smart teens out there don't get me wrong, but your average 18 year old is a fucking joke.

wow not sure why it copied my post

What I meant to say is no, there aren't alternatives unless you want to be homeless or a burger flipper.

Schedule your time better, read some self help books - the power of habit is a good one, get up early, make to do lists. Losing 8 of your 24 isn't crazy.

I work 60 a week. And go to school.

I work 40 hours a week easy and have plenty of spare time. I wake up at 4.30, start at 5:30, finish at 2.30
Have all afternoon free and saturdays and sundays.
Once you get into the routine, that 8 hours a day feels like nothing, just a small chore.

>giving to someone else
I hope you mean something other than is usually meant by that phrase.

The user at is completely right. It seems as though living standards have been stagnant or declining since 9/11, and there's fuck all we can do about it.

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I disagree with this guy. I'm 32 and still can't adjust. But I'm also out at 5, like most people, so there's only a few hours left at the end of the day for me to do anything and get to bed.


For all of you homosexuals bitching about this shit in this thread, let me tell you a couple things

1) your forefathers would often work 10-12 hours a day, and they werent ringing up groceries or even working construction. They were doing jobs at such a pace and of such a gritty quality we would probably off ourselves.

2) I worked 2 years 9-5 with no money. 0$ and 0 cents.

You people have no idea how lucky you are

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What do you do in your free time? I feel like unless you have something planned the small amount of free time just disappears

>1) your forefathers would often work 10-12 hours a day, and they werent ringing up groceries or even working construction. They were doing jobs at such a pace and of such a gritty quality we would probably off ourselves.
Labor used to be bad so there's no point in it ever improving, right?

>2) I worked 2 years 9-5 with no money. 0$ and 0 cents.
Congrats on being completely exploited? That's some brainlet shit.

I used to think the same but honestly it isn't that bad so long as you make sure you have enough energy at the end of the day to do what you want. If you don't get enough sleep, eat poorly and are otherwise unhealthy you'll feel fucked by 5pm.

You could try working part-time and keeping your expenses very low, but IIWY I'd bite the bullet and work 40 hour weeks. Unless your job is truly awful the days will go quicker than you think and they might even be enjoyable if you are lucky enough to get relatable coworkers you can talk to.

I understand your point, but I think you're forgetting that our Grandfathers, let alone our fucking forefathers, killed the middle class and had it easier than anyone of us will and we have it easier than most of our children will.
The grass is always greener, but we are tad over worked, don't get enough time off for sure.

But I don't disagree with you completely either.

It has improved, drastically. that was the whole point of the statement
I was a kid and I didnt have a choice. which I why i say you are blessed, you do have a choice

I agree, there has also been a plummeting IQ for decades (less people able to run their own business , more people able to only flip burgers at mcdonalds) and the mass importing of unskilled labor.

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Oh yeah, school systems are super fucked. As far as countries go yeah we're (USA) still doing great compared to a lot of 3rd world countries when it comes to the ability to work yourself out of poverty, but overwhelming it's becoming increasingly difficult, hugely due to school issues.

>own your own business
actually requires more work overall but it's not giving it to someone else, and higher potential earnings if you're successful
>do a job where most of the work is in one season
doing peoples' taxes is a good example of this
>be unemployed, apply for benefits, food stamps, welfare, then commit petty crimes like bike theft, burglary, and small time drug dealing for spending money
this is what black people do, it's called 'the hustle' or 'hustling'. enjoy going to the social security office for your check in your flashy clothes
>job where you have a lot of downtime
I hear low level IT work is like this, as well as night shifts at nursing homes or hospice centers, and night security guards

It's easy if you find a job you actually look foward to. My job is also one of my interests so I love going to work, and some days fly by. It also helps me research and learn more about things im interested in, and I wouldn't be able to with a normal job. I get to attend expensive conferences that can be fun as fuck on my employers dime and it feels like a paid vacation.

It's a 15 minute drive from my place so the commute isn't bad. I get all afternoons and weekends to myself. I work 8am - 5pm because I have an hour lunch, which is free time for me to leave if I want, take a nap, or eat and chill with my co-workers.

You can usually tell your boss to fuck himself and then you won't have to work overtime anymore.

Work part time

I contract so I work whenever I want. It's nice

Hahahahah dude there's people in China who make pennies an hour working like 15 hours a day building iPhones even in the West you got people working literal 8 hour shifts like not 8 hours minus two 15 hour breaks and then an hour lunch they gotta stand there for 8 hours pissing in diapers because they have no other choice

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You are pretty much fucked for life unless you save up like crazy. Then buy a cheap home somewhere far out of town. Then you can think about cutting down work hours.
Realistically you’re a slave for life. That’s what school programmed you for.

Total bullshit. That doesn't work in a corporate environment or "real job." You get shit done until it's done.

Yeah but in a real job people waste so much fucking time if other people want to work 60 hour weeks then fine but if you are going to sit on your ass wasting time then fuck off with 60 hour bullshit is what I say. You could easily get most shit done in 40 hours if people didn't take forever to respond to emails and behave like lazy bitches.

this. I did more work in 32hrs than my coworkers did in 45. Spend less time pointlessly chatting with each other on bullshit and more time working and you might get shit done.

Or you can get a job where you aren't whipped to work over 40 hours and the pay and benefits are great. For example, get a job at a private school or private college. They have TONS of money from charging ridiculous tuition from students and so they have tons of extra positions and the work is often relaxed.....I don't mean apply as a professor, they do work very hard most of the time. Apply as a college administrative assistant, a chef, an IT guy, a custodian. Really fucking chill jobs with great benefits.

What do you do user?

>Losing 8 of your 24 isn't crazy.
8 hours sleep. 1 hour getting getting dressed/cooking/eating. 1 hour to and from work. 9 hours at work lunch included. 2 hours cooking and eating dinner and doing house chores. Another 2 hours at the gym, walking dog, and taking a shower.

Just end me please.