Dealing with autism

As the title suggests, I'm having a hard time dealing with my autism. I'm essentially "high-functioning" but I'm stuck in this social limbo where I get along fairly well with people in school but I can never grow relationships with people beyond chatting during school hours. I barely ever text people either, so essentially I'm completely alone outside of school. It feels bad knowing that I'm not disabled enough to be blind to my issues and living in my own paradise in my head but I'm fucked up enough to be almost like a robot. Do you guys have any experience with coping with autism and if so how do you do it?

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I just try to surround myself with either as flawed as me or nonjudgmental. But I do keep in mind that school isn't the end all be all and there's more to life than the peers currently around me. Maybe ask some of the people you chat with more for their number or social media so you can text them every now and again. Asking for help with school work or sending memes to eachother can go a long way.

It's best to bear in mind that there is neither treatment nor medication nor therapy for what we have. Even psychiatrists will merely tell you to cope. Living with autism is different for every autist, but the two things that every autist has in common are fear and pain. Fear of other people and, as I'm sure you know well, the physical pain of looking others in the eye, not to mention the emotional pain that comes of it.

So as far as I can see, it seems most pragmatic to think of dealing with autism as pain management. For the normies reading this, imagine you were born with horrendous chronic pain that does not respond to painkillers, because the strategies of management are going to be essentially the same.

First, avoid things that exacerbate pain. This should be obvious but you might say "user, that's isolating yourself!"" Except social contact doesn't make us feel less lonely. We are unable to see the person behind the eyes when we look at someone. You just get a feeling like you've been touched with a cattle prod. What this means is the social world is a giant Skinner box and we are the mice. Pain is waiting for us around every corner. Don't engage it.

I wish I had more to say, but I don't. 67% of us contemplate suicide. The suicide rate for us is ten times that of the regular population. I will probably join them before long.

I keep a journal, I make to-do lists, I have a regular morning alarm, a habit tracker, I put in overtime, I go to school, I have good friends, but I look at all of it and I ask myself "None of this changes the fact that I have autism." It is the ultimate feeling of powerlessness. It is truly the worst possible fate.

I have a friend with aspergers and he get intensely into stuff he shares his hobbies with me and i enjoy it. he has helped me through dark times by distracting me from how shitty i was feeling

I am actually being quite sincere when I say that your comment is insensitive. I would like you to please reread your post and think on how a person with autism, a person who suffers constantly, might see that post as dehumanizing.

I have a few very good friends and I know, given the opportunity, they would say the same, except I'd never talk openly my condition with them, so it's doubly important to me that I express this very clearly to you.

Your friend, although he is probably glad that you listen to him, is badly hurting inside. Autistic thinking is defined as thought that is directed inward. When he talks to you about his 2-3 hyperinterests, he's trying to talk to you directly, but is really talking to himself, incapable to escape his autistic thought patterns, mentally unable to interact with the world dynamically and on its terms or the terms of others.

I have friends who I wouldn't trade for anything, but I'm still the dancing bear and a truly deep connection will never exist the way I want it to.

get over yourself
t. other sperg


This is a very insightful post, and incidentally evidence that the spectrum has nothing to do with any failings of intelligence or sensitivity. I'm not OP but I salute this user for his/her generous contribution

>It feels bad being a fucking info dump dispenser.

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I've told him that and he didn't have a problem with it. He's a generally very positive person. Quit being so negative and work with what you have got. I suffer too I have schizophrenia which is one of the most debilitating mental disorders.

This was meant for

This desu

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Except there's help for people with schizophrenia. There's no help for your friend. Lucky for him, he appears to be one of 20-30% of autists who don't actively want to die.

The "help" for schizophrenia is drugs with harsh side effects that don't always work There's a reason only 10% of people with schizophrenia are employed. My brother has it too and his medication stopped working and he's been in mental health facilities since the summer. So no if you have schizophrenia your life is most likely gonna be fucked.

Where is all this autism stuff coming from lately? It seems half the people on this posting board have this some new "fashion" in psychiatry? I was taught autistic people are usually considered retarded....I think these "autistic" individuals are just a bit shy and withdrawn and don't need to feel sorry for selves and be coddled and those who are really, really autistic should get our concern and care....

>What's with all the
People of a different demographic who have nothing to do with you? Not sure. Better leave them alone.
>It's this some new
Nope, we've been around forever
>I was taught that
Doesn't sound particularly true to me.
>I think
nothing of any significance.

I sense someone who is resentful that people who he perceives as being more fortunate than him are not grateful for it.

get of our fucking board normie

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Yeah just buried my mom...she had a real mental illness - Alzheimer's. Had to take all sharp objects and all her pills away from her. Ended up changing her 3× a day...when she died she knew none of her I hear "oh I have Autism" or "I have schizophrenia " both serious mental illnesses from some big baby who really displays none of the symptoms...autistic kids can't read or write at all nor can they digest food...schizophrenics are totally disorganized and make no sense at all...really that is like General Patton kicking and slapping soldiers with "combat fatigue" - Patton was right and I would do the same to these people...

you should have buried yourself with her

people can't possibly be this retarded

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This is bait, but

I'm sure you were at least able to look your mother in the eye while she was alive. Think about how much worse your recent experience would have been if you had never been able to do that before she died. At least you can say that you knew her. At least you're living in the real world and are not a prisoner of your mind.

That makes two of us then

Nah the Gods kept me alive to deal with malicious assholes like you who say they are victims! Oh what happened to your autism now? I have worked with mentally disabled.Someone genuinely autistic never would have said that...if genuinely abused they scream sit in a corner and cry..

The problem with people faking illnesses ...I have worked for a Ralph Nader org. There is only a certain amount of money allotted to each school district for handicapped people. He is taking resources away from students who are deaf, partially paralyzed or have genuine mental dysfunction so that they can't even type...

You are right! There is really nothing wrong with them. I have worked with mentally disabled and they are taking scant resources from those who are..

Whatever happened to your autism?
True Story...Up in the wilderness of Maine the Vikings rule...really been there since at least 1350 and even before. I know this - I am one of them... They have a whole bunch of white people and some Indians they call "thralls". They work them real hard, dont pay them and rob them of their food stamps and welfare checks. ...Anyway one of the Viking broads who owned a bunch of thralls once said to me ..."these people here are all thralls William because they are WEAKLINGS" ....(I had gone to Boston NAACP because of American Indians and other minorities there....) As time went on I realized she was right. The viking took any thrall woman they wanted sexually (I didn't) even if married. Any of these could have gone to cops or State welfare workers or Federal Law Enforcement agencies....They didn't. I said I would rather die defending wife or daughter from being raped than live. They said " would we - they don't that is why we call them weak and they are thralls. " As time went on I realized that she was right...

Why should this WEAKLING ever learn to defend himself when he has you to defend him?.....signed...A True Viking....

you seem to think autism => retardation
but that's not the case. and you also seem to think things internet strangers say would upset me enough to throw a tantrum, I don't care about what you think or you so it wouldn't happen bucko.

also you legitimately seem psychotic, get help

What is actually wrong with you?
I have lived my entire live with aspergers and sure you feel diffrent from others but apart from that, i just got over it.
I went to parties, fucked chicks, had friends. Could even be considerd a ''chad'' despite 100% aspergers. Just teach yourself to look people in the eye, just be social, just dont be a massive retard. Its really not that hard once you stop feeling sorry for yourself. Keep in mind: Everything is as big of a deal as you yourself make it.

Obsessive special interests, strict health regime and an anthropological outlook. These will help you stay on top of both self confidence and self esteem, develop your inner self and eventually identity. Don't let your diagnosis define you, define yourself for yourself. Sociability isn't all it's cracked up to be.